Chapter 11: For the Empire

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[Flashbolt157ninja ] [HamatoApple2007 ] [Destiny_angel123 ]
"At Shang Tsung's Real Laboratory, Known As The Flesh Pits, Sindel Was Horrified To See What Shang Tsung Had Done Down There, While The Constables Search Everywhere."

Sindel: How could I have so misjudged them? For Shang Tsung to indulge in such depravity. For General Shao to condone it... They are not the men I thought them.

Kara: I Know, But—-

Liu Kang: Despite my best efforts, neither man, nor Quan Chi, are who they were meant to be.

Kara: What Do You Mean?

Sindel: They're not your responsibility. They re Outworlders.

Liu Kang: But it is I who crafted their destinies... ..along with those of all other beings, at the dawn of history.

Kitana: You created the realms? Is... Is your mind addled, demi-god?

Liu Kang: I am a mere demi-god now. But eons ago I was more powerful than all of the Elder Gods combined. I was a Titan, and the Keeper of Time.

"Liu Kang Uses The Sands of Time, Summoning Geras In Front of Kara, Sindel, Mileena & The Others."

Liu Kang: This is Geras.

Geras: Your Majesty. Your Highnesses.

Kara: You know that guy?

Liu Kang: Geras is the guardian of the Hourglass. A celestial object which lies beyond Earth-SN9 and the realms, the Hourglass regulates time and destiny. When I wielded its power, it was upon me to craft all of existence. Which I did, when I restarted history.

Sindel: Re-started?

Geras: This timeline was preceded by billions more, though Earth-SN9 is the first of Liu Kang's design. The others were designed by his predecessor. Kronika was obsessed with equalizing good and evil. When a timeline veered too far to one or the other, she would halt it and restart history. Tinkering with lives and events in the hope of achieving her golden balance.

Liu Kang: In prior timelines, Kronika gave Shang Tsung and Quan Chi mastery of the most vile magics. Shao was not a general, but a tyrannical ruler, bent on conquest. You, Sindel, were his ruthless wife, who would do anything to preserve your privilege. When I took the Hourglass from Kronika, I vowed to do better. So in this timeline, the sorcerers would not gain their dark powers. Shao would be your loyal follower... ...and you would rule Outworld firmly, but fairly.

Geras: But someone has interfered with Liu Kang's design. Shao, Shang Tsung, Doctor Slone, Quan Chi... all have been groomed by an unknown entity to be the villains they were in previous timelines.

Sindel: Where to begin? Am I to kneel to my creator? Do you expect worship?

Liu Kang: No, Your Majesty. My prior role was thrust upon me by circumstance. I am in no way divine.

Sindel: You had power over all of creation, yet you gave it up.

Liu Kang: Because I saw how it drove Kronika mad. I knew I would fare no better, had I kept it.

Kara: I...I Don't Understand......You send Scary Godmother to take me to Earth-68 on the fright side, just to help me control my powers. You send Alirya to turn me and my friend into this?

Liu Kang: No, Kara. Alirya made her choice to come to you and forge you and your friends into the heroes she wanted you to be. I am in no way of that.

Kara: You knew I would inherit something my dad tapped into, and you took it from me?

Liu Kang: Because I saw how it drove your father into a rage, I knew I would fair no better for you, and I kept it as promise.

"Shao Then slams the door open which he and his allies confront the heroes, However, Shao's conspiracy against Outworld has only angered Sindel."

Sindel: You. How dare you conspire against Outworld?

Shao: Not against Outworld, but against your misguided rule. Your deference to him leaves us all vassals.

Sindel: So you sanction these unspeakable horrors? Lie to me about the threats we face? Lie to me about Kara being a threat we face? Thanks to you, Earthrealm blood is already on my hands. Blood shed without cause or provocation!

"Shao Points A Strange But Dangerous Amulet At The Heroes, An Amulet That Wields Dark Power. Luckily, Unbeknownst To The Villains, She Secretly Activates The Comms Which Alerts Sam & Chelsea, Revealing Her Location To Them."

