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The desperate knocks coming from the door woke Heejin, who was leaning on Hyunjin's shoulder, and disturbed a computer-focused player, Chaewon.

Ever since the incident between the three, Chaewon kept in mind that she would always mind her surroundings even though she's busy with her games. She doesn't want her friends to be in danger again because of her.

"What's that? Do you think that more zombies found us?" Hyunjin whispered carefully.

"I don't know, it would be impossible that they found us here 'cause we haven't been making any noise at all." Heejin whispered back.

Chaewon stood up from her gaming chair and turned to get the nearest lamp beside her. Unplugging it from the socket, she wrapped her hands tightly around and headed towards their dorm's entrance.

"Yah! Chaewon-ah, what are you doing? Do you want one of those things to get inside her and eat us like a buffet?" Hyunjin called out.

Chaewon spared Hyunjin a glance, "If those are people out there, we need to save them. Imagine if you and Heejin were the ones out there knocking on doors and no one's letting you in."

Hyunjin was about to answer back, when they heard a loud voice coming from the outside.

"Help! Please! If anyone can hear me, please let us in!" The three college students looked at each other, internally deciding what they should do.

"We're not sure if they're infected or n–"

"Please! My friend and I are completely fine! We're not one of those things, just please let us in!"

After hearing what the person outside just said, Chaewon automatically held onto the door's handle and then unlocked it in a split second.

The girl, who Chaewon think was screaming a while ago, was caught off guard as she's now facing a wide open door.

"Come on, get inside now!" Chaewon shouted.

The girl pulled her friend with her inside the room, but before they could fully enter, a zombie grabbed onto the person with bangs.

The cute girl with bangs almost screamed in pain as she saw the zombie was about to bite off onto her white skin, when Chaewon swung the lamp that she was holding straight at the zombie's head.

Before any of them could comprehend what just happened, Chaewon grabbed onto the other girl's wrist and pulled them completely inside the room. Using her left hand, Chaewon successfully closed and locked the door even before the zombie could stand back up.

Heejin and Hyunjin watched the others as they catched their breaths. Looking closely at the new entered guests, Hyunjin was examining them intently to affirm that they weren't really infected.

It became quite a difficult task for Hyunjin to do just that because the girls were wearing protective gears. Well, not the military type ones, more of the ones that you would find inside the school's gym.

The girl who was screaming earlier was wearing a  baseball player's helmet, accompanied with a bloody wooden bat. Her eyes landed next to the girl with bangs, who's wearing a baseball catcher's protective helmet. She was also equipped with a pair of mitts that looked like as if someone tried to rip it apart. Both girls were wearing a chest protection.

After catching their breaths, the girl in front removed her helmet and bowed at Chaewon. "Thank you so much for opening that door for us."

Chaewon got slightly flustered as she immediately asked the girl to stand back up. "Aish, that's nothing. You guys were in trouble and helping you wasn't a big thing at times like this."

The girl bowed once again and diverted her attention to her friend. She helped her remove the mitts, protective helmet, and chest protection that the other girl was wearing. At the same time, she also removed the baseball equipments that were hugging her body.

The girl cleared her throat and started to speak, "Umm okay, so, I think we should begin by introducing ourselves. My name's Jungeun and my friend here is Jiwoo. I would like to apologize for barging in your dorm at this hour. As you can see, we were in desperate need of help because those monsters were running af–"

"It's okay, you don't have to explain. We understand your situation." Heejin spoke up.

Hyunjin stood up from where she was previously seating and stood next to the girls. "Not to be that person, but are you sure that those zombies didn't bite you or anything? A scratch?"

Instead of being offended, Jungeun knew that Hyunjin was only doing this to assure that all of them would be safe.

"Yeah, umm we really weren't bitten or scratched. We actually wore these baseball equipments that we found at the gym in hopes of avoiding to get infected by those zombies." Jungeun stated.

Heejin soon joined them as well. "It's actually pretty cool how you guys thought of using those things." She looked at the bloody bat that Jungeun was holding just moments ago. "And from the looks of it, it became pretty useful."

"Thanks." Jungeun cleared her throat once more. "Umm if you guys would let us stay the night, I promise you that by sunrise, Jiwoo and I would find a new place to stay at."

"That won't be necessary." Chaewon butted in. "You guys can stay here as long as you want. We don't know what other surprises could be out there. It's safe here and we don't really mind the company. My friends already bought a lot of foods and I think that's enough for all of us."

