Chapter 10: Protect and Serve

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[HamatoApple2007 ] [Flashbolt157ninja ] [Destiny_angel123 ]
"At Sun Do, Liu Kang & Kara Come Out of The Portal, But They Were Only Confronted By Li Mei & Her Constables."

Li Mei: Liu Kang, Kara Lycan, Return home. I am to let no one pass.

Liu Kang: We must see Her Majesty. She must call off her attack on Earthrealm.

Kara: And She needs to listen to us.

Li Mei: Her decision was unwise, but she no longer seeks my counsel. And I doubt she's interested in yours.

Liu Kang: The Empress has been deceived. Shang Tsung and General Shao have fomented this crisis as a means to steal her throne.

Li Mei: General Shao?! I knew he was hiding his true intentions. But join Shang Tsung? (sigh) I knew he couldn't be trusted. Were I still Umgadi, he never would have breathed the same air as the Empress. My palace sources told me he arrived out of nowhere and immediately had the Empress's ear.

Kara: You know Shang Tsung was working with Slone and Anti-Matter.

Liu Kang: He gained her trust by treating Princess Mileena's condition. Tragically, she is afflicted with Tarkat disease.

Li Mei: Tarkat?!

"Kara Nods."

Li Mei: The Empress must be beside herself. If Shang Tsung found a treatment, no wonder she embraced him.

Liu Kang: I have shared this with no one. I trust that you, of all people, will keep this secret.

Li Mei: Of course. Were it made public, it would bring down the royal family.

Liu Kang: Li Mei, Empress Sindel needs our help. Will you join us?

Li Mei: Emperor Jerrod's death, the pain it caused Empress Sindel, has always haunted me. I failed the royal family once. I won't do so again.

Kara: ......That's the Li Mei I know......
"At The Down, Li Mei, Liu Kang & Kara Are Traveling In A Carriage."

Li Mei: Everything now makes sense. My Umgadi contacts had said the General's soldiers had been encroaching. But still. I can't fathom it. General Shao committing treason?

Kara: Exactly.

Liu Kang: It is the fruit of a poisonous seed planted by Shang Tsung. He played to the General's vanity, inflamed his prejudices, to convince him that he alone can save Outworld.

Li Mei: He may be unstoppable. The Umgadi don't have numbers and my constables aren't trained for war.

Liu Kang: Know that I, too, will aid in the Empress's defense.

Kara Lycan: And I'll Help.

"Suddenly, The Carriage Stops, Which Liu Kang & Kara Began To Realises That Shao Knows They're Coming."

Li Mei: Driver, what is it?

"Li Mei Then Peaks Through The Door, However, She Spots Reiko & Shao's Soldiers Along With Motaro, She Then Turns To Look At Kara & Liu."

Li Mei: I may need that aid right now.

"Li Mei Then Opens The Doors."

Reiko: Return Liu Kang and Supergirl to the portal gate, Li Mei.

Reiko: They aren't welcome in Outworld.

Li Mei: I won't support the General, Reiko. Nor his plot to usurp the throne.

Reiko: Then you won't live to see the new regime.

"Reiko & The Soldiers Then Attack The Constables, Li Mei Closes The Doors."

Li Mei: They have us surrounded.

Kara: They can't hurt me, I'm Supergirl. Remember.

Liu Kang: I am Earthrealm's Protector, Li Mei. I am no stranger to kombat.

Li Mei: Then let's get out there.

"Li Mei, Liu Kang & Kara Lycan then come out of the carriage and fight Shao's soldiers one by one, leaving the Kryptonian and the First Constable to face Reiko."

Reiko: You should've joined us, not the constabulary. We could've used your Umgadi skills.

Li Mei: Enough! I've no use for a traitor's compliments.

Kara: Shao has no right to overthrow Sindel, That's why I'm ending the war, And I won't let you stop me.

Reiko: Kill her!

"Shao's Soldiers Charge At Kara To Kill Her, But She Knocks Them Down Like That's Nothing, Impressing Li Mei And Her Constables."

Li Mei: I thought Shao's soldiers were better trained.

Kara: Guess they need practice.

