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"So, what happened back at the academy?" Kahei asked Sooyoung. "How did you manage to get here if there were lots of zombies outside?"

"You see, it wasn't an easy task to get here..."


Sooyoung shut her eyes tight as she waited for the footsteps outside the props closet disappear. When she felt like there weren't anyone outside the door anymore, she immediately looked for a weapon inside the closet. She grabbed unto the fake umbrella right next to her.

Slowly, she peeked outside and saw that the zombies were on the other side of the hallway. Sooyoung carefully went outside and was already planning to head out the academy, when she remembered the dance instructor whom she left with Chaeyeon.

'Come on Sooyoung, she's probably dead by now. You need to GO.'

Sooyoung's conscience won when her feet led her to their dance practice room. "Ms. Oh, we need to mo–"

The sight that Sooyoung saw was indeed what she was expecting. Her dance teacher lying on the floor as Chaeyeon hovered over her, munching on her insides. Sooyoung's voice caught Chaeyeon's attention – the now dead girl looked right into her as she shrieked.

Chaeyeon lunged unto Sooyoung, the latter was a bit faster than her former dancemate as she swung the umbrella, which made Chaeyeon fall. She took this opportunity to look the door from the inside and closed it, thinking that zombies don't know how to open doors.

The shriek that came from Chaeyeon attracted the other zombies. When Sooyoung successfully closed the door, she saw a lot of zombies waiting for her outside. Sooyoung gulped and readily prepared her weapon.

Two zombies attacked her at the same time. Sooyoung skillfully used the end of her umbrella to stab the other. She instantly removed her weapon from the other's head as she smashed it unto the other zombie. With all her might, she repeatedly smashed its head, until she felt their skull break. Because of the intensity that she inserted, the fake umbrella broke into half.

Sooyoung was just catching her breath, when another zombie tried to grab her. She was able to dodge it – the zombie falling face flat on the floor. Looking to her right, she saw a fire extinguisher mounted to the wall. Without any second thoughts, she grabbed it and sprayed it all over the zombies around her.

The pressure sent some of the zombies backward, giving Sooyoung an opportunity to escape. It was foggy because of the chemicals that came from the fire extinguisher. Sooyoung used her chance and escaped the dance academy. She held tight on the now empty fire extinguisher to use it as her weapon.


"Yeah, basically, that's it. Then I stumbled upon this library." Sooyoung finished her story.

"Where's the fire extinguisher now?" Kahei asked.

"Oh, I used it to break another zombie's skull. One attacked me on the way here and the good thing is that I wasn't dumb enough to leave it at the dance academy."

"I see. When you used the fire extinguisher back at the academy, do you think that the zombies weren't able to see? Do you think that they highly rely on their sense of hearing and sight?" Kahei asked another question. Sooyoung intrigued her with her story.

"I guess? Now that you've mentioned it, it's like they were lost when I sprayed them with the extinguisher." Sooyoung answered.

Kahei thought about it for a second and decided to come up with a plan. "Sooyoung, we need to have a plan in order to get out of here. We can't simply get out there and expect to survive."

"I know, I know. Going out there without a plan is like a suicide mission. We need to be prepared for those zombies. I think that the most important thing is to have weapons. Is there anything here we can use as a weapon?"

Sooyoung and Kahei scanned and looked around the library to gather some things they can use as a weapon. Kahei sticked to her original weapon and grabbed the large book on the floor. Sooyoung found a wooden stool and broke it so that she can used its legs as a weapon.

"Are you sure with that book of yours? Can you run with it?" Sooyoung looked at Kahei holding the large book.

"Yup. I think I can. I may look skinny but I can handle myself." Kahei smiled as Sooyoung nodded.

"How about Mrs. Yoon? She needs a weapon too just in case we get separated. I have an extra leg here, I can give it to her."

"Give me the leg." Sooyoung gave Kahei the stool's extra leg. "I'll go talk to Mrs. Yoon."

Kahei saw the old lady sitting near the window and decided to approach her. "Mrs. Yoon." Upon hearing her name, the librarian looked at Kahei.

"I already told you a while ago that we're going outside, right? Well, since we both know that it's dangerous outside, we'll need some weapons." Kahei handed Mrs. Yoon the wood she's holding. "Please grab unto this when we go out and don't hesitate to use it."

The librarian shakingly took the stool's leg from Kahei. "Is this really necessary, my dear?"

"Hmm. It is. We have to be vigilant and prepared to whatever it is out there. If you feel like someone is going to attack you, use that to hit them. Don't be afraid to hurt them because they wouldn't care if they hurt you." Kahei were being careful on her words in order to not scare the poor woman.

"Are you guys ready?" Sooyoung broke their conversation.

Kahei checked her phone again. "Umm, not yet. Our bodyguard hasn't texted me yet."

"Okay then. Let's take a rest for a while. We need tons of energy when we head outside. Those zombies are quite strong." Sooyoung said. Kahei noticed Mrs. Yoon trembling because of Sooyoung's words.

