Chapter 9: Civil War

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[Flashbolt157ninja ] [HamatoApple2007 ] [Destiny_angel123 ]
"Inside Ying Fortress, Kuai Liang & Bi-Han Are Held Captive And Are Being Escorted With Shang Tsung Shao."

Shao: My realm and your clan have much in common. We both feel the pull of Liu Kang's leash.

Shang Tsung: Once Outworld rules Earthrealm, you will be free to remake the Lin Kuei in any manner you see fit.

Kuai Liang: Bi-Han, don't listen! We must stop them, not —

Bi-Han: Silence, Kuai Liang.

Kuai Liang: But brother -

"Bi-Han Turns To Face Kuai Liang In Anger."

Bi-Han: Obey your Grandmaster!

"Bi-Han Then Turns To Shang Tsung."

Bi-Han: Can you win this war? Soul stealers are deadly, but they're not enough.

Shang Tsung: You only think so because you don't understand their true purpose.

Bi-Han: Explain.

Shang Tsung: Emperor Ying built this fortress during one of Earthrealm's most turbulent periods. Enemies beset him on all sides. He built a great army to protect his empire. He built a second one to protect him in the afterlife.

"As They Continue Walking, They Enter A Tomb With All The Statues of Dragon Warriors, Which Shang Tsung Presents Them."

Shang Tsung: This is Emperor Ying's Dragon Army.

Bi-Han: Impressive... But does this history lesson have a point?

Shang Tsung: These statues were constructed, and enchanted, by the great mages in the Emperor's court.

"They Then Walk To The Left Where They Find A Chest, When Shang Tsung Opens It, There, He Finds A Dragon Crown And A Tiny Bottles Containing Fragments of Souls. He Pours One Fragment of Souls In The Crown, Which Activates It."

Shang Tsung: They are animated by fragments of souls. Once alive they fight tirelessly, unburdened by remorse or pity.

"Shang Tsung Puts On The Crown, Which Then Statues Then Come Alive And Demonstrate The Dragon Fighting Style. However, This Only Impresses Bi-Han."

Shang Tsung: As our ally, you will be given command of several battalions. Few in Earthrealm could then resist the Lin Kuei.

"Bi-Han Then Walks Toward Shang Tsung, Which He Now Removes The Chains Off."

Kuai Liang: Bi-Han!!

"The Chains Then Come Off."

Kuai Liang: How could you?! Father would turn in his grave if he saw this!

Bi-Han: He was a doddering old fool! He did us a favor, having that accident. And I was right to let him die.

Kuai Liang: Let him die?! You said you tried to save him!

Bi-Han: A lie. Because you couldn't, and still can't, face the truth. Father had doomed the Lin Kuei to mediocrity. Now we will achieve greatness.

"Kuai Liang Then Breaks Free And Kills Shao's Soldiers One By One, However, Shao Tries To Attack Him, But He Was Knocked Down By An Unknown Hero Who Revealed Herself, It's Chelsea, Who Was Only Transported To Earth-Prime."

Kuai: I Thought He......

Chelsea: Long Story.

"Shang Tsung Realises That The Device Somehow Transported Her Back To Earth-Prime, The Breach Then Spits Out Slone & Anti-Matterm Who Took A Beating Back There."

Shang Tsung: Is It Me? Or Has That Device Malfunctioned?!

Slone: Don't Ask Me.

Anti-Matter: That Device Did That On Purpose.

"Shao Then Attacks Again, But Chelsea Counters It And Punches Him, Which Kuai Liang Kicks Him."

Shang Tsung: (laughing) He is a feisty one.

Shao: Are you going to blather or make yourself useful? Those Heroes must be neutralized.

Chelsea: Ain't Gonna Happen.

"Chelsea Then Battles Shao, Which He Tries To Attack Her With His Battle-Axe But Misses, She Kicks Him Down. Which Kuai Throws Him To A Wall."

Kuai Liang: You may corrupt Bi-Han, but you won't corrupt me.

"Shao Then Charges At Kuai, But Chelsea Uses Her Lasso of Truth To Tangle Him, She Then Slams Him To The Ground, Before He Could Get Up, Kuai K.O. Kicks Him."

Chelsea: At Least We're Up To The Challenge.

Kuai: Neither of you are up to the task.

"Bi-Han Gets Up, But He Becomes Furious That Chelsea Only Got Transported Back To Earth-Prime."

Bi-Han: Do not let Kuai Liang and Wonder Girl escape!

"Shang Tsung Then Uses The Crown To Command The Statues, They Then Charge At Chelsea & Kuai Liang, But He Burns Them Easily, Which She Smashes One of Them, He Then The Smoke Pellets That Leslie Gave To Him Before She Got Trapped To Another Earth, He Throws Them To The Ground, Which Creates A Cloud of Smoke, Giving Them A Chance To Escape."
"In The Treasure Chamber, Kuai Liang & Chelsea Were Attempting To Escape The Fortress Quietly."

Chelsea: Did You Just Use Those?

Kuai Liang: Leslie Gave Them To Me Before We Came Here To Capture Shang Tsung And Slone.

