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We open to metropolis. Its a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. And you and the girls are running for there lives.

Diana: *panting* Come, sisters and Y/n. The twilight of our struggles is not yet upon us.

Y/n: come on girls put your legs into it.

Kara: Hurry! Before it's too late.

All of you were running  except for Karen as she was lagging behind.

Karen: *breathing heavily* Right... behind you.

Babs: It's getting away!

You and the girls see the ferry leaving as it blares its horn.

Babs: Aw! We missed it.

Kara: Nuts to that. We've got places to be.

Karen was almost out of energy as she pants and groans in a tired way.

Babs: I'm gonna be late for work as the new general manager.

Kara: Work? I'm gonna be late for the concert.

Karen: Come on, Karen. You can do it.

Diana: Ready? Jump!

You and the girls jump onto the boat as karen finally catches up.

Karen: Almost there.

Jessica: Come on, Karen. Hurry!

Zee: You can still make it.

Karen stoped as she reached the end of the dock.

Zee: You've just got to try.

Karen: I....I cant.

The ferry horn blared out once again.

Babs: Use you sup--

Before she could finish you and zee cut her off.

Zee: There are far too many people around for that.

Y/n:Shes right babs.


Jessica: I hope she'll be all right.

Diana: Fear not, kind Jessica. Karen has great strength, yet undiscovered.

She's right. Karen has excellent potential. she just has to believe in herself.

Kara: Yeah, she'll be fine.

Karen: I'll be fine.

Kara: She'll catch the next one.

Karen: I'll catch the next one.

The ticket both then closes for the night As Karen looks to It.

Karen: Or not. *sighs* Guess I have to take the long way home. Why couldn't you just try, Karen? Superheroes are supposed to take risks.You can't even jump to a ferry? 

She is now on the bridge.

Karen: Face it. You don't have what it takes to be a hero. You should just turn in your wings. 

The lights went out as she heard and saw a creature climbing down. Then some vines appeared and then a large fist appeared from under the bridge. She then found a hiding spot and saw what was going on and who's there. Karen then saw 6 villains on the bridge.

Karen: Oh, no. Star Sapphire. Catwoman. Livewire. Poison Ivy. Giganta. *gasps* Harley Quinn.

Harley laughs as the others villainesses are getting annoyed by it.

Catwoman: Can you please stop with that laughing?

Harley: Come on, Kit-Cat. You know how this works. Winner of the coin toss picks the night's mayhem, and you lost. Leave it to the feline to go with tails.

She then laugh some more as she hand Catwoman some rope. And gave others some tnt as she gave them nicknames.

Harley: Here. You like to climb. Pinky. Greenbean. Sparky. Meathead.

Giganta: Meathead?

She then growls in anger as harley holds up a detonator.

Harley: And I saved the best for me. *giggles* Try giving me that math test now, Mr. Johnson. He's gonna be stuck in traffic all day.

Harleys laughter echoed from the bridge.

Karen: *gasps* They're gonna blow up the bridge. Someone's gotta stop them.*puts on suit* and i know just the girl for the job.

She then shrunk down and flew off.

Karen: Wonder Woman!


You were at Barbi's house. the other girls were busy with their things and zee didn't have magic practice with you tonight So you figured, why not? You decided to phone up barbi to see if see was free and she was so you asked if you could come over. She said yes so you got dressed in a plain black t-shirt and black denim jeans with your low-tops. You decided to bring a chocolate cake  because again, why not? You had knocked on her door which she opened she was wearing a cheetah print t-shirt and blue jeans.

(Like this)

Barbi: *slightly blushes* Y/n come in.

Y/n: Thank you Barbi.

You walked in to her living room and sat on her couch while setting the cake you brought on her coffee table.

Y/n: So how have you been?

Barbi: fine. What's the cake for?

Y/n: figured we could watch a movie, maybe eat some cake. I mean its not like i got much else to do.

Barbi's thoughts: is this really happening!?

Barbi:  yeah me neither.

Y/n: So what do you wanna watch?

Barbi's thoughts: It really is!!!

She then sat beside you Her face now a deep shade of red.

Barbi: i don't know. do you have any ideas?

You just shrug.

Y/n: i came here with a cake and zero ideas. I was kinda hoping you had at least some idea.

You both ended up just talking and eating cake you enjoyed each other's company. Barbi couldn't stop thinking about how handsome you looked your deep purple eyes, snow-white hair and your muscular arms. Then she thought about that time in the locker room when you helped her find the right path and kept her from making a big mistake.

Barbi's thought:He really deserves to be an angel. Well here gos nothing.

Barbi: Hey um......Y/n?

Y/n:what is it Barbi?

She blushed 20 shades of red as she spoke.

Barbi: w-well i-i-it's just....

But before she could continue your phone rang.

Y/n: Hold that thought.*picks up phone* Hello...?

It was Karen she sounded lile she was in a panic.

Y/n: Karen calm down....Wait. bomb!?

Shadows envelope you from under your shirt changing you into your hero outfit. You then go  full angel and put on your ring And recite the phantom lantern oath. You were now in phantom Arcadia out fit

Y/n-ph.Arcadia:Don't worry im on my way. Sorry Barbi...

Barbi: its Ok....

You then leave as Barbi starts weeping.

Barbi: *weeping* all you had to do was tell him you idiot......

Your now at the bridge as the rest of the girls showed up the same time you did. Just in time to watch karen linebacker tackle Harley. Giganta was just about to hit Karen but diana stood in front of her and blocked it.

Zee-Zatana: *in singsong voice* ♪ Found my cape ♪ Oh, and I found these guys, too.

Diana-Wonman Woman: You have the courage of a Nemean lion, Bumblebee. Well done.

You stayed outta sight as the other girls fight and you noticed Carol fighting Zee. you began to wonder whether or not she exposed you to the rest of the villains that were here. It was a possibility all things considered. And if others found out you were an angel that would be a problem. Jess used her ring to capture some of them.

Jessica-g. Lantern: "Bomb on the bridge!" I got it now.

Kara-super girl: See, I told them you'd be fine.Babs: That move was the most amazing move of all time, and you totally need to use it over and over again. I'm gonna name it something awesome like... Uh... Beeline!

Karen-bumble bee: Beeline. Oh, yeah.

Harley got back up with an angry glare and the urge to squish a bee.

Babs-batgirl: *shrieks* And maybe try it again? Like, now.

Karen-bumble bee: Oh, I'm not gonna try. I'm gonna do!

The two sides stood against each other in a battle of good vs evil. Just then you decided to jump in you flew in the air and did a superman landing on the bridge between the two Teams then leaped to the good side.

Y/n-Ph. Arcadia: Sorry im late ladies.

The girls smile and and you all face the others and prepare for a fight.

Hey guys hope your enjoying the book so far. Anyway who do you guys think will be Y/n's first kiss answer by commenting.

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