Vegeta x Teen!Daughter!Reader part 1

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This story was requested by AshliDinkelman.

(YN) - your name
(HL) - hair lenght
(HC) - hair color
(EC) - eyes color
' ' - throughs
(YA) - your age
(BN) - bully name

Vegeta pov.

I was eating lunch when I hear Bulma screaming. I know that she was in our room so I run to our room. When I opened the door, I saw Bulma holding her stomach. "Bulma! What is going on?" I ask her concered. She looked at me and shout: "It's coming!" I look at her confused: "What is coming?" She shout at top of her lungs: "THE BABY IS COMING!!" When I hear that, I don't waste any time. I take Bulma in my arms, holding her bridal style. I fly through the window to the hospital. When I fly there I told doctors that Bulma's water broke. They in a instant take her to maternity hospital. I want to go there, but they don't let me in.

So I waited few hours. Few hours later they let me in. I went to Bulma's side and hold her hand. Few minutes later, nurse came in, holding small baby girl in pink blanket. I smiled. 'I wanted son, but a girl is fine.' I through to myself. I try to sense her ki, but to my horror I sense a very weak ki from her. Ever weaker for what is normal for a human. I realized that when she will be an adult, she will be weak and need to be protected. 'I swear, I will protect you from everything and I will do whatever it takes. No matter what.'

Time skip
8 years later

"Dad, where are you? I want to show you something." I hear my daughter shout. "I am in the kitchen, (YN)." I shout back. I hear running and when I look at door, she was standing there. Now when she is 8, she had (HL), (HC) hair and (EC) eyes. I widen my eyes when I realized, that she was wearing my armor!

I smiled at her and ask her: "Where did you find it?" She blush: "In your room." (YN) blush, because she know that she can't go there. (YN) look at me almost crying. I sighned: "I am not mad at you, if you are asking that." She smiled and run to me. She hug me and I hug her back. In this hug I feel, that she is still weak. 'I don't know what I will do when she goes to High school. But I will protect her, because I can't let my kind be unprotected.'

Time skip
Your pov.

You are a teen now. You are (YA). When you were younger, your father, Vegeta teach you how to fly and how to defend yourself. You thought you won't need that, but till that one day after school you were very, very wrong.

From the day you were born, you were little fragile so you can lost you stamina quickly. You weren't popular at school, but that didn't concered you. Your parents were the most rich family in the word. That day, (BN) tell you some bad things about your family, but you let it go, because you know he was lying to you. So when the last class ended, you go home.

Your classmates never bullied you, but that didn't stop them now. You were on the way to your home, when you realize you were surround by your classmates. They smirked at you and you know they will hurt you. So you show them your attack position. You were going to defend yourself.

You saw (BN) trying to attack you, so you dodge him. You were busy with him, so you didn't have time to avoid other boys from your class. One of them wrap his arm around your neck and start choking you. You gasp for breath and try to escape his grip. In the corner of your eye you saw (BN) approaching you. Suddenly, he run to you and hit your stomach. You cough blood and you try to hit him too. Boy behind you tighten his grip around your neck and it was almost impossible to breath. Your lost your stamina and went limb in his arms. You close your eyes.

Suddenly, you feel sharp pain in your legs. You open your eyes and look down. You saw some boys from your class cutting your legs. You couldn't scream for help, because of the grip around your neck. Few minutes later, they seems to be satisfied and they let you go. You fall on the ground and saw your classmates going home. You collect the small amount of ki you had and you power up high as you can. When you done that, you drop on the ground. You were slowly passing out. The last thing you fell, was your dads ki.

Time skip

When you woke up, you were in your bedroom. You feel that you were healed. You hear some noise. You look at the end of your bed and saw your dad sitting there. He was sobbing. You tap his shoulder: "Dad, I am ok. Nothing happened to me. You saved me." When he hear that, he look at you and hug you tightly. You hug back. "I couldn't save you sooner. I am sorry." you hear him. You shook your head: "No dad. I am sorry. I couldn't defend myself. I am weak."

He hug you tighter: "You aren't weak. I will train you, so someday, maybe you will be stronger then your dad. How's that sound?" You smiled in his chest: "I would love to." He smirked: "Also, tomorrow I will go to your school with you and I will show your classmates something." You look at him: " Dad? You won't kill them. Right?" "Maybe." he smirk at you. You snuggle in his chest. You slowly start to fall asleep, when you hear him say: "I love you, my princess." You smiled: "I love you too, dad."


A/N: AshliDinkelman I hope you like this story. If not, I can rewrite it. Also thanks for reading this.

Vegeta, can you end this, please?

Vegeta: *sigh* Ok. But you will cook dinner for me! Understand?!

I am the one giving orders, but fine.

Vegeta: *smirk and look at camera* Bye!!

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