"Chelsea & Kuai Then Hear A Conversation Between Rain And Quan Chi, Which They Decide To Sneak Past Them."

Rain: So the gold's purity is important.

Quan Chi: Pollutants impact efficiency. Like barnacles on a ship's hull, they create drag and reduce speed.

Rain: Heh... I see.

"Unexpectedly, Rain Spots Chelsea & Kuai Sneaking Past Them, As They Were About To Escape, Rain Fires A Water Projectile At Them, Knocking Them Down, They Soon Get Up."

Rain: So you've declined Shang Tsung's offer. I assume your brother has not?

Chelsea: Yeah! I'm pretty sure Bi-Han betrayed his own father!

Kuai Liang: The sorcerer tempted him into forsaking his oath.

Rain: He can be convincing, can't he? Spurning him... is a grave mistake.

"Rain Fires A Water Arrow But Chelsea Blocks It With Her Bracer."

Chelsea: It ain't.

Kuai Liang: Your scheme will fail. I'll see to it.

"Rain Then Uses His Water Magic To Attack The Heroes In Every Direction, But However, Chelsea Blocks Them Long Enough. She Then Punches The High Mage, Which Kuai Liang K.O. Kicks Him."

Kuai: The mistake is yours, Outworlder.

"Before Chelsea & Kuai Could Escape And Regroup With Sam & Tomas, They Were Confronted By Havik & Darrius, Who Are Infuriated By How They Beat Rain."

Havik: What have you done?!

"Havik & Darrius Then Charge In And Attack Chelsea & Kuai Liang, But He Knocks Her Down, Kuai Touches A Boiling Pot With Molten, They Tried To Push Scorpion In To Burn Him, But Chelsea Knocks Darrius Away."

Chelsea: Oh No You Don't!

"Kuai Then Slams Havik's Face Into The Molten Gold, Burning His Face In The Process, When He Lets Go, He Stambles Back, Screaming Immense Pain, As He Continues Screaming, He Stops, And Turns To Face Chelsea, Only With His Burned Face, Which He Becomes Enraged. Blaming Her For Burning Him."

Havik: I am not finished. For burning me, you'll burn in the Netherrealm!

"Havik Then Tries To Attack Chelsea In A Blind Rage, However, She Manages To Block Them, But He Continues Attacking Her In A Fury, Thankfully, Kuai Liang Kicks Him Down."

Kuai Liang: Desist or l'll scorch the rest of you.

Havik: Never! I'll Smother You!

"Havik Then Furiously Continues Attacking The Heroes, With His Dark Magic Given By Quan Chi, He Rips His Arm Off And Uses It As A Weapon, But Chelsea Knocks It Out of His Hand, Which She & Kuai Liang K.O. Punch Him."

Chelsea: Bet You Can't Beat Us.

Kuai Liang: A Lin Kuei's flame is not easily smothered.

"Kuai Liang & Chelsea Then Hear Bi-Han Shouting At Shao's Soldiers To Find Them."

Bi-Han: Split up! We must find them!

"Kuai Liang & Chelsea Then Escape Outside The Temple."
"Outside The Temple In Ying Fortress, Kuai Liang & Chelsea Had Managed To Regroup With Tomas & Sam."

Sam: Chelsea, What Happened There?

Chelsea: Long Story, That Device Slone's Holding Only Trapped Me On Earth-Prime.

Tomas: What happened?! Where's Bi-Han?

Kuai Liang: He's betrayed us. We're all in imminent danger.

"The Heroes Then Make It To The Top of The Fortress In Order To Escape."

Tomas: Letting Father die...Forsaking Earthrealm? He's abandoned all reason!

Sam: Great! Now Bi-Han's The SuperVillain!

Kuai Liang: I knew Bi-Han's frustrations ran deep. But I never thought they could inspire such madness. We can't let his corruption spread.

Tomas: Whatever it takes, I am with you.

Kuai Liang: Thank you. We may not share blood, but we are brothers.

"The Blizzard Then Clears Out, But Bi-Han Appears, Enraged By How Chelsea Came Back."

Bi-Han: Do your oaths mean nothing?! It's your duty to obey my will!

Kuai Liang: Not when it betrays Lin Kuei principles. We won't sacrifice them to serve your ambition!

"Bi-Han Then Forms An Ice Dagger, The Brothers Then Battle Each Other In Combat, Which Kuai Liang Gains The Upperhand, However, When He Counters It, He Notices The Dagger Gone, But Bi-Han Strikes Him With another dagger, Scaring Him In The Process."

Chelsea: No!

Sam: Crud!

Tomas: Kuai Liang!

Kuai Liang: Stay back! This is my fight.

Bi-Han: End this, brother! Embrace the future.

Kuai Liang: I want no part of it! You pervert all that it means to be Lin Kuei!

Bi-Han: Then You will die with these Heroes.

Kuai: Never! You disgrace our family and clan!

"Bi-Han Then Creates An Ice Sword But A Meta-Batarang Hits Him, Which Temporarily Disables His Cryomancy."

Sam: A Batarang?