Shao: Don't. Move.

Liu Kang: Empress. Kara. Everyone. Stay back!

Sindel: What is it?

Kara: What is that thing?

Liu Kang: The Amulet of Shinnok. A weapon of terrifying power.

Geras: It should not exist. Its maker is powerless, as Liu Kang designed.

Liu Kang: Yet more proof of foreign interference.

Shao: Enough prattle! You'll both bend a knee to Outworld's new emperor.

Liu Kang: Put down the amulet. Its evil is beyond your control!

Shao: Ha ha ha ha ha! Do you think I'd do battle not trained with my weapons? I am more than prepared!

"Shao Then Uses The Amulet And It Sucks Geras, Mileena, Kitana & Tanya Inside, Thankfully, Kara Manages To Save Herself, Liu Kang & Sindel, Leaving Them To Face The Villains. Which Sindel Now Faces Nitara."

Sindel: So General Shao casts his lot with Outworld's enemies against me. He's a fool to ally with you bloodsucking fiends!

"Nitara Hisses At Sindel And Charges At Her, But A Constructed Hammer Knocks Her Into One of The Chambers. When Kara Turns Around To See This, She Is Surprised That Sam & Chelsea Who Manage To Get The Call."

Kara: You sure took your time.

Sam: Yeah, Figured you would need help with that.

"Nitara Then Gets Up And Spots Sam And Hisses At Him. Which Caught His Attention."

Sam: You Again? I'm Pretty Sure Leslie Had Beaten You Twice.

Nitara: Now That She's Gone, I Won't Lose To You Again.

"Before Sam Could Battle Nitara, Sindel Then Walks And Stands Beside Him."

Sam: Wait, You're joining our side?

Sindel: Exactly, And so does OutWorld, if Liu Kang is on your side then I am on your side Aswell.

"Sam Then Smiles In An Agreement With Sindel Siding With The Heroes. However, Nitara Charges At Sam But He Dodges Out of The Way, Causing Her To Hit A Wall."

Sam: Umm, Excuse me? Didn't Leslie beat you twice?

Nitara: She may have beaten me twice, But you won't beat me once, Lantern!

"Before Nitara Could Attack Sam, Sindel's Shriek Knocks Her To A Wall, Saving His Life."

Sindel: Still you fight on? It is a pointless endeavor.

"Nitara Tries To Attack Sindel, But They End Up Engaged In Kombat, However, Sindel Manages To Kick Her, But Sam K.O. Crushes Nitara With A Green Constructed Hammer. Which She Falls Down Unconscious."

Sindel: You're no better than Shang Tsung's monstrosities.

"Liu Kang Still Fights Off Rain, But Chelsea Knocks Him Down, Saving Him. He Runs Toward Sindel, However, He Is Grateful That Sam Made It Here In Time, And So Did Chelsea."

Liu Kang: Tanya and your daughters. They are not dead, but trapped in the amulet. We can still save them.

"Before They Could Get The Amulet, Shao Points The Amulet At Them, Thankfully, Sam Crushes Him With A Green Constructed Hammer, Which He Drops The Amulet, Sindel Grabs It And They Run Off, Fortunately, Sam Slams His Green Constructed Fist At The Ceiling, Causing It To Collapse And And Fall Down, Blocking The Soldiers Off."
"As They Run To Shang Tsung's Laboratory, They Are Soon By Confronted By Shao, Reiko, Rain & His Soldiers."

Reiko: Detain them!

"The Soldiers Charge In To Detain Them, But The Heroes Had Managed To Fend Them Off, Leaving Sindel To Face Reiko."

Sindel: It's no surprise that you are party to Shao's treason. Know that it will cost you your life.

Reiko, I owe him mine many times over. Sacrificing it in his service would be an honor.

"Sindel & Reiko Then Battle In Kombat, However, Before He Could Deliver A Fatal Blow, A Sonic Howl Suddenly Knocks Him Into A Wall, When Kara & Sam See 2 Figures, They Become Relieved That Elli & Chelsea Are Here."

