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It's 6:45 AM and the radio turned on to make the morning announcements.

Female Reporter: And in this morning's headlines, Arcadia and Superman are back at it again.

Kara then groans and smashes the radio clock. Later, Kara gets up and gets dressed for the day and heads to school with a headset on while listening to the news.

Female Reporter: And after such a trying ordeal, it was all thanks to Arcadia that the orphans were saved...

Kara grinned at the mention of your hero name. She was a bit agitated as of late because Clark Kent a.k.a Superman was getting credit for his hero work, where as her and the other girls weren't.

Kara: at least someone is getting what they deserve.

She was glad at least your name was being thrown around in the media, while she was still unhappy that other hero's seem to be overlooked when Superman so much as sneezes. Kara then, arrives at Metropolis High and takes off her headset.

Kara: *sighing* Finally, a place where I don't have to see his annoying face--
*Reads the newspaper on her face* *groans in frustration*

You then walk up beside Kara and look at the paper. You were wearing an Adelitas way t-shirt and black jeans and your trusty black low-tops. 

Y/n: hmmmm, it's unbelievable how much he gets mentioned.

Kara:I know right, I just want to prove that I'm a hero too.

You then see a picture of Lois Lane Without her scrunchy, glasses, and numerous pencils in her hair.

Lois: What's buzzin', cousins?

Kara: *shows Lois the latest newspaper* why are you printing stuff about him in the school paper?

You just stood there. you really didn't care that you or Clark was getting recognized for your heroic feats. but you could tell that it was just eating at Kara, that she wasn't.

Lois: whats eatin' you Danvers ? That's a legitimate story and I'm a legitimate reporter. Got it? *open her laptop* now who's got a pencil?

Y/n: Have you checked--

Kara: *closes laptop*  there are way more important stories out there than Superman.

Jessica:*shows an artical of dumping chemicals * shes right I've got a leed on some terrible chemical dumping.

Kara: What if i told you there was another hero out there, hmmm? A better hero, with all the super powers of superman but even awesomer.

Y/n: Superior, even.

Lios: I like your potatoes , Danvers, but where's the Meat? What other hero, besides Arcadia,  gonna get me an internship at the Daily planet?

Kara: Ever heard of Supergirl?

Lois: Super who?

Kara: *closes laptop again* Supergirl.

Lois: Eh, Sounds like retrends to me. If this Supergirl of yours did anything to earn the front page,  trust me, she'd be there. Now will someone get me a pencil?

Y/n: Ummm They're in your-- 

Before you could finish Kara grabs the pencils from her hair and breaks them in half and walks off.

Lois: Ah, there they are.

She then sighs and looks towards you.

Lois: Soooooo.... Y/n, is that correct ? *she asks in kind of a deflated tone*

You look at her and give a small nod. To tell the truth, you don't really know her all that well. not from the lack of trying to get to know her better, but she was always working towards getting an internship at the Daily Planet. Normally when ever you would approach her she would dismissively wave you off. You knew she tried hard to get something about Arcadia in the school news paper, Hell, every news paper in Metropolis was ever since you stopped that 5 man bank heist. And who could blame them your existence was prof enough that heaven, hell, angels, demons, and even Christ were real.

Lois:  Sorry i ran you off whenever you tried to talk to me,

Y/n:  It's ok .

You said as you were stretching while running your hands through your short, snow white hair.

Lois: It's just that, as of late I've been trying to get something, anything  about Arcadia. But everything i try, is met with failure.

Y/n: Oh, come on, how hard can it be to get a pic of the guy? Hes a guy with wings.

Lois then snaps her finger and points it at you.

Lois: Yeah, you'd think that. But every time someone takes a picture or tries to video tape him, he doesn't show up in them at all.

Y/n: Huh... Interesting.

You knew what was distressing her, It was the magic in your cloak that kept that from happening. Something called the Specter enchantment.

Lois: Here let me show you....see. * she shows you a picture on her laptop* this photo was taken, by me, the night he stopped a bank robbery a little over a month and a half ago. He should be right there, But he isn't.

Y/n: Well, maybe he doesn't want to be recognized. 

Lois: Well while that maybe the case, everyone is comparing him to superman. And a lot of them saying that he is a more competent and all around better hero than him. That the angel of metropolis surpasses the god among men, I frankly agree . 

Y/n: If i remember correctly didn't  superman arrive at the orphanage before--

She cuts you off without remorse and sternly speaks

Lois: While a correct observation he stopped the moment someone gave him admiration and praise. The orphanage was on fire and he wasn't doing jack to help, while Arcadia ran right in there as the building collapsed and appeared right outside the structure with every last one of those kids. 