Jungeun smiles at the shorter girl. She held onto the girl's hands and looked directly at her. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to us."

Heejin noticed that the girl named Jiwoo was standing quietly at the side. She approached the girl by calling her name.

"Jiwoo-ssi, are you okay?"

Upon hearing her name, Jiwoo looked at Heejin. "Huh? Oh, umm, yeah. I'm good."

"Do you need anything? Food? Water?"

"Something to eat would be nice." Jiwoo replied as she smiled at Heejin.

"Okay then. You and Jungeun-ssi here should settle in. You can sit on the couch. I'll just get you guys something to eat." Heejin disappeared into the kitchen.

Jungeun and Jiwoo did what was told and tried their best to relax within the four walls of a room without worrying whether a zombie would attack them anytime soon.

Chaewon also barricaded the door with their small cabinet so that those creatures wouldn't just enter the dorm freely, even if they manage to break the door.

After a few minutes, Heejin's voice can be heard from the kitchen. "Hyunjin-ah, can you please come in here and help me with this." You can tell by Heejin's voice that she was doing her best not to make as much noise as possible.

Hearing her friend's call, Hyunjin proceeded to the kitchen and helped Heejin with whatever she needed.

The two came back to the living room, holding two cups of ramen, as well as two bottles of water. They placed it down on the small table that's facing Jungeun and Jiwoo.

"Go on, help yourselves. Don't worry about us, I can assure you that we won't run out of food." Heejin smiled at the two.

Jiwoo hesistantly reached out to grab onto the ramen in front of her. As soon as she did, she started to devour its contents. Jungeun smiled apologetically at Heejin.

"Ahhh, that's the only proper meal that I had in a while." Jiwoo said. This was the first time that they heard her speak so casually when she entered the dorm.

Back when she entered, she was like a small, frightened, and a confused child. It was as if she was scared to talk. But after that ramen and a bottle of water, she's now back to her usual self. Her cheerful and bubbly self. Her real self.

Heejin thought that maybe Jiwoo was just really hungry that's why she was a bit quiet a while ago. She was a little surprised that Jiwoo already finished her meal right before Jungeun started to eat hers.

"Have you guys been outside for so long?" Hyunjin asked.

Jungeun was about to reply when Jiwoo beat her to it. "Oh yeah. I think we have been there for two days already?" Jiwoo looked at Jungeun.

"Jiwoo, we haven't even spent a single day outside. We've only been there for like 8 hours."

"Oh. That felt like days ago! I remember eating that sandwich of yours like it was centuries ago. You know what, I think this is what hunger does to people. When you get hungry, yo–"

Jiwoo was cut off by the slamming that was heard from the door. Chaewon looked at Jiwoo and put her index finger to her mouth, indicating that the latter should be quiet.

It was a tense moment when none of them dared to move a single muscle. At times like this, keeping quiet is crucial. A single noise might lead you to your last day.

The slamming then stopped after a few minutes of silence. Distant footsteps can now be heard, disappearing one step at a time as if the monster who stood there just moments ago went to find his/her next target.

"Jiwoo-ssi, can you please lower your voice down when you talk? Those zombies might barge their way inside here when they figure out that we're inside." Chaewon explained. Jiwoo gave her an 'okay' sign.

Heejin was dragged to her train of thoughts when she heard Jiwoo's loud voice. That voice sounds familiar...

"Jungeun-ssi, do you guys attend this university too or were you guys from the other side of the map?" Heejin asked.

"You mean Blockberry University? Umm yeah, we study there. I mean studied, if we are talking about the present. Why do you ask?"

"I just think that I've heard Jiwoo-ssi's voice from somewhere. By any chance, were you guys there at the auditorium room just a week ago when we had those dancers as guests?"

Jungeun placed a finger under her chain. "I can't really rem–"

"Yes, yes, we were there!" Jiwoo answered loudly, earning a 'shhh' from Hyunjin.

"Ahhh now I know why her voice is so familiar. You were that girl who kept on cheering loudly for the dance squad!" Heejin's eyes shined brightly as she remembered where she saw Jungeun and Jiwoo.

"You guys were there too?" Jungeun asked.

"Uhuh. That was during our vacant time so we decided to watch those dancers dance." Chaewon said.

"You said that you guys attend Blockberry University too, but why do I think that I haven't seen you guys that often at the hallways?" Hyunjin asked from the side.

