Depressed angel

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The camera fades in on a realm made of clouds. It's peaceful, Quite, and angels can be seen walking its grounds. All is peaceful. We cross fade into a archway made of gold and light. we then pass down a hallway and into a room with some winged guards in what seems to be pure white armor. It then zooms onto an occupied throne with a man holding a scroll. A guard then approached him.

Guard: f-forgive me my lord but, you have spent and awful long time reading that scroll.

The man on the throne looks at the guard with a smile.

???: Is that so.... Time often eludes me when I ponder a problem needing to be solved.

The guard then speaks and is visibly confused.

Guard: what problem sir? Last anyone checked there has not been one in a while.

The man on the throne then chuckles and speaks in a gentle tone.

???: ever heard of a unique boy by the name of (Y/n)....

Guard: yes sir who hasn't. He's possibly one of the most helpful and Caring angels in heaven. Not to mention his unique abilities which have caught the eyes of manya mage, scholar, and even arch angel. And demons fear him rightfully so.

???: yes that boy... The problem has to do with him. (a saddened expression then crept across his face) he's.......... Unhappy.

The guard then looked surprised like the most surprised anyone has ever been ever.

Gaurd: not that I'm calling you dishonest sir but I find that very hard to believe..... When everyone sees him he's always so chipper and-

???:it's a fake smile and even faker attitude. I'm not saying he's ungrateful or even a bad angel for that matter. He often goes out of his way to help anyone with anything no matter how small and he's always happy while he does it.

Guard: then why is he-

???:I believe he longs for something .......

Guard: For what....

???:more life, adventure, friends. To no longer be lonely .

Guard:forgive me if I'm being rude but. Is he not content with the praise of the other angels? To live in a truly peaceful society? Is it really possible to not be content with a life in heaven.

The guard paused then the man in the throne stood.

???:Great question.... But let me answer that with a better one. Do you know what it's like to be the only angel of your breed?.......

A silence fell for a few moments and then in a saddened tone the guard spoke.

Guard: N-no i-i don't nobody does.

???:Exactly he's the only one. And for the 16 years he's been here and not another one like him has been found. Now tell me.....

The guard looks at him the guard slightly tearing up.

???: who are we to let such a boy be unhappy?.....

The camera fades to white we then see a boy with glowing dark purple eyes, short hair white as the freshly driven snow. A Halo encased with a shadowy aura moving in a flame like pattern. His wings are a puzzling mix of red, black, and white.

Wearing a bomber jacket with a flaming cross on the back. And fine black denim jeans. Then a bird with shadow black feathers and red eyes

fly's to and perches himself on his shoulder and speaks.

Bird: heeeeey buddy....... You OK.......?

The boy looks to his shoulder and Sighs. He puts on an obviously fake smile and speaks.

Boy: yes shade I'm fine.....

Shade then shakes his head and speaks in a concerned voice.

Shade: (Y/n)......... I'm your best friend I can see your misery.

(Y/n): is it that obvious.........

(Y/n) then looks super depressed as if someone close to him just died. Shade then sighs and stares ahead of them.

Shade:you know........ I feel your pain to be honest....... None of the other angels understand what it's like to be as unique as you. Just like no other Phoenix under stands what's it's like to be last of their breed.......

Shade then looks like he's about to cry but then (Y/n) stopped him by patting him on his head.

(Y/n): I know buddy, but crying about it don't help.......

Then unbeknownst to them what appears to be a female angel with a mailbag walls up to him and pats him on his shoulder.

(Y/n): *looks back*oh hey kit Kat..

The mail angel looks like a mix of angry and flustered.

Kate: how many times have I told you to stop that my name is Kate. *she whines*

(Y/n): OK........ KIT KAT.

Kate: *sighs* anyway I got a message for you. *she begins to sift through her bag.* ah here it is. *she pulls out a scroll.* here you go.

(Y/n):Who's it from.

Kate:The big man.

Y/n's pov

The moment I heard her say "big man" I was interested. She was referring to Christ the ruler of heaven and leader of all angels. His word was law and everyone respected him. But however one question ringed in the back of my mind. "what does he want with me?"

As I opened and began reading the scroll, by this time Kate had flew off, I had begun to read.

To My dearest Y/n

It has been brought to my attention that you are not happy with the current life your living. I would very much like to fix that. If you would kindly report to my my palace. Don't worry about the guards they will let you pass without a problem. And bring your feathered friend shade. You have always worried about the happiness of others. It's about time someone did something for you.

Your friend Jesus h. Christ

Shade chuckles. And I'm just speechless. I literally have no words.

Shade: well what are we sitting here for? best not keep the Lord waiting.

I nod and flew towards the palace with shade at my side.

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