Android 17 x Saiyan!Reader

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This story was requested by zamasuonbathsalts.

(YN) - your name
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color

Your pov.

You were one of the pureblood saiyans that lives on Earth. You were good, but you were cruel like Vegeta. You were pridefull and cruel like Vegeta, but at the same time you were almost strong as Goku and you were his first friend.

You were training with Goku, because you two were prepareing yourselfs for fight with androids. The boy who killed Frieza three years ago told you. You didn't know if you could trust him. So you stayed neutral. He told you that he will come back when the androids will attack. And he told you the date and the time. So you had time for three years.

You were had a pause from training so you looked at your phone. You gasped when you realized that it was time to meet near the place where the androids will appear. You told that to Goku: "Goku? It's time to go." He looked at confused: "Time for what (YN)?" You facepalm: "It's time for androids to appear! Now come! We should go!" You grabed his hand and you two fly to the place.

Time skip

'How is this even possible?' You were looking at the scene in front of you. Goku was lieing on the ground and android 19 was on him and he was choking Goku! You wanted to help Goku, but Gohan stopped you.

You were losting your patience when someone saved Goku. And that someone was Vegeta. You sighed. Vegeta helped Goku and then he start to fight #19. In the end, Vegeta won. And then he start to fight Dr. Gero.

Gero run away and all of you were trying to find him. You lost him in some forest. You couldn't feel his ki. You were still trying to find him, when you heared some explosion in the distance. You quickly fly there and you saw other Z fighters outside some cave. You landed near them and when you saw the other androids, more specify the male android, you almost lost your breath.

He was super handsome. You never ever saw any other handsome man and you never ever fall in love, but now you knew that you had fall in love with him. You knew that he was evil and he wasn't good for you, because you were good and he was evil. But you didn't care. You wanted to have him, but you didn't know if he had the same feelings towards you.

#17 pov.

I woke up before my sister #18. I didn't remembered much before the sleep and I was slightly scared. I only remembered my true name and that #18 was my sister.

I noticed same old man standing near me. I felt uncomfortable. I had a feeling that he was dangerous. He was talking about something, but I didn't listen to him. I felt some ki on the other side of the door and I stretched my hand. Ki blast formed in it and I fired it. The door exploded and I saw other people standing there.

I looked closer at them and I notice that I knew all information about them. I was slightly scared. I looked at them all and my eyes stopped at one girl. She had (HL), (HC) hair and (EC) eyes. I know that she was a saiyan. A pureblood one.

She was looking at me and I notice that she was beautiful. I start to like her. I don't know this feeling, but from my information I know that this feeling was called love. And I thought that I had fall in love with her. I wanted her to became mine. But there was one problem. 'Will she love me when I am evil?'

Your pov.

You start to walk closer to him and his eyes widened. Then he smirked and you felt scared. Suddenly, he was in front of you and you screamed. He chuckled and you backed away. While you were backing away, he was walking toward you. Nobody from your team helped you. They were fighting #18.

Suddenly, your back hit the wall and you stiffen. You were traped in his arms. They were on each side of your head. You were looking into his cold eyes with your (EC) ones. He was smirking and you finds that little creepy.

Just then, you felt his breath on your lips. You gasped and he didn't waste any time. He quickly shoved his lips onto yours. He. Was. Kissing. You!! You were shocked. You held your breath and in the end you kissed him back. He stiffen too and then he grabed your wrists and he pinned them above your head.

You strugled, but his grib tighten. So you stopped. You were kissing for few minutes. Then he pulled away and looked into your (EC) eyes: "Why did you kissed me back? Do you love me?"

You looked away, but you still answered him: "No. Maybe. Ok. Yes, I love you. I saw you and I had fall in love with you. I know that you are evil, but I still love you. And I will be evil so I can be with you forever and always."

He looked at you smirking and he told you: "I love you too and I too had fall in love with you in the first sight. You shouldn't go to the evil side to be with me. I. Will. Make. You. Evil." Then everything went black.

Time skip

You didn't remembered anything. You were swimming in the darkness. Everything around you was black. You didn't feel anything. Suddenly, you saw white in the distance. You start to fly toward it and you touch it, white light surrond you.

You opened your (EC) and you saw the handsome man above you. You smiled and he smiled toward you as well. He leaned toward you and kissed your lips. You kissed him back.

Few minutes later, you pulled away and you asked him: "What happened to me?" He smirked: "Nothing really, but I made you a Saiyan-Android. So now, you are android and you have infinite power. Also you have a power of saiyan."

You nodded: "I am confused, but ok. So that means that I can stay with you?" He nodded: "Of course (YN)." You looked confused at him: "Wait a minute. How do you know my name? I didn't tell you. Also I am sorry that I didn't asked you sooner, but what's your name?"

He smirked and then he answered you:



A/N: Hope you liked this story stefanbandersnatch. If not, I will rewrite it. Sorry that it took so long to write. I will see all of you soon!

Now, #17. Can you?

Vegeta: Mig-chan! Can you tell me what is this brat doing here!

Vegeta! Be nice! #17 is good if he wants! So shut up!

Vegeta: Ok. I will be good now.

Good. Now #17, can you?

#17: Of course. *look at camera* Bye!!

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