"Oh, maybe because Jiwoo and I are a year older? You guys look like you're younger than us, especially this girl here." Jungeun motioned towards Chaewon's direction.

"Oh right, we haven't properly introduced ourselves yet." Hearing that Jungeun called Chaewon 'this girl', Heejin realized that they haven't really introduced themselves to their new found friends.

"I'm Heejin. This is Chaewon and the girl beside her is Hyunjin. We're all in second year college since we were all born on the same year. Hyunjin and I have been friends since middle school, then we met Chaewon during high school. Long story short, we three rented this huge dorm together so we could save some money."

Jungeun and Jiwoo nodded at the new found information. "Well, I guess I was right. Jiwoo and I are a year older than you guys. I'm currently taking up fashion designing and Jiwoo here is majoring in music. We've also been friends since we were in middle school but we didn't really plan on getting a dorm together."

"By the way, before you guys found this place, where were you staying?" Hyunjin asked.

"Before all hell breaks loose, we were supposed to get ice cream. But then when we entered the shop, there was blood on the counter. It was uncanny at first that there weren't any people there at that time since it's lunch time, but sooner or later, we found out the reason why. We ran and ran until we end up at the gym."

"That explains the baseball equipments." Heejin muttered.

Jungeun nodded and resumed her story. "We stayed there and waited until night time. I figured that those zombies can't see well on the dark. We were lucky enough that the lights went off on that part of the school because the whole place became dark. It was our chance to escape. I knew that we wouldn't survive a night without something to eat or drink."

"Wait, wait, wait, so that means we should turn off our lights here too 'cause we might get the zombies' attention?" Heejin asked.

"I'm not sure. If other parts of this building also have their lights on, I don't think that's necessary. But for our safety, it would be better to turn them off." Jungeun told them.

After hearing Jungeun's words, the three girls who own the dorm stood up and began to switch off the lights one by one. Chaewon turned on their small moon lamp to act as their only source of light amidst of the dark.

"There. I think this will do." Chaewon said and sat back down the couch.

"So, how 'bout you guys? Where were you when those monsters started to appear?" Jiwoo asked.

"Well, Heejin and I were outside shopping for groceries. Chaewon stayed here playing her games. Fortunately, she was playing her zombie games that time, became paranoid and told us to buy as many foods that we can. That's why we were serious when we said that we won't be running out of food anytime soon."

"On top of that, Chaewon staying here at the dorm saved our butts. Without her here, no one would open the door for us. We would still be outside trying to fit the key to unlock the door." Heejin added.

"I guess everything happens for a reason then." Jungeun said.

"Yeah, guess so."

A comfortable silence filled the room. Jungeun and Jiwoo were glad that these juniors welcomed them with open arms. Jungeun promised herself that someday, she wants to repay these girls' kindness.

"Umm, do you guys have a bathroom here that I can use?" Jiwoo suddenly asked.

"Uhh yeah, it's right behind the corner." Heejin pointed Jiwoo the direction leading to the bathroom.

"You can use the moon as your light. I'll just get the small lamp from my room so we'll have a light source here too." Hyunjin stood up and went inside another room. A few moments, she headed out holding a small lamp.

She went to get the moon lamp placed on the small table and give it to Jiwoo. "Here you go. You can now proceed to the bathroom."

Jiwoo slowly found her way towards the bathroom. Closing the door, she stared at her reflection on the mirror. Deep down, Jiwoo knew that she's terrified of all of the things that she faced these past hours.

That zombie that was trying to break his way into Jiwoo's mitts gave her a trauma, that is why she couldn't utter a word whe she entered the dorm.

She couldn't believe that the once beautiful, fun, and lively world that she used to live in would turn out to be a dangerous, horrifying, and uncivilized world.

When Jungeun was desperately knocking on the three girls' place, Jiwoo thought that it was her time. Seeing those four zombies that were right behind them made her think of all of the worst things that could happen.

Jiwoo is scared and she didn't want her best friend Jungeun to find out.

A knock on the door interrupted Jiwoo's train of thoughts. "Jiwoo? Are you alright? You've been there for quite a while." It was Jungeun's voice.

Jiwoo opened the sink and let the water ran down, pretending that she was washing her face the whole time. She damped her face with water and then turned off the faucet.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be out in a sec."

Jiwoo wouldn't want Jungeun to find out that she was scared because she knew that her best friend would become overprotective of her. Even if it means sacrificing her own life.

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