Elli: For Real? Rebelling against Outworld? You know that's against the law.

Reiko: To think that you could stop him? You would've been able to save those you loved, with that power, you are nothing but a mere werewolf.

Elli: Excuse me?! This Meta-Werewolf's got an A in training!

"Elli Then Battles Reiko In A Fight, When he throws his red shurikens at Elli, she dodges them, leaving Sindel to strike him into a wall."

Sindel: That Shao misled you makes you no less culpable. You will answer for this crime.

"Reiko Then Tries To Attack Sindel, But She Counters It, Leaving Reiko Vulnerable, Only For Elli To Charge In And K.O. Kick Him Into A Wall, He Then Falls Down Unconscious Thanks To The Empress's Aid."

Elli: That'll take care of Soldier Punk.

Sindel: Your rebellion is doomed.

"Suddenly, Rain Fires His Water Magic, Only For Li Mei To Push Sindel & Elli Out of The Way, The Constable Gets Hit And Knocked Down, Leaving The Empress Infuriated By His Actions."

Sindel: Your betrayal hurts most, Rain. I thought of you as a son.

Rain: I've outgrown you, Empress. Shang Tsung's taught me that I've just scratched the surface of my power. To explore it, I can't be bound by your limits!

"Rain & Sindel Clash In Kombat, With Her Gaining The Upperhand, Suddenly, When Rain Is About To Use His Water Magic, Chelsea Kicks Him Down, Leaving The 2 Standing."

Chelsea: I should've known you would betray her, you were like a son to her, Rain.

Rain: I've outgrown her, Wonder Girl. Slone taught me so much about my power. Now I finally get to use destroy you.

"Rain Then Uses Water Magic To Attack Chelsea, But She Dodges It, Which The 2 Fight, She Manage To Kick Him, But He Steadies Himself."

Rain: Shang Tsung's taught me more than you know. It's time I show you.

Chelsea: We'll see about that.

"Rain & Chelsea Clash in a fight, She Kicks Him Again, But He Steadies Himself And Fires His Water Spear, But She Blocks It, However, She Pins Her To The Wall And Is About To Strangle Her, But Sindel Fires Her Shriek, Which Stuns Him, Chelsea Breaks Free And Charges At Rain, Which She Now K.O. Punches Him."

Sindel: You mess with the wrong girl, Rain.

Sindel: You are forever dead to me.

"The Umgadi Priestesses Tried To Take Shao Down, But He Brutally Kills Them One By One, Leaving Sindel To Fight Him."

Shao: Your reign is over, Sindel.

Sindel: I remember the weak, sickly boy you were. How your father fought to push you past your infirmities. Now you repay him by spitting on his ideals. Your revolt shreds every value he held dear!


"Thankfully, Kara Knocks Him Into A Wall, However, Shao Becomes Enraged of Her Ending The Rebellion."

Kara: Don't think it, Shao. I'm not through with you.

"Sindel Then Stands Beside Kara, Which She Is Ready To Aid Her In Beaten Shao."

Sindel: Shall we?

Kara: Whatever you say, Empress.

"Shao Charges At Kara & Sindel, But They Knock Him Away, Sindel Goes First and starts Knocking Some Sense out of him by attacking him blow-by-blow, She Kicks Him Down, But This Only Enrages The Villain."

Sindel: You've forsaken both me and the Empire. Your family name will be forever tarnished.


"Shao Charges At Sindel, But She Moves Out of The Way, Instead, Kara Charges At Her, Which She Now Beats Him Up Until He Surrenders, However, The Villain Doesn't Go Down, But With A Final Blow, She K.O. Punches Shao, Which Knocks Him Straight Into A Wall, Kara & Sindel Stand In Triumph."

Kara: It's over, Shao.

Sindel: You are relieved, General.

"Shao Then Falls Down Unconscious, However Liu Kang Walks Toward Sindel."

Liu Kang: The amulet, Your Majesty.

