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Eyes: dark purple (glow on command)
Hair: pure white and short
Halo: encased with a shadowy aura radiating upwards in a flame like motion. (it appears and vanishes on demand)

He is the only one of his kind

Moral compass: always does the right thing even at his own expense. Will often go out of his way to help others.

Likes: to fight. Help others, music, his friends, cherry soda, lemonade, jewels.
Dislikes: people that mess with his friends.

Diet: omnivore
(they appear on demand)

(exactly like this) (not my art)

(y/n)'s one true bff they stick together no matter what.
(shade is the only shadow Phoenix)

(Not my art)

Black flame fireball
(Y/n) can see thru shades eyes when he wants.
Shade can speak fluent English as well as the Phoenix tongue.
If he wants At night he is completely undetectable.

Theme song:

Clothes preferences: bomber jackets, hooded cloaks, tee shirts, sleeveless Tee's, and likes nicely made denim jeans.

Sleep ware:sleeps shirtless with dark purple silk pajamas

Total sword mastery:
He has completely mastered the way of the sword. He is flawless in terms of swordplay.

Total bow mastery:
He has completely mastered the way of the bow. He is flawless in terms of archery.

He can wield any type of magic without consequence. (Demonic, Black, and chaos magic included)(he has to be taught it. or teach himself to wield it from a book, tome, scroll, and or observation.)

Magic he knows:
Black flame projection
Black fire ball
All holy, healing, light, and shadow magic

Eternal youth

Phoenix rebirth:
When his body takes two much damage he bursts into flames, incinerates himself then rises from the ashes. All wounds are healed. Any cloths that he has on will be completely mended.

Unique traits: his tears are the ultimate healing potion. They can instantly heal all wounds and ailments no matter the severity.

Shadow shift: his body becomes pure shadow he can't be damaged in this form and he can tellieport short distances instantly in this form and has total command over darkness.
Drawback: he has to be in total darkness to activate this.

Can speak to any breed of Phoenix fluently.

Inner sanctity: his mind can't be tampered with by any means.
(in other words his he can't be controlled and illusion magic has zero effect on him.)

Immunity to all degrees of fire damage.

Cíbēi de biānyuán (compassionate edge) or Cíbēi for short

Backstory: Forged by the spirit of a legendary Japanese bladesmith. And given to (Y/n) as a gift for helping his family solve his murder.
He constructed the blade out of Angelum. (a rare ore found only in heaven) the guard out of demonite. (a rare ore found only in hell) the grip from the brach of the tree of knowledge. And wrapped the the grip in aquaveil. (a fabric weaved by mermaids)

This blade is bound to his soul and can be conjured at anytime.

Shadows wake

Backstory: a bow made of pure darkness. Given to him by the former God of shadows for his 16th birthday It can fires arrows made of shadows, black flame, and ice. all have an regular and explosive variant.

Normal Variant effects:
Shadow: it ignores all armor, shields, and warding spells but is the weakest of the three

Black flame:
Is the strongest of the three this arrow also dose unlockable fire damage over time. (duration 10 seconds or if he's says for it to stop)

This arrow can freeze any thing it comes in contact with. What ever it has frozen the wielder can say the trigger word "shatter" to make the frozen object combust. Or the trigger word "melt" to unfreeze it. This can also be used to freeze people in place.

Explosive Variant effects :
Shadow: creates a small black hole that effects only what he chooses.

Black flame: explodes in a dome like manner covering the a.o.e in a shadowy fire. ( The only way to extinguish it is if he wants it to)

Ice: it explodes and and any thing caught in the blast freezes. ("The commands "shatter and melt" can still be used on this variant.)

This bow is also bound to his soul and can be conjured at any time. Along with a limitless supply of arrows.

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