Goku Black x Saiyan!Reader x Raditz

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This story was requested by Beets_Wife.

A/N: Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed in this story and Goku Black lives on Planet Vegeta.

(YN) - your name
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color

Raditz' pov.

I was standing near the space pods. I was going on planet Earth for my younger brother Kakarot. He was send there, when he was baby. It will take six months to go there. I was going to sit in the pod, when I saw someone approaching me. The person had (HL), (HC) hair and (EC) eyes. Tail was swishing behind the person. When the person came into light, I recognize the person. In the light was standing my beautiful wife (YN).

I approached her and I opened my arms. She fall in my arms and I hug her tightly. She hug me back. I force her to look up at me and I kissed her lips. She kissed me back and we were kissing for few minutes. When I pulled away, I looked into her (EC) eyes and I asked her: "(YN), what are doing here?"

She looked at me with confused look in her (EC) eyes: "What do you mean? I came to see you off." I nodded: "I see. I will be gone for one year and six months." (YN) smiled: "Please, be careful. I don't want to lose you." I wrapped my arms around her waist: "Don't worry (YN), I will be save. I love you." She smiled: "I love you Raditz. I love you too."

Then she let me go and I sat in the pod. The door closed before me and I saw (YN) throught the glass. I wave at her and she wave back. She step back and my pod start to fly. A second later, I didn't saw my wife, but space. And I was on my journey to Earth.

Time skip

I was lieing on the ground with hole in my chest. My brother Kakarot and his green Namekian friend defeated me. I felt life slowly leaving my body and I thought of my beautiful wife. My (YN). I felt tears leaving my eyes and I didn't stop them. I thought how I will never tell her again that I love her. That we won't have children. How she will be sad, when she finds about this. I pictured her before my closed eyes and I whispered into darkness that was around me: "I love you (YN) and I will never forget you. My...beautiful...wife. M...y...(...Y...N...)."

Your pov.
Planet Vegeta

You were in the kitchen, cooking dinner for you. Raditz should come back in six months, so you were happy. You were almost finished, when you heared that someone was knocking on your door. You cleaned your hands and you opened the door.

One of high class warriors was standing outside. It was Goku Black. You nodded your head at him and you let him go in your house. He walked inside and you closed the door. He goes into living room and then you asked him: "Goku Black, if I may ask: What are you doing here?" He looked at you: "I was told to come here and tell you some bad news." You looked shoked: "What bad news Goku Black?"

He shooked his head: "It's only Black for you (YN). And I have to tell you that...Raditz is dead. He was killed on planet Earth by his brother and his friend." When you heared that, you couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, it clicked in your mind and you fall on your knees and you start crying. Black come toward you and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You were crying in his armor and he let you. When you stopped crying, he told you: "(YN), if you want, I can stay with until you will be better." You nodded into his chest: "Yes, I want that. I will be very glad."

Time skip

It was ten years since you find out that Raditz was dead. Black was now living with you and each year you two came closer to each other. You were slowly developing feelings for Black, but you were afraid to tell him, because in that time, it was only five years since Raditz die.

After a year, you told him your feelings and he told you that he had same feelings toward you. You two get marred and now you were marred for four years. You were happy with Black, but still thought about Raditz.

You were in living room, when you heared some knocking on your door. 'Who is knocking on the door? Black is upstairs. Maybe one of his friends?' You approached the door and you opened them. What you saw on the other side, took your breath away. You took deep breath and you asked: "Raditz? You are alive? How is that even possible?"

He didn't answer you, he only looked in your (EC) eyes. Suddenly, you found yourself in his arms hugging you. You hugged him back and you start crying. Somehow Black heared your crying and you heared him go downstairs. When you heared his shouting, you knew that something was wrong: "Hey you! Why are you hugging my wife?!"

When you pulled away from Raditz, Black gasped: "Raditz?! How are you alive?! You were dead?!" This time, Raditz answered: "Hello (YN), Black. I don't know how. I was dead and then suddenly I was alive. So I quickly came back home. And why are you calling my wife yours wife?" Black shooked his head: "Maybe because she is my wife?"

Raditz looked down at you: "Is it true (YN)?" You nodded: "Yes, Raditz. It's true. But I had a reason for this. You know, you were dead for ten years and I was alone. I had only Black. And somehow I start to feel feelings for him and he had the same feelings and..." Raditz stopped you: "I understand (YN), but you knew that only one of us can stay. And you knew what me and Black have to do." You nodded: "I know. You have to fight for who will stay with me. And one of you have to die. Ok. Go on, but I will look at your fight."

Black and Raditz nodded and they fly away to fight. And you were behind them. Eventually, they find empty land and they stood before each other. You were in air, watching them. They nodded at each other and then they start fighting.

They fly at each other at their top speed and they punched each other in jaw. You heared bones being broken. They were so fast that, that was hard for you to watch them. You couldn't see them. Sometimes, you heared a cry of pain from one of them, but nothing more.

Eventually, they appeared few meters above you and they were injured. Black had half of his gi gone and half of Raditz' armor was gone as well. Blood was their faces and they were smirking at each other.

Suddenly, Black putted his hands together and he start unleashing his attack. You (EC) eyes widened, because you remembered what his attack can do. You heared him sayed the name of the attack: "Ka! Me! Ha! Me! HAAA!" And he unleashed it. Raditz only had time to unleash his attack: Double Sunday. The blasts clashed together. They were struggling for few minutes, but eventually Black won.

Raditz was lieing on the ground. Black approached him and he told him something with his eyes. With his head, he pointed at you. You were confused, when Raditz nodded. Black smirked and helped Raditz of the ground. They smirked at each other and suddenly thet disappeared. You blinked and they were in front of you.

You screamed from shock and they laughed. You asked them: "So? How the fight ended?" Black nodded his head at Raditz and Raditz goes behind you. You had confused look in your (EC) eyes: "Uh guys? What are you doing?" You didn't have to react, when you felt Raditz' arms wrapping around your waist. You felt his breath on your neck. He kissed it.

You wanted to look at him, but you couldn't. Black was holding your chin and he was looking into (EC) eyes. He smirked and then he kissed you. You kissed him back. Black was kissing you on the lips while Raditz was kissing your neck. When they pulled away they smirked at you and told you: "We agreed that we will share you. Hope you are ok with that (YN)." You nodded at them: "Of course I am ok with that. I wouldn't be happier."

They smiled at you: "We love you (YN)." You smiled too: "I love you too guys. I love you too."


A/N: I hope you liked this story Supreme_God. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for the request.

Black? Raditz? Can you end this?

Goku: Wait! Raditz is here? Where?

Raditz: Hello Kakarot. Long time no see, right?

Goku: Hello Raditz. How many times do I have to tell you, that my name is Goku?

Goku and Raditz: *glareing at each other*

Ok guys. Don't you dare to fight now! Do You Understand?!

Goku and Raditz: *bow their heads* We understand Mig-chan. We are sorry.

It's ok guys. Now. Black? Raditz?

Goku Black and Raditz: *look at camera* Bye!!

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