"Reiko Throws His Red Shurikens, But Kara Dodges Them With Ease, She & Li Mei Then Attack Him From Every Direction, She Then Kicks Him, Which Li Mei K.O. Punches Hum."

Kara: Wrong move, Reiko.

Li Mei: You and your accomplices will face judgement, Reiko.

"The Constables Had Manage To Handle Shao's Soldiers."

Li Mei: We must leave. Reinforcements will be on the way.

"Before Li Mei Could Get Back In The Carriage, She Looks At Kara."

Li Mei: What about Kara?

Liu Kang: Worry Not. She Will Fly To The Palace.

Kara: Meet You There.

"Kara Then Leaps In The Air And Flies To The Palace. Leaving Li Mei & Liu Kang To Travel In The Carriage."

Li Mei: I hate when she does that.

Liu Kang: That flight is only part of her abilities, I am sure that she grew fun of it.
"At The Hanging Gardens, Kara Was Waiting At The Entrance, Luckily, She Sees Li Mei & Liu Kang At The Entrance."

Kara: Took you long enough.

Li Mei: And yet, you were waiting.

Liu Kang: Come, We must hurry.

"They Continue Walking In The Hanging Garden, Unfortunately, They Were Confronted By Tanya & Khameleon."

Tanya: Word of their arrival precedes you. Surrender if you wish to remain unharmed.

Li Mei: Let us pass, Tanya. The Empress and her family are in danger. He brings word that Shang Tsung and General Shao plot against them.

Tanya: The General?! Are you so easily taken in by lies? Once again, you prove incapable of protecting the royal house.

Kara: Enough, Tanya. You're making a mistake here, You have to listen to us.

"Tanya Then Attacks Kara With Her 3-Jointed Baton. But she blocks it with ease."

Kara: Last Chance, Tanya. You know you're making this difficult.

Tanya: To think that I would go quietly?! You will have to kill me!

Kara: What? No way. I won't kill. I only know my code.

"Tanya Charges At Kara And Is About To Deliver A Killing Blow, However, Li Mei Blocks It, Saving The Girl of Steel's Life."

Li Mei: We waste precious time, Tanya. Let's finish this.

"Li Mei & Tanya Fight Each Other In Kombat, Fortunately, Li Mei Gets The Upperhand As She Holds Her In Place. Which Kara Delivers A Final Blow To Tanya, Knocking Her & Khameleon Down."

Li Mei: I'm sorry you made that necessary.

"Suddenly, The Priestesses See The Commotion And Rush In To Surround The 3 Heroes."

Li Mei: know who I am. Of my deeds when I was one of you. I may no longer be welcome... but in my heart I am still Umgadi. I will always honor my vows. They are here to end a threat to the Empress. Stand against us and she will lose the throne. Stand with us, and we will save the empire.
"On The Way To The Great Hall, The Heroes Have Tanya Alive And Captive, As Proof That Kara & Liu Kang Are No Harm To Outworld."

Tanya: Why didn't you kill me?

Li Mei: Because we mean you no harm.

Kara: We just need you alive.

Liu Kang: And that you live will help prove that fact to the Empress.

"The Heroes Then Enter The Great Hall, Which They Confront Sindel, Who Sees Tanya Tied Up."

Sindel: How dare you, Li Mei! It's not enough that you let Jerrod be murdered? You'd let Liu Kang and Supergirl destroy the rest of my family?

Li Mei: My heart broke when your husband died. I lost not only my Emperor... but you, my closest friend. I know you may never forgive me... ...but don't be blinded by anger and grief. We are here to help you.

"Tanya Then Tries To Strangle Li Mei, But Kara Stops Her, Which The Priestesses Begin Attacking The Heroes, However Kitana Charges In, Before Mileena Could Go After The Kryptonian, Sindel Prevents Her From Doing So."

Sindel: No, daughter! Your condition.

"Before Li Mei Could Get Tanya Off Her, Kara Knocks Her Down, Which The 2 Come Face-To-Face With Kitana."

Kitana: Your faithlessness astounds, Li Mei! How can you side with Earthrealm against us?!

Kara: Come on, Kitana. You're getting the wrong idea.

