I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Not playing fair.

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I actually slept that night.

I haven’t been able to sleep since I’ve been a ghost.

He went to bed soon after our little ‘heart to heart’, and he pulled me in with him. As I snuggled up to his chest with his arms around me, I closed my eyes and slept like a baby.

This is what I meant, I only feel alive when I’m with him. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder after last night. There was a part of me that still hated Jared, but that’s what I like best about us. We can absolutely loathe each other, but we can’t help but like each other.

I slept happy though, because I had finally got the explanation and the apology from him that I had been wanting for the last year.

 I’m not going to lie and say that I wasn’t shitting myself just before I fell asleep. I was worried that when I woke up the next morning, he would have had a chance to think through what we said tonight and repeat what he did last year and do a runner.

I shouldn’t have worried though, as the next morning I was awoken from my deep slumber by the idiot jumping up and down on the bed, screaming “RISE AND SHINE CASPER, ITS A BEAUTIFUL MORNING!”

I groaned, and covered my ears with my hands. He obviously took this as a sign to scream a little louder. He knew I wasn’t a morning person.

“WAKEY WAKEY LEAH!” he carried on jumping up and down like an irritating child. My annoyance got the best of me, and I aggressively kicked his legs, causing him to lose his balance and let out a very unmanly scream. He came toppling down on the bed, clinging onto the bed sheets to stop himself from falling off. I smiled with satisfaction.

“Oops” I said with fake innocence. He glared at me, and then a small smirk appeared on his face.

 Uh oh, this could never be good.

He grabbed by legs, and forcefully pulled them so my entire body slid towards him. When I was close enough, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me up, so I was now somehow straddling him.

“Wow, that was actually quite impressive.” I said. He had managed to do that in mere seconds.

“What can I say, I may not be good at algebra or that other shit, but when it comes to getting girls wrapping their legs around me, I'm the master.” He grinned. The corners of my mouth tugged up, and I exhaled dramatically, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You really have a way with words...” I replied sarcastically.

“I know right, and it’s not only my words that I'm good with.” He finished by placing his lips on mine. I instantly responded, and tangled my fingers through his dark hair. He pulled away, smiling. “See, I'm just the full package.”

I laughed, and muttered “Such a cocky bastard...”

After a while, we both got out of bed. Getting off of him was much more of a struggle than I thought it would be. I don’t know what the hell is going on between us though; I mean we seem to be kissing a lot this morning. A lot. But it’s not like we’re dating, I mean how can we be I'm a freaking ghost?!

He got dressed and ready while I waited for him. It’s not like I had to get dressed, I’m still in the same leggings, Uggs, white tank top and denim jacket I died in. I don’t think I can change into anything else. Thank Christ I didn’t die in just my bra and underwear. That could have been embarrassing. Actually, since Jared is the only person who could see me, he probably would have been in heaven.

We got to the school early. The plan today was to find out where Carmen was Monday, and hopefully solve this murder mystery. After the events of yesterday, I sort of forgot we were meant to be trying to find my killer. Finding out Jared was my soulmate and having him pour his heart out to me sort of made that slip my mind.

“Ergh, don’t make me talk to her again.” Jared pleaded, putting a few things away in his locker. I was leaning up against the rows, trying to tell him he had to talk to Carmen, much to his despair as he refused to have sex with the cock hungry slut yesterday. The halls were empty as we were so early, so we didn’t have to worry too much about people thinking Jared was crazy as he was talking to himself.

“Jared it’s the only way and you know it, just suck it up.”

“Leah, the problem is that I refused to let her suck it up, if you get my drift.” He mocked my tone. I scrunched my face in disgust. He closed his locker and looked at me. I tried to do the puppy dog eyes.

“Please Mr Mercedes; I really need you to do this for me. I’m begging my little heart out here.” I did a fake helpless/begging voice and batted my eyelashes. He stared me up and down, and then smirked. He got a little closer, resting his hand against the lockers, trapping me between them and him.

“How about you do a little more of that begging?” he whispered, his breath hitting my face and making me shiver slightly.

“Mr Mercedes, could you please do this for your soulmate? She would be very, very grateful” I repeated my previous tone of voice.

“I like it when you call me Mr Mercedes.” he breathed, making my legs feel a little jelly. “Maybe we should try that name out when we get home later.”

I bit my lower lip. Wow, was this actually turning me on?

Fuck it might as well play along. I placed my hand on his chest and trailed down his torso with my index finger.

“I’ll call you anything you want later” I whispered seductively, inching my face closer so our lips were centimetres apart. “All you have to do is this one little favour for me.”

His mouth was parted slightly, and he was staring at my lips, obviously gagging to close the distance between them and his own. I carried on, knowing I’ve got him right where I want him.

“So, will you?” I asked, and kissed his neck, nibbling slightly. I heard him groan in defeat.

“Yeah” he moaned. I pulled away from him smiling.

“Thanks, you really are a sport” I said, back in my normal tone, patting his shoulders slightly.

“Preston you really don’t play fair.” He glared, pushing himself away from the locker.

“Doesn’t matter how you play the game, as long as you win.” I winked. He smirked and was just about to reply when....

“Jared!” we both twisted our head to see Eve stood in the hall, staring at Jared. He glanced at me again, and looked over at Eve.

“Is there something I can help you with Clear?” he asked as his normal sarcastic self.

“I need to talk to you.” She said. Jared didn’t move. “NOW!”

We both jumped a little. Eve was one scary bitch. Jared sighed heavily and followed Eve, giving me the eye that said ‘you better come along cos I am not facing this bitch alone.’

I followed them, wondering the entire way just what the hell Eve wanted to talk to Jared about.

This should be interesting.

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