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Jinsoul hesitantly and slowly removed her hands from her ears as the noise outside subsided. She fished her phone from her pocket that made her realize that the chaos outside has been going on for almost an hour now.

Opening her Twitter app, she scrolled through her timeline, hoping to somehow get a glimpse on what's really happening. Countless of pictures of videos of the man that Jinsoul has encountered was posted online. Some are even worse than what she experienced. Like this one video, where a crowd of those monsters surround a poor little girl, munching on her insides as if it was a buffet. The person recording the video was lucky enough not to get caught by those monsters.

The terms 'zombies, end of the world, Train to Busan in real life, and survive' are trending respectively on Twitter. When Jinsoul moved to her other apps, Facebook and Instagram, she saw the exact kind of contents.

Jinsoul continued on scrolling through her phone, changing from sites to sites, so that she'll be able to gain more information about those zombies that she just saw. Before she could dive deeper, she heard shuffling coming from the opposite side in front of her.

Youngeun yawned and lightly stretched her limbs as she opened her eyes. Rubbing her eyes, she was confused as to why Jinsoul was with her at the breakroom. If Jinsoul unnie is here, then who is taking orders outside?

Before the younger girl could get a chance to speak, Jinsoul beat her to it. The blonde held onto the latter's lips to stop her from uttering a word.

"Youngeun-ah, I need you to be very very quiet." The older girl started to whisper. "There is something very wrong happening outside and if you make any noise, they'll find us here. So, I need you to trust me on this. I'll slowly remove my hand but you need to promise me that you'll keep quiet, is that okay?" asked Jinsoul as the girl beside her nodded.

Jinsoul carefully withdrew her hands away from Youngeun's lips as the latter exhaled. Youngeun looked at Jinsoul and began whispering as well.

"Who's they? What are they going to do to us when they find us here?"

Jinsoul exhaled. She knew that it would take a long time of explaining for Youngeun to understand what is really happening. It would be hard to make Youngeun believe that what Jinsoul will tell her are all actually true. She might think that the other is joking and worse, she might even try to go outside to check.

Jinsoul would never let that happen. She wouldn't let the only living person who she's seeing right now, die and get devoured by those monsters.

Everything might seem crazy and hard to believe, even Jinsoul wasn't sure if she's dreaming or not, but she will make sure that Youngeun would eventually believe her and they that would soon find a way to survive.

"Do you know the movie 'Train to Busan'?" Jinsoul questioned. She assumed that this is the fastest way to make Youngeun become aware of their current situation.

"Umm, yes." Youngeun reluctantly replied back.

Jinsoul could see it in the child's eyes that she's puzzled as to why is she even asking this kind of question.

"When I said 'they' a while ago, I'm actually referring to those monsters," Jinsoul trailed off. "they are zombies that are like on that movie." She made sure to go as slow as possible and as quiet as she can so that the other girl wouldn't be overwhelmed with information.

"You mean, zombies are real?" Youngeun subtly went nearer to the other girl so she can whisper what she's saying.

Jinsoul was internally relieved knowing that she doesn't need to do some in-depth explanation to Youngeun 'cause the younger looked like she understood what she was implying to.

"Yes. They're real. Like really really real. And right now, we're stuck in here because those zombies are out there." Jinsoul said.

"Wow, I've been asleep for a short time and then zombies are already real. I must be dreaming." Youngeun started to pinch herself, hoping to wake up from her so-called dream.

Jinsoul realized what Youngeun was doing and stopped her immediately. "Yah! You're not dreaming!! You're totally awake right now. See." Jinsoul pinched the other girl, which made her yelp a little.

Youngeun, who was now rubbing the spot that Jinsoul pinched, pouted slightly. "Yah! You shouldn't have done that. I knew that this wasn't a dream, I was just joking."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. I'm just currently internally panicking. You thinking that all of this is just a dream wasn't helping at all." The blonde pouted as well.

The room became silent for a while. Neither Jinsoul nor Youngeun, who just wake up from her slumber, knew what to do next.

"Sooo," Youngeun started. "what should we do next?" She asked Jinsoul, whose head is laying low.

Jinsoul looked up to look at Youngeun. "Maybe...just maybe...we should just stay here?" It appeared more of a question rather than a statement. Despite being years older than Youngeun, Jinsoul isn't also sure what to do. Hell, who would? It's a zombie apocalypse we're talking about here.


"Hmm, what did you say?" Jinsoul asked.

"I said 'what'. What do you mean we should stay here?" Youngeun repeated.

"What choice do we have?" Jinsoul weakly asked. "There's a lot of those zombies out there and if we go out, we're gonna die!"

"Who knows if we'll die or not? Do you think that staying here would keep us alive? Of course not! We don't have any food or water here. We wouldn't last a day here. If we starve, we die!" Youngeun defended back.

Jinsoul knew that Youngeun has a point. She felt a bit guilty, knowing that the girl who's younger than her is making a lot more sense than she is.

"Well, if you knew what to do, you shouldn't have asked me."