"Sindel Then Gives Liu Kang The Amulet, Fortunately, With His Control, He Uses The Amulet's power, Freeing Tanya, Mileena, Kitana & Geras, Sindel Then Rushes And Hugs Her Daughters. However, Sam Walks Toward Kara To Secretly Tell Her."

Sam Whispering: Umm, Hate to tell you that, Kara. But......I think your uncle's fighting a super villain named......Beatrix, I think.

Liu Kang: I hate to disrupt, but we must act quickly to save Earthrealm.

Sindel: Is that the command of my creator?

Liu Kang: No, Your Majesty. It is the request of a friend.

"Before Sindel Could Decide To Help Liu Kang, She Notices That Kara Isn't With The Heroes."

Sindel: Wait, Where is Kara?

"Liu Kang Turns Around And Only Sees Sam, Chelsea & Elli, The 2 Girls Point At Him."

Chelsea & Elli: He told her that.
"Somewhere On Earthrealm, Freddy Was Injured By Beatrix."

Freddy: Grr! E...Enough! Is......Enough!

Beatrix: What's the matter? Can't even defeat me? Well......YOUR RIGHT BEYOND YOUR DEATH YOU——

"A Heat Vision Suddenly Hits Beatrix, Burning off The Shoulder Armor. When She Turns Around, She Realised That It Was Kara Who Fired Her Heat Vision At Her."

Beatrix: YOU!

Freddy Thought: *...She came back......"

Kara: That's enough! You've gone too far on that! End this now or I'll make this fight personal!

Beatrix: Never! I only loath you with hate ever since you lead the justice league right to me!

Kara: But when would you realise that Shang Tsung and Slone are gonna destroy everything in their path.

Beatrix: Lies! You just want to take that power away from me! Just to in-prison me!

"Kara Then Looks At Freddy, Then She Looks Back At Beatrix, Becoming Desperate To Stop Her For Good."

Kara: Fine......Have it your way.

"Kara & Beatrix Charge At Each Other And They Clash In A Fight. However, They Soon Struggle In A Battle, Fortunately, She Spots A Breach That Was Opened, She Throws Her In It And Flies In It To Go After Her, Which It Closes, Leaving Freddy Devastated."

Freddy: KARA!
15 Years Later On Earth-Prime, Before Kara Came Back To Earth-SN9 To Help The Earthrealmers And The Knights Escape.
"At Central City, Kara Was Injured After Shang Tsung Striked Her With The Kryptonite Claws, Thankfully, She Grabbed The Cube In Time Before She Escaped Here. However, She Made The One Decision That Can Foil Both His And Slone's Plan."

Kara Thought: *If any speedster can abuse time, that might mean that Beatrix was abusing it, Well.........Here goes nothing.*

"Kara Slams The Cube To The Ground And It Shatters, Freeing The Black Flash, However, When It Confronts Her, It Roars At Her, Which She Realised That It Wants Her To Bring Beatrix To It, So It Can Kill Her And Erase Her From Existence. It Then Zooms Off To Hide Somewhere He Can Wait Her To Do What Needs To Be Done."

Kara Thought: *It......wants to kill Beatrix?*

Unknown Wolf: Kara!

"Suddenly, A Wolf Runs Toward And Hugs Her, It's Flasheart, Who Was Worried That She Wasn't Coming Back."

Flasheart: I've been looking everywhere for you, I thought might be gone or hurt or......

"Suddenly They Hear A Portal Open, However, This Worries Flasheart About A Threat."

Kara: I can handle him.

Flasheart: Kara, No. it's too dangerous. You have to get somewhere safe.

Kara: But Grandpa, I'm not leaving you, please.

"With Desperation, Flasheart Looks At Kara One More Time Before Sending Her Somewhere Safe."

Kara: ......Please......

Flasheart: ............Good Luck, Kiddo............

"Flasheart Pushes Her, Suddely, A Breach Opens And She Falls Through It, It Closes, Leaving Flasheart To Face A Villain, But He Soon Comes Out of The Shadows, It's Shang Tsung, Who Was Hunting Her Down, He Suddenly Looks Around."