You remember seeing Clark at the orphanage and he was not doing a thing , you had made a heartbeat decision and thanks to it those kids are still breathing .  He wasn't  happy that you did saying you stole his thunder. You gave him the finger and told him that the only thing that shold matter to a hero is protecting people not the praise or attention. He told you weren't qualified enough to be a hero and that's when you got tired of his nonsense and just walk away. Clark had an ego bigger than Hal and its as if you felt your fellow angels cheer when you showed him that you were better  just by walking away. You had left after leaving him with a few choice words.

Y/n-Arcadia: A "qualified" hero doesn't get angry when lives are saved. Nor should he care who saves them..... 

You talked with lois a little more and went on about your day . It was now Saturday and you were patrolling as Arcadia full-angel and what not. When you spot Kara approach Clark. You decided to see what it was all about. Apparently they were having a discussion about heroism and Kara only got progressively more agitated until Clark said something that made your blood boil.

Clark-Superman: Accept it. You are just not ready. 

Kara looks at superman and you see anger just lacing her soul. Before she could do anything you fly between then enveloped Clark in shadow chains from your sleeve. As he struggled you look at him with your glowing eyes.

Y/n-Arcadia: Stop struggling, it may not be Kryptonite, but it will hold you for eternity if i so please.

Clark-Superman: Let me go....

Y/n-Arcadia: Not until you head my words, man of steel.  Quit acting like you know better, because you dont. Stop thinking your a better hero, because you are not. Quit putting down Supergirl, because shes my friend and to me she is a much better hero then you will ever be. And is way more qualified than you to be one.  

Kara just blush at what you said and shook it away as quick as she could, she couldn't  however stop herself from hugging you tightly. You were slightly surprised from her sudden reaction, but hugged her with your right arm while still keeping Clark restrained with your left. Clark was about to say something that you'd assumed would kill the one of Kara's rare tender moments, so you gagged him using the shadows from within his own mouth. A few moments pass by and she noticed she was still latched onto you, she released you.

Kara-Supergirl: Thanks. *she said while rubbing her arm* 

Y/n-Arcadia: It's OK, i felt that you needed to hear that. 

Karen flew in-front of you and began to speak.

Karen-bumblebee: Arcadia we need......*notices superman*  uhhhhhh am i......

You point to supergirl, Karen nods as she and Kara go off somewhere. You were now siting with Clark on a building having just watched Kara save Metropolis from an acidic goo monster.

Clark-Superman: *sighs*  you're right ,  I'm not better than any other hero. And i really need to stop being such a condescending prick.

Y/n-Arcadia: Well....... I'm glad you realize that.

Clark thinks for a moment and something  comes to his mind. 

Clark-Superman: Whats your relationship with my cousin anyway.

You think for a moment.

Clark-Superman: Is she like......... Your girlfriend, or something. She seems to very much like you.

Y/n-Arcadia: Friend yes, girlfriend no. To be honest i haven't really thought about romantic relationships sense i got here.

Clark-Superman: Well i just had to ask,  cuz she's still family. 

Y/n-Arcadia: Respectable, all things considered.

Later that day you were in your room at the mansion shade had went out for a late night flight and you were just Laying there on your extremely comfortable, queen sized bed. In a purple silk pajama pants and sleeveless t-shirt. All you do is lay there in the darkness of the room thinking about something you said.

Y/n(flashback): .....i haven't really thought about romantic relationships sense i got here......

you repeat that one particular phrase in your head. then you started thinking about the girls. first was Zee, she was talented in the way of magic despite her occasional trip up and always loved preforming in front of other people you especially.Kara was one of the last two Kryptoninans  she was strong in both body and spirit and even had a soft side,and Jess she was super kind and you admired her love for animals, not to mention she was a damn good lantern. Diana and you both respected each other very much as warriors and as "people" from different realms of existence, i mean the age difference was staggering she was like 300-something but that didn't matter to you, as a angel you had longevity so you didn't age either, and she liked listening to your stories about when you fought demons. Karen was was extremely intelligent, she was undoubtedly  smart enough to be a scientist, and one of the best two. Babs was also on your mind and she was one of the most energetic people you have ever met and also the most optimistic to.

Y/n: but who though...... *sighs* only time will tell i guess.

the camera zooms out and we see none other than Jesus chuckling with a smile on his face as we watch him walk away from a enchanted mirror.

Jesus: yes Y/n.....*Smiles* only time will tell.

The camera fades out as a photo of you smiling while group hugging the girls appears.


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