New Year's Special - Goku x Vegeta part 1

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A/N: The beginning of this oneshot will be the introduction so I recommend reading it. After that, I will write the Goku x Vegeta plot line, so if you don't wanna read it, go read part 2 which is Android 17 x Reader.
This (~) means that if you don't want to read yaoi, you can go read the second part of this oneshot.

(YN) - your name

Goku' pov.

"You know Goku, I don't think this is a good idea." I looked down at my best friend (YN). We are going to Bulma's party to spend the few remaining hours before the New Year strikes. I didn't want to go, but (YN) made me.

She told me that she doesn't want to be alone on the party. I didn't understand, considering she won't be alone there, right? She will have lots of friends in the party.

I smiled at her and I asked her: "What do you mean? It was your idea to come here." She looked up at me and glared: "You know why, I told you before we came here."

She did? I don't seem to remember. I raised my eyebrows at her. She sighed and told me: "Because #17 is here. You know I have a crush on him."

Now, I remember. Before we came here, we were talking about the new years resolutions. (YN) told me that she didn't make one of them. I asked her about that and she told me that she promised herself to tell #17 that she has a crush on him, but she never did that.

Suddenly, (YN) gasped. She looked at me and asked me: "You didn't tell me your resolutions. I told you mine, but you didn't. Go on, tell me now." I scratched my head. Even though she is my best friend, I can't tell her. She would think I am weird.

She looked at me more intensively and I sighed: "Okay, I will tell you, but please don't laugh. I didn't make one of them as well and that's because... I have a crush on someone as well and I want to tell him as well, but I can't."

She smiled: "Really? Who is he? Do I know him?" I nodded: "It's... Vegeta."


After I told (YN) my resolution, we parted our ways. We promised each other that we will tell our crushes how we feel, because it strikes midnight.

I went into Bulma's house, trying to find Vegeta. I know he probably wouldn't be here, because he doesn't like parties. I don't blame him, I don't really like that either. I just like the food there is.

I walked into the living room and saw him. He was leaning on the wall near the exit. His eyes were closed and his arms were crossed in his muscular chest. I started to sweat. He was there, I could see him, I could literally touch him, but... I was scared.

Now, I was scared. I have fought against thousands of enemies and I wasn't scared. Now when I have to tell my crush how I feel, I am scared. I start walking toward him, but I stopped in the middle of the room. I couldn't do it, I can't tell him.

I sprinted through the first door I saw. I sprinted outside so I don't have to look at his handsome face. I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore.

I stopped near a waterfall and sat on the ground. I sighed and looked at the water. The lake was calm and the stars were reflecting their light in the water. I could see the moon, the stars, myself and Vegeta standing behind me.

I gasped. I looked behind me and before I could have asked him something, he told me: "Why did you run away like that Kakarot?" I looked away from him. I can't tell him, I just can't.

I felt him sat on the ground next to me and I looked at him. He was looking in the distance, his eyes clouded with an emotion I didn't know. He was beautiful. The moonlight was shining onto him, but he didn't have a clue. He was sitting in the moonlight, beautiful like an angel fallen from the sky. He was beautiful and he didn't know about my feelings toward him.

Suddenly, he looked at me and I quickly looked away, my cheeks suddenly feeling warm. He coughed a little and I looked at him. He had a small smirk on his face. I didn't know what to do. There was a spark in his eyes and I felt like a prey being hunted.

I gulped and he asked me: "Are you scared Kakarot? I can hear your heartbeat." I looked into his eyes, but quickly looked away. I can't look into his eyes without feeling the urge to kiss him. The urge is so strong, that I almost lost to it.

I didn't look at him, but I still asked him: "Vegeta, have you ever been feeling something for so long and did nothing about it? I mean, have you felt something toward someone and never told them?"

Vegeta growled a little: "What's that supposed to mean? If course, I haven't. Feelings are for the weak." I have to tell him, I just have to. I know he will hate me for this, but I just have to.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and told him, letting him decide if I live or die: "I am asking you, because I have this kind of feeling. I have been feeling this to a certain person for a long time. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. I know he doesn't like me the same way, God he probably hates me. But I can't help it. I love him."

Vegeta looked at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes: "Who is he Kakarot? Who is the person you are talking about?" I finally sealed my fate when I told him the following words: "It's you Vegeta. You are the person who I have fallen in love with."

There. I said it. Now, he holds my fate in his hands. I didn't know what was I expecting from him, but I definitely wasn't expecting his warm hands on my cheeks. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was smiling at me. Smiling!

He leaned closer to my face and I literally could taste his breath. He looked at my lips, then into my eyes and he said: "You should have told me, you idiot." With that being said, he smashed his lips onto mine.

I widened my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening. Vegeta was kissing me! He was kissing me! I closed my eyes and slowly kissed him back. He growled when I did that and he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself even closer.

His lips tasted like heaven. They were sweet like honey and soft like a cloud. They were perfect. He was perfect. And he was mine.

I pulled away due the air and smiled at him. He smirked at me and kissed my cheek. I laughed a little. He was so perfect. He was my Prince.

Just that, the fireworks start shooting in the sky. I looked at them in awe, it was the New Year.

I looked back at Vegeta and told him: "Happy New Year Vegeta. I love you."
He smirked, no smiled at me and nuzzled in my neck: "Happy New Year as well. I love you... Goku."

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