Android 17 x Sister!Reader x Whis part 1

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A/N: This story is going to have some incest in it, so if you are uncomfortable with this, don't read the chapter. If you don't mind, go ahead and enjoy.

This story was requested by MinsugaJiA.

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color

#17' pov.

"And, here we are." I looked around me when Whis appeared on Beerus' planet. It was beautiful, maybe more beautiful then the island I protect.

I let go of Whis and I asked him: "Why did you bring me here? Did something happen to my sister?" Whis looked at me and start walking toward the palace. On the way there, he answered: "I brought you here, because I am concerned about (YN). You know, she seems down a little and doesn't want to tell me what's wrong. So I thought, why not to bring her brother here and maybe she will talk to him."

I smirked at him and laughed: "Maybe (YN) is my sister, but you are her boyfriend, shouldn't you be able to do that? You don't need my help." Whis stooped and looked at me: "What do you mean? You are her sibling, of course I need your help. Is something the matter?"

I looked away from him. Even though he is my sister's boyfriend, he doesn't need to know it. My secret. Even (YN) doesn't know it. She would be disgusted, if I ever tell her.

Whis walked closer to me when I didn't answered him. He looked down at me as he was a lot taller then I and I looked up at him, angry look on my face. We were glaring at each other for a bit when he asked me: "Are you angry, because I am your sister's boyfriend?"

I spat at him: "Yes and no! I am happy, because she found someone who loves her and no, because... she can't be with me..." I looked away, not wanting him to see my tears. He seemed confused so I explained: "I love her, but I can't. It's against the rules. I can't be with her, I just can't."

He smiled at me as he understood: "You love her as a lover, not as a sister even though she is your blood. Am I right?" I nodded, sighing quietly: "She can't know about my feelings toward her, she would be disgusted. Her own brother loves her more then he should."

"But you don't know that for sure." I looked at him as of he was crazy: "Of course I know. #18 knows about my secret and if (YN) had the same secret, she would tell #18 and she would told me. That's how I know. Even though I shouldn't feel this kind of emotions, considering I am android."

That spiked Whis' attention. He start walking toward a tree and he sat on the ground. He showed me to come closer and I did. I sat next to him, arms crosed on my chest. He looked at me and asked me: "How is it possible that you and #18 are androids, but (YN) is human?"

I sighed: "This is going to be a long story, but I can try to explain it."


Your pov.

You were walking around the shop with your siblings Lapis and Lazuri. Lazuri was your older sister and Lapis was your younger brother. So basically, you were the middle child. Anyone could say that you and Lapis were twins, but no. You were born few minutes before him.

While walking, Lazuri was looking at any kind of dress. She wanted to buy one. Lapis on the other hand, was bored as hell. He didn't like when he had to come with you and Lazuri, he said it was a waste of time.

From the corner of your (EC) eye, you saw an old man struggling with his bags. You went to help him, but Lapis was there sooner. He took the bags from him, but there were still some. He looked at Lazuri and asked her: "Yo, sis. Care to help?" She sighed, but helped him.

You looked at the old man as he was smirking at them. You suddenly had a very bad feeling about him. You went to stop your siblings as Lapis told him: "We can help you take the bags to your home, if you want to." He nodded at your brother and Lazuri looked at you: "We will be back in a sec, wait for us in here, 'kay?"

You nooded. She smiled at you and went outside the shop. You didn't know why, but you had a feeling you saw them for the last time. You didn't know how right you were.

Flashback ends

#17' pov.

"That was the last time we have seen each other. That man, it was Dr. Gero. He turned us into androids. We have lost all of our memories of the time when we were humans, so I didn't remember her, when I saw her after. I should had, but I didn't."

Suddenly, I looked away from Whis when I heard her beautiful voice: "#17 what are you doing here, brother? It's nice to see you after a long time." I smiled as she came closer to us. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

She pulled away from me and kissed Whis on the lips. I frowned a little, but relaxed afterwards. She seemed happy with Whis, so I won't do anything, even though I love her in the way that is forbidden.


A/N: Hope you liked this MinsugaJiA, if not I will rewrite it. Thanks for reading and see you in the next one!


Whis: *walks into my room while eating sushi* Yes Mig-chan? *notices #17 there* *smiles at him*

#17: *nods at him*

You both were requested in a story, so if you can, end it please.

Both: *looks at the camera* Bye!!

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