The offer and the send off

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Christ's POV

As I was I was in my study  pondering my proposal to Y/n I heard a knock on my door

Christ: it's unlocked you may enter.

one of my arch angels had stepped through the doorway.

Arch angel: good morrow sire.

Christ: hello to you too

A. Angel: forgive my intrusion lord but y/n and and shade are on there way

Christ: well that's good. I really hope he likes my proposal. Personally I think it will make him very happy.

A. Angel: it undoubtedly will.  and sire.....

Christ: mhmm

A. Angel: everyone at the palace  is ecstatic To hear his answer.

I looked into a hand mirror that I always keep in my study. And looked at myself to adjust my crown

(This except the thing on his head is gold)

Christ:I am too.

Y/M's pov

There I stood outside the grand gates to Christ's Palace. I walked through them and past the garden witch a few angels tended to and I could not help but catch an angel look my way with a smile. I mean it's what they do every time they see me they were all very friendly but I could not help but feel that they knew something I didn't. That's when shade spoke.

Shade: so what do you think he will give you.

Y/n: I don't know bud. But considering he's the ruler of heaven it's either something big or has a lot of thought into it.

Shade: hmm I wonder if it's material or philosophical.

I had to chuckle at shades natural curiosity.  I also had lot of questions as to what it was. But then again that's why I'm here it's to find out. I then walked up to his throne room. And one of the guards spoke.

Guard:g'day shade and mister

Y/n-shade: g'day

Guard: the Lord awaits.

Him and the guard on the other opposite end of the door nod and they open the door. I walk in to find the Jesus H. Christ sitting atop his throne he looks upon me with a smile.

Christ: Y/n my dear boy how have you been? I see my message found you well.

Y/n: well.....

I did not want to tell the king of angels I'm uncontent with my life even though he already knows because it was in the message he mailed me.  especially seeing that I'm literally standing in the middle of his throne room. But I couldn't just sit there with a fake smile and tell him I was. So I tried to answer.

Y/n: well sir I'm..................

Christ: unhappy, lonely, really depressed.

Y/n: *sighs* Yes. I mean I'm grateful I live here really I am but.....  I can't take it being the only one of my breed why am I the only one? Why am I so different? *begins to tear up* there are millions MILLIONS of angels...  Why am I the only one who's like this.

Christ's POV

He was on his hands and knees crying in front of me. It hurt him in the worst possible way and i and most other angels could feel it.  He was always going out of his way to help everyone around him he was happy then but it was always short lived and  he always goes back to suffering in silence. I could not take seeing such a kind soul be miserable. I stood from my throne and walked to where he was I asked him to stand then I pulled him into a hug.

Christ: shhhh my child I feel your pain and I know how to fix it.

Y/n's pov
When I heard what he said I perked up a little even though I was still in tears.

Y/n Y-you d-do

Christ: yes I believe I do. your heart longs for excitement, to help others, to meet kind people just as unique as you.

That's when my tears had stoped. He was right. As if he was reading directly from my soul. I looked him directly in the eyes and he said.

Christ:I have an offer. I can send you to a place that can give you a what you seek.  However it's a one way trip and you won't be able to come back. And I'm willing to set you free from your duties as as an angel. Y/n believe me when I say this is something  you deserve. You will be missed for sure but we will be happy knowing that you will finally be so as well.

Shade's pov
I could not believe what I was hearing. He was willing to send Y/n to a place where he would truly be happy even to go as far to release him from his angelic responsibilities. This was exciting and I was happy that he had the choice that would possibly make him happier. It was then christ looked toward me with a smile.

Christ: of course this extends to you as well shade with you two being as close as you are it would be cruel to separate you from eachother.

I bowed my feathered head and thanked him for the extension of his kindness to me.

I then grew worried my friend had remained silent the entire time.

Y/n's pov

I had thought about his offer I was unsure until he said shade could come with me. That's when I made my decision.

Y/n: I have made my decision and... I accept your offer.

He then looked at me with a smile.

Christ: I'm glad you have accepted it before you go I would like to throw you a feast to celebrate your new life.

Y/n: you know what I would very much like that.

(Time skip to the next evening)
Third person pov
We fade in on Christ's Palace and it twas night out. it was decorated for Y/ns farewell party.  on the exterior front entrance a hanging banner can be seen "you will be missed y/n". The camera cross fade pans through the halls as angels in dresses and suits alike can be seen mingling with eachother.  Then see a kitchen with winged cooks making exquisite food with only the best ingredients. Now we see a grand dining hall full of tables. The camera then focuses on a table  above all the rest.  the table was made of ebony with gold accents and two thrones sat there one for the Lord the other for the guest of honor. Now we see a courtyard packed fuller than any other space involved he palace. We then see the guest of honor.
His wings were put away and eyes were not glowing. Only his Halo was active. He's wearing a hooded cloak with sleeves that went too his wrist. He was on the balcony overlooking the courtyard

Y/n's pov

I couldn't believe it so many people came to my farewell ceremony. I really did leave my mark on these people. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find Jesus holding a champagne bottle and a glass along with a cherry soda.

Y/n: hello sire.

Christ: are you not aware I'm not not your boss any more.

Y/n: oh yeah right

He then hands me the soda and He then pours himself some champagne.

Christ: to a new beginning.

Y/n: to a new beginning.


Shade then lands on the balcony railing waring a snazzy bowtie

Y/n: looking good shade

Shade: this is just as much my celebration as it is yours you know.

Y/n: thanks for coming with man.

Shade: what are friends for man.  And like I would let my best friend start a new life without  me.

The three of us just laughed while I drank more cherry soda.

We had just finished diner in the dining hall and now we are standing on the front steps and a few angels were lining up to give me keepsakes for my new life I had received a smartphone with a burning cross on the case it had unlimited g's of storage filled with every song ever written.  a backpack that lead to a pocket dimension for limitless storage. And finally a three bottles of lemonade and cherry soda each. I then face toward the angels and said my good-byes when I got to jesus I hugged him and thanked him.

He then opens the portal to my new home I see nothing but a white and sets it at the entrance of his palace and then walks back to me and motions toward it. 

I start to walk down the walkway  every one starts to cheer for me as I increase my stride my eyes begin to glow as and my Halo appears as I start to run. Tears of absolute joy begin to roll down my face as shade fly's up be side me. I spread my wings and fly at the portal.  time seems to slow as I take one last look at the people cheering me one. The last words I hear before shade and i enter the portal come from jesus as he cries out.

Christ: be safe my child

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