Shang Tsung: Where has she gone to?!

"Shang Tsung Spots The Smashed Cube, Which He Becomes Furious That Kara Freed The Black Flash."

Shang Tsung: That Bambling Child! How Dare She Ruined Everything!

"Flasheart Growls At Shang Tsung As He Turns To See Him."

Flasheart: Face it! She's somewhere you won't find her! Give up now and we can end this!

Shang Tsung: ......As I have said to your granddaughter before, Black Wolf. I cannot be apprehended so easily......

"Flasheart Furiously Charges At Shang Tsung, But The Villain Casts A Spell That Opens A Breach, Which He Struggles To Steady Himself But Fails As He Falls Through, The Breach Then Closes, Leaving Shang Tsung In Triumph."

Shang Tsung: I bid you farewell, Hero. You won't live to see her once I'm through with her.

"Shang Tsung accesses the comms to inform Slone."

Slone On Comms: *Well, What Happened? Did she get away?!*

Shang Tsung: She Did, But I've already dealt with Black Wolf. He and the Justice League won't be much of a nuisance.

Slone On Comms: *Good, make sure that she doesn't hinder the next phase of our plan.*

Shang Tsung: Very well. Soon we will rule by our benefactor's side.
Just Now On Earth-Prime.
"At Central City, A Breach Opens And Spits Out Kara & Beatrix, They Tumble, They Manage To Get Up, But They Fight Each Other."

Beatrix: You think that'll stop me?! Think again!

"Beatrix Kicks Kara Down To The Ground, She Soon Struggles To Get Up."

Kara: You don't understand, Slone & Shang Tsung are after me. If they find me, they'll kill me. Besides, I know one the one thing that the Speed Force doesn't like.

Beatrix: Please, that's only a joke, you filth!

"Beatrix Maniacally Chuckles As She Prepares To Kill Her, before she could use her power to kill her, she was frightened by a roar."

Kara: Yeah, About that.

"Beatrix Turns Around And Spots The One Grim Reaper That She's Afraid Off, It's Black Flash That Came To Kill Her. She Tries To Run Away, But It Zooms At Her And Pierces Her Chest With It's Vibrating Hand, It Roars At Her, It Then Removes The Vibrating Hand From Her Chest And Zooms Off. However, When Beatrix Looks At Herself, She Becomes Frightened As She's Going To Pieces, Meaning That She's Fading Away, She Can Do Nothing But Scream In Agony As She Fades Away, Finally Erased From Existence, It Zooms And Stops In Front of Kara, Growling At Her As A Way To Thank Her For Helping It Get What It Wants."

Kara: Your lucky you got what you wanted.

"Black Flash Then Zooms Off, Leaving Kara To Only Relief That Beatrix Is Gone For Good."
"Back On Earth-SN9, The Breach Opens, Which Kara Comes Out, It Then Closes Behind Her, When She Spots Freddy Lupin, She's Overjoyed To See Him Safe And Sound. He Then Spots Her And Gets Overjoyed To See Her."

Freddy: Kara!

"Freddy Runs Toward Kara And Hugs Her, Relieved That She's Safe."

Freddy: I Was So Worried, I......

Kara: Uncle Freddy, I'm Fine.........At least I stopped that imperium lunatic, and least I did everything I can to protect you and Grandpa....

Liu Kang: I am glad that you have done the right thing.

"Kara Looks At Liu Kang As He Appears In Front of Her, But The Confused Freddy Lupin Doesn't Seem To Recognise Him."

Liu Kang: Yet you have always proved yourself that you too can give hope as your father did.

Freddy: Do I know you?

"Liu Kang Realises That Freddy Did Not Know Him, Which He Decides To Reveal His Secret, he transforms into a dragon, which is his ability, gifted by mar novu, the monitor, Freddy then recognises that form."

Freddy: Hey......I know that form.
Flashback To The Day That Liu Kang Saved Kaid's Life And Stopped Buggy The Clown.
Kaid: Leave my Dad and my Big Brother alone!


