Teen!Trunks x Teen!Bullied!Reader

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(YA) - your age
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color
(YN) - your name
'      ' - thoughts
(BN) - bully name

Your pov.

You were at school. You were getting ready for your last class, which was gym. You saw that other girls smirked at you. You were confused. 'What are they going to do to me this time?' you ask yourself with slight fear. You fear your classmates, because they were rude to you and the girls bully you. They were stealing your items. Stealing your clothes and so on. Last time they stole your phone and broke it. At home you try to explain that to your parents, but sadly they don't believe you.

So now, you were undressing yourself in front of them. They continue to smirk at you, but you let it go. You walk in the gym and stop dead in your tracks. You saw your crush without his shirt. His name was Trunks. You know that he was the one year older then you, but that doesn't matter. You still loves him. You were looking at him when someone push you away. You almost fall, but you catch yourself.

You look behind you to shout at that person who push you, but you froze. Behind you was (BN). She was the 'queen' in your class. Every boy wants her. Also, she bully you the most. You look at her and you step away, so you won't be hit again. She walks past you and elbow you in the stomach. You gasp for breath and hold your stomach. You want to tell her something, but you don't have the courage. So you only glare at her. She noticed that and she told you: "Just wait after school, you slut. You will pay for that." When you hear that, you only bow your head. You know that she and her group will hurt you pretty badly. Unknown to you, someone else hear that.

Trunks's pov.

I was doing push ups when I saw the girl I like. She was standing at the door. She had the most beautiful (HL), (HC) hair and (EC) eyes. She was (YA). One year younger then me. Her name was (YN). Beautiful name. I saw that (BN) push her. I know that she don't like (YN), but I don't know why. (YN) was the most amazing, beautiful and helping girl I ever meet. That's also the reason why I love her.

I saw that (BN) elbow her in the stomach. I run to help her, but I stop dead in my tracks. I hear what (BN) told her: "Just wait after school, you slut. You will pay for that." I whisper to myself: "Don't worry (YN), I will save you. I promise."

Time skip
Your pov.

Your last class ends. You were outside the school, walking home. You hope she forget about you and she won't beat you. But you were wrong. You were walking past the abandoned house when someone catch you and throw you in the house. You hit your head and you fall in the unconsciousness .

When you woke up, you couldn't move. You look down and you realized that you were bound to chair. You strugled. You saw that door in front of you opened. (BN) walks in with her group. Your eyes were widened in fear and you were silently crying. They approach you and you were trying to pull away from them. In the group you saw (BN)'s boyfriend. You fear him, because he was strong and he will probably broke you arms and legs.

He stood in front of you and you were preparing yourself to suffer. He pull his fist next to him. You close your eyes. Suddenly, you feel him hit your stomach. You scream loudly in pain. That hurt you. You open your eyes and you glare at him. If the glare can kill, he will be dead on the spot. He hit you again in the stomach. You split a bit of blood on his face.

He smirked and he lick the blood: "You will pay for that. PREPARE TO DIE, YOU SLUT!!!" You close your eyes tightly and you wait to be hit by him. But nothing happened. You open your eyes and you gasped. Trunks was standing in front of you. He growl at (BN)'s boyfriend and he throw him in the wall. He looked at (BN) and her group. They shivered in fear and they run away.

Then Trunks looked at you and ask you with worried voice: "Did they hurt you?" You nod: "(BN)'s boyfriend hit me in the stomach two times." While you were talking, Trunks released you. You stood up and you thank him: "Thanks for saving me. I owe you." He smirked: "You don't owe me anything. It's ok." You shook your head: "No, I owe you. Tell me something and I will do that." He sighned: "Ok, if you insist. I only want one small thing. Can I kiss you?"

You blush when you hear that. You nod, because you want to kiss him too. He smiled and he lean to your lips. You stood on your feet, because he was taller then you. He kiss your lips gently and you kiss back. Few minutes later he pull away and he stared in your (EC) eyes. You were blushing, because it was your first kiss and your crush kiss you.

He lean to your ear and he whisper: "I want to tell you something for a long time now. When I first saw you, I felt something, I never felt before. I love you (YN), and I am asking you. Do you fell the same towards me and if yes will you be my girlfriend?"

You look at him crying happy tears: "I love you too and yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." He smiled and he hug you tightly. You hug him back. You peck his lips and you whisper: "I love you Trunks." He kiss you fully and when he pull away, he whisper too: "I love you too, (YN)."


A/N: I hope you like this chapter. I will be glad if you request something again. Also, sorry for my grammar mistakes. I am not very good in english. Thanks for reading this.

Trunks, can you end this please?

Trunks: Ok, but one small thing. *pecks me on the lips*


Trunks: *smiled and look at camera* Bye!!

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