"The Heroes Then Spot A Figure Landing, It's Ryan Wilder, Who Had Escaped From A Dangerous Earth That Slone Trapped Her In."

Chelsea: Ryan!

Tomas: Batwoman?

Kuai Liang: She Came.

Ryan: That should nullify your power enough for me to see what you're really capable of.

Bi-Han: Fine by me, Wilder.

"Ryan Then Battles Bi-Han In Kombat, Which She Knocks Him Down But He Gets Up, He Kicks Her To A Wall, But She Dodges Bi-Han's Kick, Which The 2 Fight, But He Has In An Arm-Lock Formation."

Bi-Han: You cannot beat me. I have known everything you can do before you do it.

Ryan: Man, You're leading me on a bad hair day.

"Ryan breaks free and grabs Bi-Han."

Ryan: And I don't have to beat you, Because I'm not alone.

"Ryan Kicks Bi-Han Into A Wall, Which Kuai Throws A Kunai At Him And Pulls Him, Sam, Chelsea & Tomas Strike Him Down, But He Gets Up, Enraged By How He's Losing The Fight."


"Ryan Then Charges At Him And K.O. Punches Him. Chelsea & Sam Then Walk In And Stand With Her, While Kuai Liang & Tomas Watch In Triumph."

Ryan: Now Stay Down.

"Ryan Then Turns And Becomes Happy To See Sam & Chelsea."

Ryan: Nice Moves, You Two. Sorry I'm Late.

Tomas: Late? You were the one who made an entrance.

Ryan: W-Wait a minute, I thought you were one of the bad guys.

Kuai Liang: It was Madame Bo who designed the test and send us to see if the knights are worthy.

"Kuai Liang Turns Around To See Bi-Han Unconscious."

Kuai Liang: You are my grandmaster no longer.

"Kuai Then Takes Off His Lin Kuai Silver Badge, Which He Puts It In Bi-Han's Pocket."

Tomas: What are you doing? Once he's exposed, won't you be made Grandmaster?

Kuai Liang: You forget Cyrax and Sektor. Their loyalty to Bi-Han is absolute. They'll sooner abet his corruption than follow me. We must chart a new course. One that both that honors our Father's legacy and serves Earthrealm.

Ryan: Listen......

"Kuai Then Turns Around To See Ryan."

Ryan: I know it sounds crazy but......I think I can help you guys.

"Kuai Then Walks Toward Ryan And Places His Hand On Her Shoulder, Earning The Respect From A Ninja."

Kuai Liang: Thank you, Ryan. You may not share blood with the Waynes......but you are worthy of the mantle you carry.

"Kuai Then Turns Around To See Chelsea & Sam."

Kuai: Help me. We can't leave him here to aid Shang Tsung.

"Outside Ying Fortress, The Heroes Help Kuai Liang & Tomas Carry Bi-Han To Someplace Where He Won't Be Able To Aid Shang Tsung, However, When They Turn Around, They Realised That The Soul Stealers Have Been Activated."

Chelsea: Oh No......!

Sam: I......I Think We're Too Late......
"At The Fire Temple, Liu Kang Sees 5 Beams of Green Light, Which He Realised That The Soul Stealers Have Been Activated By Shang Tsung, Anti-Matter & Slone."

Liu Kang: How did you and the Villains achieve this, sorcerer?

"Thankfully, When Liu Kang Turns Around, He Sees Geras, Who Arrived After Learning Everything He Can From The Hourglass."

Liu Kang: You arrive not a moment too soon, Geras. What have you learned?

Geras: In scrutinizing Shang Tsung's first meeting with his benefactor before Slone's motivation from her, I made an important discovery. Her life essence, the very time crystals that make up her being......are not of this timeline.

Liu Kang: Not of this timeline? How could someone from a previous timeline enter this one?

Geras: That cannot happen.

Liu Kang: If that cannot happen, then what has happened, Geras? There are no other timelines than those that have come before.

Geras: All evidence points to the presence of a second timeline, which exists concurrently with ours.

Liu Kang: Two timelines, side by side, moving forward simultaneously.

Geras: Never in a billion lifetimes have I seen this. But that does not make the other timeline any less real. There can be no doubt that Shang Tsung's benefactor hails from it.

Liu Kang: Hmm... And who she is, why she's here, where she's from......all questions we need answered. Which we can't, while we are under attack. I will go to Sindel. Convince her to withdraw from Earthrealm by showing her how history is being manipulated.

Geras: That will require revealing to her your prior role as Keeper of Time.

Liu Kang: The situation gives me no choice. I will need your help, Geras. To prove my claims to the Empress.
"As Liu Kang Had No Choice, He Then Opens A Portal, But Before He Could Enter......"

Kara: Liu Kang.

"Liu Kang Turns Around And Spots Kara, Who Had Heard A Conversation Between Him And Geras."

Liu Kang: Kara? What are you doing here? You are supposed to—

Kara: Return to Earth-Prime, I know. But what you said about something.........if you wanted to convince Sindel. Then I can help.

Liu Kang: ......I suppose the situation gave you no choice aswell.......You may come with me, But be careful, Shao will not take too kindly after you defeated him in the tournament.

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