Vegeta x Abused!Reader x Goku part 2

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The second part of the story was requested by KittenBadmercy.

(YA) - your age
(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color
(HL) - hair length
(HC) - hair color

Your pov.

What happened in the part 1:

You laughed. You were going to live with your best friends. You were happy and you slowly felt asleep in Goku' arms. And when you will woke up, new life without your parents will be waiting for you.

Now (YA)

You were running. Running away from him. Your (EC) eyes were full of tears. You flinched when the fresh air hitted the bloody cuts on your arm. You heard footsteps running toward you and you sobbed.

You were running away from your father. He was more drunk that normal and he decided to kill you. You managed to escape him, but he still cut your arm open.

You were getting short of breath as black spots were appearing in your (EC) eyes. You knew you couldn't stop running, otherwise he will find you and kill you.

Suddenly, you couldn't take it anymore. You felt on the ground, exhausted. You were tired and weak. Blood was still leaking from your arm and your legs felt like jelly.

You heard his footsteps coming closer until you saw him in the moonlight, standing in front of you. He was holding a bloody knife and he was looking at you with sinister smirk on his face.

You shooked your head, afraid of your life. He came closer to you and he put the knife closer to your neck. You sobbed, your (EC) eyes drowning in tears. He hinted the slashing motion and you closed your (EC) eyes.

Just then, you heard a voice calling you. It was like from a far distance. It was calling your name: "(YN)! Wake up! Come on! Wake up!" Wake up? You weren't sleeping, were you? You concentrated on that voice and you opened your (EC) eyes.

You quickly sat up in your bed, crying. You held your head in your hands and you sobbed. It was another nightmare. They were always so similar. You shooked in fear.

In that moment, you felt muscular arms hug you from behind. You froze and you cried more. The arms held you again a powerful chest, holding you close. A voice you recognized from your nightmare told you: "It's okay (YN). It was just a nightmare, you are safe now. I promise."

You looked up and you saw Goku smiling sadly at you. He knew about your nightmares and he always tried to help you with them. You smiled at him sadly as well and you snuggled closer to him.

He layed down on the bed, you in his arms. Goku started to caress your back a little, to help you calm down. It worked. After few minutes, you were sleeping soundly.

Goku smiled at you and he stood up from your bed. He covered you with the blanket and he walked toward the door. He opened them and before he closed them, he looked at you one last time, before heading toward the kitchen.

Goku's pov.

I walked into the kitchen where Vegeta was sitting and waiting for me. We were just eating when I heard screaming coming from (YN)'s room. I knew she had a nightmare, so I went there and help her a little.

It was always me who helped her. Vegeta wasn't really a person like that to help others, even though (YN) was like a sister to us.

I sat on the chair in front of him and I asked him: "What should we do Vegeta? We have to help her somehow." He looked at me and he told me: "We will take her to the beach tomorrow. Maybe it will calm her down."

Normally, Vegeta wasn't a nice person. He was always grumpy and he always glared at everyone, but (YN). He was nice toward her and very protective. The same goes with me. We both were really protective of her. We didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

I nodded at Vegeta, agreeing with the plan. We will go to the beach tomorrow when (YN) wakes up and hopefully it will be good for her. She definitely deserves better.

Your pov.

When you woke up, it was already morning. Sun was shining in your bedroom. You opened your (EC) eyes and you sighed. You remembered the nightmare.

You stood up from the bed, going downstairs toward the kitchen. You walked in there and you saw Goku and Vegeta already sitting at the table. Goku heard you coming downstairs and he looked at you. He smiled at you and said: "Hey (YN). Feeling good?"

You nodded and sat next to him at the table: "Yes, I am good. Thanks for comforting me at the night." He ruffled your (HL), (HC) hair a little and said: "You are welcome (YN). I am glad I helped."

You looked at Vegeta when he haven't said anything: "Is something wrong Vegeta? You haven't said anything the whole morning." He looked at you: "Eat up already. We are going to the beach."

Your (EC) eyes widened. The beach? You thought Goku and Vegeta would train all day like always. You looked at Goku and he smiled at you, confirming the plan. You smiled at him as well.

You had breakfast and then you got ready to go to the beach. Goku and Vegeta were already waiting at the door. You walked toward them and you smiled. You went outside, locked the door and Goku took you in his arms, 'cause you still didn't know how to fly.

In few minutes, you were at beach. You took of your shirt and shorts, swimsuit under it. Goku and Vegeta did the same, smirking at each other. Goku looked at Vegeta and he told him: "Race you to the water Vegeta. Who goes there last is a loser."

Vegeta smirked at him: "You are the loser Kakarot, don't you think anything else." With that being said, they sprinted toward the water. You smiled to yourself, felling happy that you had amazing friends like them.


A/N: Hope you liked this KittenBadmercy. If not, I will rewrite it. Thanks for reading this!


Vegeta: *walks in the kitchen* What do you want woman? And what are you doing?

*looks at him* As you can see, I am cooking something for Goku. Speaking of the devil, he should be here in any minute.

Goku: *teleports in the kitchen* Hey Mig-chan. Did you said food?

*smiles at him* Yes Goku. So, now that you are here. You and Vegeta got requested in another story. Could you end it, please?

Goku: Sure.

Vegeta: Whatever.

Both: *looks at the camera* Bye!!

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