Idea 2: The Predator

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Hello time for another killer and like I said it's going to be

The Predator or you can Call it. The Hunter which ever works

Now how would the Predator work, simply this time I'm going to do something different without using the Predators camo, but that could be like an add on or something but for the main power I want to do something different.

You see in dbd most of the killers are simply mass murders who are a bit crazy and others aren't, but the predator isn't he's not a killer he's a hunter and I feel like his power should work as such, so I feel like his power should be based on that, so I give you

Hunting Grounds.

Now Hunting grounds is simple. You can use the power button to enter tracking mode, in this mode it goes to the Predator thermal vision and in this state for exchange you are slower, you gain the undetectable status effect and able to track the survivors foot prints which are left if survivors run or walk.

Now you know what something most killers hate, bush techs. Like how a survivor can lose the killer by hiding in a bush, well this time it won't work cause in tracker mode the survivors will also appear in thermal vision meaning they won't be able to hide from you which leaves us to the second part of the power.

The Plasma caster

Now how this works is that when ever you find a survivor you can target them with a recital showing up and after a few minutes you can fire a powerful blast of plasma that will put them into the dying state and also the caster does that aiming for you so don't worry about that. Sadly it can only lock on to one survivor at a time and has a bit of a cool down so you have to choose your targets wisely.

Now I feel like the plasma caster should work differently then other projects, that being. If survivors try to hide behind a pallet or window, that won't save them. If a survivor hides behind a pallet the pallet will be destroyed and the survivor will be injured and if they hide behind a window then they will be put into the dying state.

The only way to avoid this is if you can break sight with the predator or hide behind a wall before the shot hits you. Now I want to throw something in to help survivors, so I'm adding something know as Camo

Camo is something that survivors can get after entering a locker, and after a few minutes the survivor will come out fully dressed in camouflage. During this state the predator can't track them but survivors can't run or else they lose the camouflage and if they get hit, they also lose it.

I kinda want this were instead of the killer having to play the survivors game, it's the survivors who have to play the killers game, cause the Predator isn't your normal killer, he's a hunter and the survivors are the pray.

I feel like his add-ons should go into this concept of that the survivors have to play the killers game, so for his add-ons or perks he could probably booby trap gens, pallets, windows or maybe even totems.

Now for the Mori I feel like it would have to take inspiration from MKX. With it going like this

The Predator would impale the survivor with his claw blade and lift them up in the air, during which the predator would use his plasma caster to blast a whole through the survivors stomach, during which he would drop them on ground and remove their head and rasing it up in there air while roaring with it now claiming a new trophy.

Now for skins you can add the other types of predators and since the Xenomorph is in dbd you can add a predalien skin based off the Alien vs predator movies.

Now for the next part I'll let you vote

Do you want

A: The Toy

B: The Demon

C: The Frost

Or would you like something else, like maybe a add on idea, which I have some for nemesis but never the less I'll see you later

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