Kaid: They're gonna kick your butt if you mess with the city!
The Night That Liu Kang Became Furious At What Buggy Had Done To Kaid.
Buggy: Well, Since that already dealt with you, I can just kill the justice league in no time.

"The Patron Becomes Furious At What Buggy Had Done, Igniting The Flames On His Arms."

Unkown Patron [Liu Kang]: ......You won't!......

Buggy: Gr, Huh?!
The Night That Liu Kang Ended Buggy's Plan After Freeing Kaid.

Buggy: Or maybe not, Can you let me go instead?

"The Patron Growls Furiously At Buggy After His Selfish Deeds Of Killing Kaid Lycan & The Justice League."

Unkown Patron [Liu Kang]: ......No!......
A Final Battle Between Liu Kang & Buggy Before The God of Fire Returned Kaid To His Home.
Buggy: There's goes my chance, how about you just let me go and—-

"Liu Kang Summons 2 Dragons, Buggy Begins To Freak Out Seeing Them Flying Toward Him."


"The Dragons Collide, They Then Grab Buggy And Hold Him In Place In The Air As He Continues Screaming In Pain Because of The Burns."


"The Dragons Start Pulling Buggy As He Struggles To Escape, However, The Patron Jumps In The Air, Ready To Deliver The Final Blow."

Buggy: AH! OH NO!

"The Patron Then Charges Downward, Separating Buggy's Chop-Chop Head From His Chop-Chop Body, Splitting It Apart, The Patron Charges Toward The Ground With Buggy's Head In His Hand As He Screams In Despair."


"The Patron Crushes Buggy's Head To The Ground, Eventually Knocking Him Out, The Patron Stands Up In Triumph."
15 Years After Liu Kang Returned Kaid Home To His Family, His Big Brother, Freddy Lupin. And His Father, Flasheart Lupin.
"After A Long Travel To Milford, The Patron Finally Reached Home To Farfang Manor With Kaid Sleeping While Being Held In His Dragon Tail, He Soon Enters His Room Through The Window, He Then Gently Uses His Dragon Tail To Place Kaid On His Bed, Leaving Him To Sleep Peacefully Like A Wolf Pup. However, The Patron Hears Freddy Coming Here, Which He Makes A Silent Escape. When Freddy Enters Kaid's Room."

Freddy: Kaid! Where'd You Go?! I—-

"Freddy Suddenly Notices That His Baby Brother Is Asleep, When However, When He Goes To Look Outside The Window, He Spots A Patron Standing The Top of The Wall As He Shows A Sign of Shaolin Respect, He Then Disappears Into The Darkness, Never To Be Seen Again, He Turns Around After Hearing Kaid's Moan In Sleep."

Kaid Mumbling: ......Let Me Sleep Already, Big Bro......

"Freddy Smiles And Decides To Let Kaid Sleep, He Then Heads Out To Continue His Patrol On Milford City, Leaving His Baby Brother To Sleep Peacefully."
Until Now
Freddy: Hey! You're the guy who saved my baby brother back there, Uhh, Kang, Right?

Kara: ......No, Not really......

Liu Kang: Lord Liu Kang, Freddy Lupin.

"Kara Then Smiles, Meaning That She's Grateful That Liu Kang Did The Right Thing For Kaid When He Was Her Age."

Liu Kang: Come, Kara. Shang Tsung and Slone are not through with us yet, we must act if we are to stop them.

Freddy: Whoa Whoa Whoa! Just because you saved his life doesn't mean that my baby girl is just gonna go with like some command of an individual like you.

Liu Kang: No, Freddy. It is the duty of a Hero.

Kara: It's Okey......I'll Fine.

"Freddy Then Looks At Kara, He Looks At Liu Kang And Looks Back At Her, But He Decides To Let Her Go With Him To Stop Shang Tsung & Slone."

Freddy: Alright, But......Please......Come Back Home Safe.

Kara: .........I will......I promise............

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