Li Mei: I am acting for your family's benefit... ...and for Outworld's! If you took a moment, you'd realize it!

"Kitana Then Throws Her Fan-Blade, But Kara Dodges It In Time, Which She Charges At Her, However, Her Fan-Blade Creates A Gust of Wind Which Blows Her Away, Thankfully She Steadies Herself."

Li Mei: Your Highness, please. You fight the wrong battle.

Kitana: Enough!

"Kitana & Li Mei Then Fight In Kombat, Which Li Mei Begins To Have A Struggle Against Kitana, But Kara Saves The Constable, Knocking Down Kitana Without Injuring Her."

Li Mei: You must be smarter, Princess.

"However, Mileena Gets Infuriated But Sindel Prevents Her From Fighting Kara & Like Mei."

Sindel: No, Mileena. I forbid it.

Mileena: I must. If I won't risk my life for the throne, I'm not worthy of it.

"Mileena Then Attacks Li Mei, However, He Bests Her After She Taught Her Everything."

Li Mei: I remember teaching you that, Princess. You were but a girl.

Mileena: Hmph! That was long ago. Much has changed.

Li Mei: My loyalty to your family hasn't. Trust me now as you did then.

"Mileena Attacks Li Mei Again, But This Time, Li Mei Outfights Her, Which She Kicks Her, Leaving Her Stunned."

Li Mei: Please, Princess. Just listen. We shouldn't fight!

"Suddenly, The Tarket Disease Takes Control of Her As She Gets Up, Sindel Rushes In To Stop Her."

Sindel: Mileena!

"Mileena Turns Around And Spots Sindel, She Lunges At Her And Tries To Kill Her Own Mother, But Li Mei Saves The Empress By Throwing Her Off. The Now Diseased Princess Steadies Herself Before Getting Ready To Attack."

Li Mei: Forgive me, Princess. But I won't allow you to hurt yourself or anyone else.

"Mileena Tries To Lunge At Mileena But Kara Stops Her, However, She Growls Aggressively At Her."

Kara: Mileena! That's Enough!

Li Mei: You must be careful, Kara. You cannot harm her.

"Kara Nods In An Agreement. She Turns To Face Mileena, When She Spots A Syringe In Tanya's Hand, She Gets An Idea."

Kara: I'm sorry, Mileena. But I'm not letting you hurt anyone else or yourself.

"Mileena Viciously Tries To Attack Kara, But She Dodges It Long Enough, Li Mei Then Kicks Her."

Li Mei: Tarkat makes victims of us all.

"Mileena Charges At Li Mei, She Was About To Kill Her, But Fortunately, Kara Snatches The Syringe And Injects Into The Princess, Saving Her From Tarkat For Now, Which Surprises Both Sindel & Tanya. They Rush To Check On Her And She Is Safe, They Then Turn To Look At Kara With Gratefulness."

Tanya: Praise Argus.

Sindel: Thank you. I am in your debt. And thank you, Kara. That symbol was meant for you to give the people of your world hope. But never have you given hope to outworld.

Li Mei: No, Your Majesty. There can be no debt between friends.

Kara: And don't thank me yet. It's what I do to help.

Liu Kang: I am glad she is safe, and that our conflict has ended.

Sindel: It is paused, not ended. Li Mei has earned my goodwill. Kara may have given hope to outworld. Whether you do remains to be seen.

Liu Kang: I seek only peace, Your Majesty.

Sindel: Is that why you send minions on secret missions into my empire? You've proved yourself the enemy I was long warned you would be.

Liu Kang: I understand your anger. But I had reason to believe that Shang Tsung posed a threat to both of us. Until I confirmed them, I did not want to burden you with my suspicions.

Sindel: And now?

Liu Kang: They have proven true. Shang Tsung... Quan Chi... The General... They conspire to conquer our realms.

Kara: That's the reason why Shao is acting like a bully to me.

Sindel: A serious charge. Where is your proof?

Liu Kang: At Shang Tsung's laboratory. If what you see there does not convince you, I will surrender Earthrealm without a fight.

Kara: And you're never gonna believe us when you see it.

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