"Sooyoung-ah..." Kahei gestured to the librarian's direction. The other girl immediately understood what she meant.

Sooyoung cleared her throat. "Oh, ah, I mean, we need to rest because we might get sleepy when we head outside and we don't want that to happen, right?" Kahei nodded.

"Okay. Kahei, tell me when you already receive a text message. I'll go and prepare some things over there." Sooyoung headed to the other side of the library.


Head resting on her table, Kahei woke up on the sound of her phone dinging – signaling that she received a message.

Ms. Kahei, I am already outside. The car is parked near the basketball court.

Kahei's head shot up when she read her bodyguard's message. "Sooyoung!! Mrs. Yoon!! He's already waiting outside."

Sooyoung immediately went to Kahei's side to check on Kahei's phone. "Basketball court...that's on the back of the academy."

"How are we going to get there?" Kahei asked.

"It's a bit far so we need to be careful. We don't know how many zombies are out there so we should hide as much as we can. Ready your weapons. We're heading out." Sooyoung grabbed her weapon.

"Kahei, keep an eye on Mrs. Yoon. I'll lead the way. Stay behind me and never leave my sight. Got it?" Sooyoung told both Kahei and Mrs. Yoon.

They carefully removed the bookshelves and desks that are blocking the exit. Sooyoung leaned her ear to the door to try and hear what's happening outside.

"So far, so good. I don't hear any footsteps nor screams coming from the other side. We're good to go." Sooyoung carefully twisted the doorknob and peeked through the door.

"Coast is clear. Let's go." Sooyoung led the way, with Kahei and Mrs. Yoon not far behind.


For what seemed like an hour and a half, Sooyoung, Kahei, and Mrs. Yoon spent their time hiding. Sooyoung knew that it was too risky to get out in the open since they weren't sure if there are zombies out there. Seeking zombies' attention isn't what they planned to do.

"There's the car." Kahei whispered as she pointed to the SUV parked near the basketball court.

"How are we going to go there without the zombies noticing us? It's kinda dumb to think that your bodyguard parked right in the open where he's exposed to the zombies. It's surprising to think that he's still alive." Sooyoung whispered back.

"Shhh, keep it down a bit." Kahei scanned the area. "It seems like no ones here. We should take this chance to enter the car. I'll text the bodyguard first to let him know so he can unlock the car."

Kahei brought out her phone from her pocket and started texting. Seconds later, she received a reply. "He said that it's unlocked already. We can go there now."

It was Kahei turn to slowly approach the vehicle. She was about to reach the car's handle when unexpectedly, a truck coming from the other direction is about to crash into the SUV's hood.

"Kahei, wait!" Sooyoung pulled the back of Kahei's shirt right before the loud crashing sound can be heard.

The sound echoed to where the car was parked. Sooyoung knew that they need to leave the place ASAP.

"We have to go. For sure, your SUV wouldn't work now." Sooyoung was about to leave when Kahei spoke up.

"Wait, wait, how about the bodyguard? We couldn't just leave him there to die?"

Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "Kahei, look at what happened. He should be dead by now because of the truck's impact on your car."

Kahei didn't listen to a word Sooyoung said. She insistently walked towards the SUV to check on the bodyguard.

"For goodness sake, Kahei!!" Sooyoung ran to catch up to Kahei. She then saw zombies coming from the side.

Sooyoung furiously grabbed Kahei's wrist and pulled her towards the opposite direction. "If you want to live, you need to listen to me!"

Kahei was about to answer back, when a zombie appeared right in front of them. Sooyoung was expecting this – she was fast enough to slam her weapon to the zombie's head.

"Let's go!" Sooyoung was practically dragging Kahei to go right now, but the latter stopped.

"Where's Mrs. Yoon?"

Sooyoung realized that she has been to occupied to notice the old woman's presence. "Oh my goodness. Where is that lady?" She looked around in hopes to find the librarian.

"There!" Kahei pointed out. Mrs. Yoon was frozen on her spot – at the back of the SUV.

"Mrs. Yoon! We're right here!" Even if Kahei wanted to run after the old woman to get her, there were already tons of zombies in between them. She knew that Sooyoung wouldn't let her go there.

Mrs. Yoon saw Kahei and Sooyoung and tried to run to them as fast as she could. "Yes! Come on, we need to leave."

The librarian used her wooden weapon and swung it to the zombie in front of her. She successfully passed two or three zombies on the way. There was a short distance between the two girls and the librarian, when Mrs. Yoon fell on the ground.

"Mrs. Yoon!" Kahei shouted.

Before Kahei could get the chance to help Mrs. Yoon, a zombie appeared on her back. The monster bit on the poor woman's legs as Mrs. Yoon screamed in pain.

"Oh my god, Mrs. Yoon!" Kahei's eyes were filled were tears. She couldn't believe that she let the old woman die right in front of her – watching her, without doing anything.

"Kahei, we need to go." Sooyoung slowly pulled Kahei away from the sight. Thanks to Mrs. Yoon, the two girls were able to get away from the place without any zombies chasing them.

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