I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The best friend.

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We made our way to the same empty classroom me and Jared argued in on Monday. I sat on one of the tables, and Jared sat next to me. His arm was against mine, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I could actually feel his arm there. Eve closed the door and looked over at Jared.

“So do you actually need something or do you just want a ride in the Mercedes?” Jared smirked. I snorted.

“What a chat-up line...” I muttered. Eve glared at him in disgust.  


“I’d rather drive a real Mercedes off a cliff” she replied, making me laugh.

That’s my girl.


So what do you want then?” he asked, clearly bored.

“Something’s going on” she simply stated.

“What’s going on?” Jared asked, clearly getting more interested in the conversation.

“Right this is going to sound crazy, but In Kong’s class when the gay porn popped up yesterday, I swear I heard someone laughing.” She said, looking a little embarrassed to be admitting this.

“Everyone was laughing, there was gay porn openly being played in the lesson” Jared replied, not giving anything away.

“No, I mean-I swear I-” she sighed, finding it hard to get the words out. “I swear I heard Leah laughing, I know you’re going to say it’s my imagination but I recognise that girls laugh or voice anywhere.”

Jared’s mouth hung open a little in shock, as did mine. She did feel my presence.

Eve carried on.

“I saw you stop on the way out of class yesterday like you were about to talk to someone, and I saw you yell at someone in the hall straight after. Then at lunch, when the lights and doors started going crazy, and you looked like you were staring at someone that wasn’t there. Jared is something going on?” she asked. I could hear Jared stutter a little, trying to figure out something to say that doesn’t mean admitting the truth.

“Tell her.” I muttered. His head shot around to me and looked at me like I was nuts. “Just tell her.”

“She’s going to think I'm crazy!” he shouted at me. I chuckled.

“You’re talking to yourself right now; I don’t think it gets much crazier than that.”

“I can’t just tell her, she’s not going to believe me!”

“She’s here isn’t she?” Eve whispered, looking at me. Both me and Jared shot our heads around to her. After a little hesitation, Jared sighed.

“Yeah she is.” he finally admitted.

She continued staring my way, and I saw her eyes glisten over. Her lip started quivering, and I could tell she was fighting back tears.

“Does- Does that mean she’s dead?” she stuttered, while still trying to hold back tears. I was struggling to hold a few back of my own by looking at her. Jared slowly nodded his head.

“Tell her not to cry, she’s stronger than this” I said, sounding like an idiot as I was trying not to cry myself.

“She said don’t cry, and that your stronger than that” he said, to my surprise. He’s actually co-operating.

“How am I meant to not cry, my best friends dead!” she exclaimed, tears falling freely. Neither of us said anything, and I could feel tears falling down my face. I hated seeing her cry.

“How can you see her?” she asked.

“Its a long story...” he stated.

“Believe me, for this, I’ve got fucking time.” She replied, wiping a few tears away with her sleeve.

Jared sighed “I saw her for the first time at Tyler’s party. She’s been stalking me ever since” he joked, obviously trying to lighten the mood. I choked out a chuckle. Eve smiled slightly. “Apparently the reason I can see her, according to some Psychic Rachel-”

“Ruth” I corrected.

“Whatever. According to psychic Ruth, apparently, it’s because me and Leah are soulmates.” He snorted with laughter. Eve’s eyes widened in disbelief. “I know right? Me and Leah. The only thing I thought someone would pair us up for is duel” he laughed.

“I always knew there was something between you two...” Eve mumbled. That doesn’t surprise me, Eves a smart girl. “Is she okay? Wait I know that’s a stupid question obviously she not okay.” She started babbling.

“Tell her I'm fine, and that I miss not being able to talk to her.” I told him, which he repeated to her. She started sobbing again, and walked close to the table so she was in front of me.

“What happened to you?” she asked me. I couldn’t find the words, so Jared found them for me.

“She was murdered Eve, that’s why she’s still here. She wants to find whoever did this to her.”

I saw Eves face turn into a picture of pure anger. “She was murdered? Who the fuck killed her?!”

“I don’t know that’s what we’re trying to figure out.” he said, trying to calm her down.

“Don’t tell her we think its Carmen.” I quickly told him. He looked at me questioningly. “Imagine what Eve will do if she thinks Carmen killed me?” He quickly understood.

Eve would probably track down some sort of fire power and shoot Carmen in the face if she suspected her of hurting me.

“What can I do?” Eve whispered, still talking to me. “I want to help, anything you need me to do.”

“Nothing Eve, I want you to get on with your life. You’re my best friend and I know it’s going to be hard, but I don’t want you crying over me. You’re so much stronger than that. And plus, if you’re all depressed who the hell is going to wreak havoc in this school?” I joked. Jared repeated what I just said to Eve. She choked out a laugh.

“And please do me a favour, stop messing Max about. You two need to hurry up and get together officially cos we all know it’s going to happen.” I said.

“I knew they were screwing!” Jared blurted out, then quickly explained what I just said after Eve shot him a death glare. She looked a little embarrassed but nodded her head.

“I'm going to miss you, my sister from a pale mister” she laughed, as did I.

“I'm going to miss you two, my brother from a dark mother” I laughed, crying at the same time.

Then I apparated out of the room.

Jared POV

Leah disappeared, again, leaving me and Eve in the empty classroom. Eve looked around, and I knew she could sense that Leah was gone. She burst into tears, and I automatically got to my feet and hugged her.

I finally realised how close they were. They were like sisters. Eve sobbed into my chest, and I started wondering why I haven’t cried yet. I mean I knew Leah was dead, but it’s like I refuse to believe it. The fact that she’s still hanging about and I can see her doesn’t help either.

After Eve calmed down a little, I pushed her away slightly and looked down at her tear stained face.

“I know this is really hard Eve, but you need to be strong. Everyone thinks Leah just took off like she normally does, and we need to keep it that way. If people figure out that she’s really dead, the person who killed her will realise were onto them. So please, keep this to yourself, for Leah?” I asked, trying to be as sensitive as I could. I can be nice when I want to be.

She slowly nodded her head. “Don’t worry; I’ll act like nothing’s happened. Anything to help you and Leah catch the bastard who did this to her. I just need you to promise me something?”

“What?” I asked a little wearingly. Eve did make me nervous I'm not going to lie.

“Once she finds out who did this to her, she’s going to cross over. Before she does, give me a chance to say goodbye properly?” she asked, tears rolling down her face again. My heart knotted at her request.

“Of course darling, I promise.” I cooed, and comforted her again.

Of course, pretty soon Leah’s going to cross over and leave for good. Leave me for good.

A lump rose to the back of my throat when I realised how much I didn’t want that to happen.



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