Hit x Assassin!Reader part 1

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This story was requested by AnaJef3.

'' - thoughts
(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color

Your pov.

'Great. It's him again. He is getting on my nerves every time he appeares.' You throught as you watched your rival walking slowly toward you. "What are you doing here Hit? Did you come to kill the same person? If so, I am sorry to disappoint you, but she is already dead."

Hit didn't respond to your question.     'Typical. He never answers.' You stood your ground as you waited for him to at least look at you. He didn't. He walked into the house you just walked out. In few minutes, he was back. 'He probably checked if she was dead.' He turned his back toward you and he disappeared in the shadows.

Time skip

You just closed your (EC) eyes, when suddenly, your phone rang. You groaned and you picked up.

"Miss (YN)?"

"What? What do you want? I was sleeping! You better have a good excuse!"

"I am sorry Miss but, we have another mission for you. Can you come here, please?"

"Let me think... No."

"What, why?"

"Call someone else! You have a lot of assassins there."

"But Miss...!"


"Only you can do this mission, no one else. Please, come here."

"Fine, I will be there in few minutes."

Then you hunged up. They always had missions for you when you were sleeping. 'And by they, I mean the five men who gives me missions. I don't like them, they always seemed a little creepy to me.' You changed into normal clothes and you went toward the meeting.

You were there in few minutes, just like you said. You opened the door and you saw them. Just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing. You walked closer and then the one who called you, told you.

You didn't really paid much attention:  "Miss (YN), we have another mission for you. This time, it's going to be big. You won't kill one person, but a whole squad. Here is the address." You took the paper and you put it in your pocket. "How many will be there?" One of the men shooked his head: "I don't know... 15 to 20. I am not sure." You nodded. "Okay, how much?" He smiled as he expected that question: "How much you want (YN). We will pay you, don't worry."

You snickered. They knew that you could kill them within few seconds. But, there weren't afraid of you. They should be though. You weren't called assassin for nothing. You nodded and you went toward the front door, leading to the night city. You closed the door and you went toward your home, to prepare for the kill.


Hit' pov.

I got another mission. This time, I have to kill the whole squad. But something was different. It didn't feel right. I knew something was wrong.

I checked the address I was given and I went there. It was an abandoned storage. A little creepy, but other than that normal. I checked for some strong ki's, as I was told there will be. But nothing was there. Absolutely nothing. I went inside the storage, but still nothing. No one was there. No squad. No nothing.

It was weird. I checked everywhere, but still nothing. Then, I looked at the floor. There were some kind of buttons. I didn't want to touch them, in caise something happens. I was getting a little suspicious, so I flew out of the storage. As soon as I was out, the storage was filled with arrows. It was a trap.

Your pov.

The address wasn't that far from your place. You were there in few minutes, covered in black. You had your daggers with you as well as poisoned knife. It came in handy plenty of times, so you always keep it close.

You stopped in from of abandoned storage. You chucked as you saw that the light inside was on. There were stupid to left it on. You walked toward the side door and you stepped in. You prepared your daggers and you sneeked in the big hall.

Then you stopped dead in your tracks. No one was there. It was empty. The light was on, as you saw from the outside, but other than that, it was empty. You sighed. Maybe you went into the wrong place? You turned around to go away, but as you were going toward the door, you stepped onto something.

You looked under foot, only to see a button being pushed down. You didn't had time to react as the hall was filled with arrows. You deflected most of them, but one stabbed you in your leg. "Shit!" You sweared and you took it out. Your leg didn't hurt at all, but you suddenly began to feel light headed.

You shooked your head as you start to see blurry spots. You felt you knees to weaken and you felt on the floor, your back pressed against the wall. You tried to stay awake, but it was hard. Suddenly, you heard footsteps coming from behind you. You looked behind you a little and you gasped.

The men who were giving you missions were standing there, laughing at you! You felt anger and confusion wash through you. 'What is happening?' You looked up them, expecting one of them to answer. One of them saw your anger and he kneeled down on your level.

He told you: "Well, well, well. Looks like we finally got into the dead end, did we? Just mere humans catched the fearsome assassin (YN). Well, if you want to know why, you were getting useless to us, so we decided that we should kill you. How does that sound, huh? The great assassin being killed by mere humans."

You were almost passed out already. You didn't hear him that well, but that didn't concert you. You closed your (EC) eyes, accepting the dead.

Just then, you heard screaming. You didn't opened your eyes, you knew they were being killed by Hit. He was your rival for sure, but now you own him your life. You smiled as you felt into darkness, letting all the worries to wash away.


A/N: Hope you liked this AnaJef3, if not, I will rewrite it. Thank you so much for reading this. See in the next one. Bye!!

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