New Year's Special - Android 17 x Reader part 2

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(YN) - your name
(EC) - eyes color

Your pov.

"You know Goku, I don't think this is a good idea." Goku looked down at you. You are his best friend. You were going to Bulma's party to spend the few remaining hours before the New Year strikes. Goku didn't want to go, but you made him.

You told me that you don't want to be alone at the party. He didn't understand, considering you won't be alone there, right? You will have lots of friends at the party.

Goku smiled at you and he asked you: "What do you mean? It was your idea to come here." You looked up at him and glared: "You know why I told you before we came here."

Goku raised his eyebrows at you and you sighed and told him: "Because #17 is here. You know I have a crush on him."

Now, he remembered. Before you came here, you were talking about the New Year resolutions. You told him that you didn't make one of them. Goku asked you about that and you told him that you promised yourself to tell #17 that you have a crush on him, but you never did that.

Suddenly, you gasped. You looked at him and asked him: "You didn't tell me your resolutions. I told you mine, but you didn't. Go on, tell me now." He scratched his head. You were waiting for him to tell you, but he never did.

You looked at him more intensively and he sighed: "Okay, I will tell you, but please don't laugh. I didn't make one of them as well and that's because... I have a crush on someone as well and I want to tell him as well, but I can't."

You smiled: "Really? Who is he? Do I know him?" Goku nodded: "It's... Vegeta."


After Goku told you about his resolution, you parted your ways. You promised each other that before the New Year strikes, you will tell your crushes that you like them.

You saw Goku walking inside Bulma's house, but you stayed outside. You knew #17 wasn't a real party guy, so he would probably stay outside.

You were right. You walked in the forest near Bulma's house and saw #17 looking in the distance. He didn't know you were there. You were standing behind him, your heart beating like crazy. You didn't know what to do.

You fell in love with him a few years ago. At that time, you didn't know what you were feeling, but as time went by, you found out that you were in love with him.

You walked toward him slowly and tapped his shoulder. He turned back toward you and asked you: "Hey (YN), why aren't you at the party?" You scratched your arm and looked down at the ground: "I am not there, because I wanted to talk to you about something."

#17 turned toward you and looked into your (EC) eyes: "Well, go on. Ask me anything you wanted." You couldn't look into his eyes. You mumbled: "Have you ever loved someone?"

He nodded his head: "Of course. I love #18, she is my sister after all." You shooked your head: "I didn't mean it like that. You see, I do love someone, but I don't know how to tell him."

#17 kneeled to your height and told you: "Whoever it is, I am sure he will love you as well. And if you don't know how to tell him, just show him. It can't be that hard, right?"

You were scared. You knew you have to tell him or in this case show him, but you were scared. You closed your (EC) eyes and smashed your lips onto his.

You hold your breath, waiting for him to kiss you back. When he didn't, you went to pull away. Then you felt him put his hand on your neck and pull you closer. You sighed in relief and kissed him more passionately.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist. His lips were sweet like honey and soft like clouds.

You pulled away due to air and looked into his eyes. He smiled at you and you smiled back. You were so happy, you kissed your crush and he kissed you back.

Suddenly, you saw fireworks light up in the sky and you realized that it was finally the New Year.

You looked at #17 and told him: "Happy New Year #17, I love you." He kissed your forehead and whispered: "Happy New Year (YN), I love you as well."


A/N: Hope you liked this special one-shot. So, I wanna say Happy New Year and please be safe, I love you all so much ❤️❤️

See you in the next one. Bye!!

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