Hit x Assassin!Reader part 2

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Second part of the story was requested by Sapphire_Wolf19.

(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color

Few weeks later after the accident

Your pov.

The first thing you remembered few weeks ago was you opening your (EC) eyes, laying on a hospital bed. You were told that Hit saved you and brought you to the hospital.

You had an arrow in your leg, so the doctors had to take it out. They found out that the arrow was poisoned and the poison was already in your blood system. Thankfully, they saved you in time.

About the men who wanted to kill you, well the doctors told you that Hit killed them. You were glad and confused at the same time. You were glad that he killed them, so you wouldn't have to make your own hands dirty and confused, because why did Hit help you? You weren't exactly buddy-buddy with each other. You were rivals. Well, at least, you saw it like that.

Few weeks after the accident, you were already back to work. You were still an assassin, one arrow couldn't stop you from doing the job you loved.

Now, you were hired to kill a leader of the gang that was the most powerful in your city. They were buying drugs and selling them to others around the universe. The leader was also accused of keeping slaves.

You prepared everything you would need. You took your knife, some daggers and a healing potion, just in case. You wear all black, only your (EC) eyes shining from your face. Your mouth curled into a smirk as you imagined the way you will kill that leader.

The place where the gang was supposed to be was on the other side of the city, so you had to fly there. It would take you to come there few minutes.

You jumped into the air after you locked the door to your hideout and flew toward the direction you were supposed to go. While flying there, you were thinking about Hit. You knew him for maybe an year or two. Your first meeting wasn't really nice. He tried to kill you, but you didn't go down that easily.


You just killed your first victim. She was the wife of an important man in the politics. She was cheating on him, so you were hired to kill her.

You smiled to yourself as you looked down at your knife, full of her blood. You liked it. The feeling of power. The sound of her screams as you were slowly cutting her neck open.

You stopped, when you suddenly heard something in the shadows. You held your knife better and prepared to fight whoever was there. You didn't know that Hit was there, the famous assassin who never misses.

You jumped to your left side as suddenly felt an invisible attack coming toward you. You tried to find the ki of your attacker. You gasped as you felt in behind you. You turned around, slashing with your knife, but no one was there.

Suddenly, you felt massive pain erupting in your back. You were threw in the building as you gasped. You looked up to see your attacker and you whimpered in slight fear.

Hit was standing in front of, ready to kill you in any second. He looked into your (EC) eyes and asked you: "Why did you killed that woman? She was innocent. It was the man who was cheating on her, not the other way around."

You gasped. You killed an innocent human? You looked into his eyes and told him: "I am sorry, I didn't know it was the other way around. I will go kill the man if you want me to. I am an assassin, I can do that."

You tried to stand up, but he pushed you down: "That won't be necessary. I have already killed the man. You know, I should kill you, for killing an innocent one, but I won't. You will live with the felling your entire life. And for you being an assassin, you are weak. Train more, so you could be stronger."

Flashback ends

After that, you trained and trained constantly. You weren't as a strong as Hit, but you didn't really mind.

You saw the place where the gang was and you descended to the ground. You hid in the shadows as only your (EC) shine. You smirked as the leader was by himself. You quickly skened the area, but no one was there beside you and the leader.

You walked out of the shadows, your knife in your hand. You walked toward the leader, quietly. You had your knife prepared, to slash his neck open.

When you were few meters from him, you jumped at him, slicing his neck immediately. He felt down, blood tricking down on his shirt.

You smiled as it was kinda easy work. You turned around to go away, when a bullet was fired at you. You glared into the shadows, seeing the gang looking at you, their weapons ready to fire.

Your (EC) eyes widened slightly. You didn't expect this. You hid your knife and pulled out your daggers, as they start to fire at you. You smirked and sprinted at them. They were afraid of you, you could tell.

You threw five of the daggers at them. All of them hit their target. Five of members felt on the ground, your daggers in their head. The other start to fire at you more frequently.

You killed another ten members when you felt thumbing pain in your shoulder. One of the bullets hit you. You cursed when you realized only one of your hands was functioning.

You threw the remaining daggers, killing instantly another ten members. Five members were alive and you only had your knife. You took it out, smirked to yourself and sprinted at them.

Suddenly, the time stopped. You couldn't move, but you knew that Hit came. Why? Did he have to kill the same leader you did? Just a second later, you could move again. You felt on the from the sudden movement.

You looked up when you heard a laugh. Hit was standing above you, his hand stretched toward you. You glared at him, but took his hand. He pulled you up, right into his muscular chest.

You blushed at the contact and looked up at him: "What are you doing here? This was my mission." He smiled down at you: "I know, I came here from a different reason." You asked him: "What kind of reason?"

Hit smirked at you and cupped your chin in his hand. He leaned down to your lips and kissed you. You gasped in shock, but kissed him back eventually.

When you pulled away, you were blushing bright red. You avoided his eyes as you asked him: "Why did you do that?" He kissed your forehead as he answered: "Because I love you (YN)."


A/N: Hope you liked this second part Sapphire_Wolf19. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for reading and see you in the next one!


*nothing* Hit!

Goku: *comes into my room* Hey Mig-chan, I am sorry, but Hit isn't here at the moment. He is back in Universe 6.

*nods* Okay then, thanks for the information Goku. Can you end this story instead of Hit?

Goku: *nods* Sure. *looks at camera* Bye!!

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