Idea 1: The H.U.N.K

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Hey so this is something I just thought for fun and to start it off I want to do something simple and that being. What if we took H.U.N.K and instead of making him a skin for Legion, let's make him a killer, so I give you.

The H.U.N.K

Now what would The H.U.N.K do, it be simple, his power would be.

Not just any gun though, it would be this gun.

Now how his power would work is that it would have like a charge up meter, kinda like would be like Micheal but when filled you can press the power button to pull out your gun.

Now how it would work is that it kinda be a like Trickster where a meter would fill up for survivors but after it's filled, it doesn't hurt them. It insta downs them.

I feel like 12 shots would do it, but after like a few seconds or so, maybe 30 or 60 the H.U.N.K would lose his gun and would need to fill up the meter again.

Now for his add-ons I thought of an interesting idea. You know how survivors can bring items? Well what if we had a killer that can use items? That's right H.U.N.K would use different items with them having different add-ons well expect for the red ones since they are the most powerful. Now I don't have an idea in mind for all items but with that let's start with his only brown item. Flash Bang

Now how the flash bang would work is that, it would work like how survivors use it blind the killer, but it's in reverse.

Where with the hunk for exchange the meter fills up fast you have an item that can injury a survivor but when throw can blind survivors allowing you to get a hit or down someone. Think of it as reverse stealth were they can hear you but can't see you.

Next his yellow would be. A pistol

Now this the pistol this is more about being accurate with your shots and if done well can be a surprise. I guess for add-ons it could be a silencer so the shots are quiet or maybe a three round burst mode.

Next for green we get the shotgun.

Now for the shotgun for exchange this can fill up the meter fast with it filling up the meter up to 4 bars it can only be closed range and has powerful recoil.

Now we have Purple which is a personal favorite. The Stun Gun

Now this is special cause for the first time, killers can do what survivors have been doing to killers. Stun them. With this if you shoot a survivor they get stunned and longer the charge, the longer the stun and if you are fast enough, you can insta down them.

Now time for the reds, with the first being a

Yes, the H.U.N.K can use a fricken rocket launcher! Takes notes Nemesis cause this is going to be fun

Nemesis: STARS!

Yep cause stars are what they can only see after this.

Now the rocket launcher for exchange having the longest charge and can only be used once at a time. It can insta down multiple survivors at once

I don't think flex tape will fix them but let's just say you aren't a fan of genocide. How about something quick, then I give you the other red add on.

The Iridescent Skull.

Now what does this do, well let our fellow Meg demonstrate

Meg: What?

That's right, the H.U.N.K can snap the survivors necks. Now this would take a long time and can only be used once before having to recharge. Now how to use it is that the H.U.N.K would need to do a normal basic attack or a lunge attack to poll it off. Think like Mori Michael except after every kill it needs to recharge.

Now that's what I got for the H.U.N.K but here's the next one I might do

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