Youngeun scoffed. "I asked you 'cause I thought you would want to fight back. I thought you were brave enough to go out there and fight for your life. But I guess you're not. You chose to be a coward who wants to hide rather than to survive fighting. You haven't even thought about your family whether they're safe or not. What if they're out there waiting for you, hoping that you're alive and yet here you are, waiting to starve and die." The younger girl turned around to face the wall, avoiding Jinsoul's eyes.

That's when it hit Jinsoul. She must've been the worst daughter in the whole wide world right now because her family haven't crossed her mind once when all of this started. She only thought about herself and how she can survive.  What if her family is still out there waiting for her?

Jinsoul slowly approached Youngeun and held her shoulder. "Youngeun-ah, I'm sorry. I've been selfish. All this time, I was only thinking about myself. I didn't think about my family nor yours."

Youngeun slowly looked at Jinsoul. "You're right. We should go out there and fight. It would be better to die fighting rather than die here not doing anything." After the blonde's statement, the younger smiled.

Youngeun engulfed Jinsoul in a hug. Jinsoul let the latter hug her as much as she can. "Unnie, we should come up with a plan on how we can get out of here."

Jinsoul retracted her hands from Youngeun and began to think. "Hmm, as bad as this sounds, I think those zombies have been feeding on those customers out there by now. While they're distracted, maybe we can head for the exit."

Youngeun nodded in response. "Yeah, I think that's a plan."

Fright and tension couldn't be avoided as Jinsoul and Youngeun readied themselves to head out. They both checked the room to find anything that they can use to protect themselves. Unfortunately, Youngeun only found a mop.

"Okay, I think that mop could somehow help us." Jinsoul said. "Stay behind me. I'll try to check what's happening outside. I'm hoping that they're still munching on their meals."

Jinsoul gently opened the door to take a peek. Now that she can quite see of what's happening outside thanks to that small space she made, she stopped opening the door.

The place was what Jinsoul expected; customers laying on the floor with zombies hovering over them. Blood stains everywhere – accompanied with internal organs scattered on the floors and chairs. Broken glass and furnitures; they're all over the place.

Jinsoul averted her gaze to the only entrance and saw that the door was also broken. The glass door was shattered open as if those zombies tried to breakthrough. Which they did.

Relief washed over Jinsoul as she saw that there weren't any zombies outside the cafe, just some of them but they were not near their location. As she was done inspecting the place, Jinsoul slowly closed the door once more.

"Okay. Those zombies are still busy. This is our chance to escape. Here's the plan." Jinsoul started as she stared at Youngeun. "Once we head outside, you need to crouch. We don't want them to see us in the open. We'll use the counter to hide from them as we head towards the exit."

With every word Jinsoul is saying, Youngeun kept on nodding, indicating that she understood what the other was saying.

"Try to avoid making any sound because I think that like in the movies, they'll notice us once we're noisy. After leaving the cafe, we'll head somewhere less crowded and maybe try to find a ride."

"And?" Youngeun asked.

"I don't know. That's mostly my plan. You can suggest more if you have any ideas though."

"I think we should go check our family once we hitch a ride?"

"Yeah, okay, okay. We can do that. I just hope that the city isn't destroyed enough for us to get a ride." Jinsoul sighed as she held on Youngeun's hand. "Let's do this."

With a single nod, Jinsoul opened the door and crouched down behind the counter. Youngeun was behind her as the younger held onto the mop she's holding.

The plan was going well. The girls were almost near the exit. Alas, things wouldn't really go as planned. When Jinsoul carefully stood up as she reached the exit, a female zombie looked to her left and saw the blonde. The female monster shrieked, which brought and focused the others' attention to Jinsoul.

"Run, Youngeun! We have to run!" Jinsoul shouted, running away from the monsters that are looking at her.

Jinsoul wasn't sure where to go but she kept on running and running, with Youngeun following her from behind. They would also encounter zombies in front of them during their route to nowhere but luckily, they were able to dodge them.

Youngeun saw an alleyway and shouted Jinsoul's name. "Jinsoul unnie! We could go there and lose them!"

Jinsoul followed Youngeun's advice and took a turn on the alleyway. The zombies were fast to catch up to Jinsoul and Youngeun. The girls knew that they couldn't outrun those monsters.

Seeing a large dumpster next to her, Jinsoul started to push it in the direction where they came from. It will serve as a barricade between them and the zombies which will give them time to run away.

Youngeun immediately helped Jinsoul, but there was a single zombie that passed through the dumpster before they fully covered the small alley.

With the help of the mop, Youngeun successfully swung the mop towards the figure's direction. The zombie fell on the ground and Youngeun decided to keep on hitting its face for it to break into pieces. Thanks to those movies, Youngeun was smart enough to know that she couldn't let that monster stand up anymore and attack them once more.

"Youngeun-ah, let's go!" Youngeun was too preoccupied to notice that Jinsoul already moved the large dumpster all by herself.

Youngeun stopped and threw away the now bloody mop. As she exited the alleyway, her eyes traveled around and saw Jinsoul standing in the middle of the road. The blonde was too busy and didn't even notice that there was a car coming towards her direction.

"Jinsoul unnie, watch out!!"


After this, the next chapters might be published a little late since school's about to start. I promise you guys to update as soon as I can.

Anyway, thank you so much for the support that you guys have been continuously giving this book ♡

Hold on tight, there's still a long journey ahead of us ;)

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