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Yeojin stepped inside the bustling hallways of the hospital. The wound on her knee started to ache as she hurriedly went to the nurse behind the desk.

"Excuse me ma'am, can you please assist me in–"

The nurse raised her hand in order to make Yeojin stop from talking. "Sorry kid, I'm busy right now." She then continued to talk on the phone.

Yeojin frowned. She returned her gaze to the hospital's hallways and saw that almost everyone is busy. She couldn't dare to speak because it seems like everyone is too preoccupied to even notice her presence.

At that moment, a man wearing a suit dashed in front of Yeojin. Based on her perspective, the man seems like a rich person judging by the way he dressed and presents himself. A nurse from behind was running after him. The rich man was a bit faster than the nurse and he was able to head outside the hospital even before the nurse could catch him.

The nurse stopped on her tracks when she realized that she was searching for nothing. She went to her colleague behind the desk.

"Did you notice where the man wearing a suit go? I was after him just a while ago but he disappeared."

The nurse on the phone couldn't seem to care less as she shrugged. The girl who was after the man sighed. She was about to go back to where she came from, when she noticed Yeojin's existence.

"Hi there! Do you need any help?" The nurse seemed to be enthusiastic despite her chase with the rich man earlier.

"Ummm" Yeojin gulped. "I accidentally scratched my knee while I was riding my bike. My parents would be so mad at me if I went home with this and I didn't know what else to do, that's why I came here."

The nurse kneeled down to get a better view of Yeojin's wound. "Hmm, it's a good thing that your wound isn't deep. I can probably just patch it up and you'll be good to go. Although, I think the first aid kit is inside the room just right ahead. Would it be fine with you to join me there?"

Yeojin nodded. The nurse smiled and looked at her. "I'm Haseul by the way. Nurse Haseul."

The two girls proceeded to the room where the first aid kit is located. It was quite a small room compared to other rooms which patients usually stay. There was a small bed placed on the side, with a small cabinet adjacent to it, a big red cross displayed from the outside.

"Okay, you can sit down here while I get the things for your wound." Before Haseul could turn around, she looked at the younger girl. "Do you mind if you tell me your name?"

"Yeojin. My name is Yeojin." The nurse smiled at her as she reached out for the cabinet.

"Well then Yeojin, you do not have to worry 'cause this won't hurt you at all. You're a big girl now, am I right?" Haseul sat down on the chair facing the bed.

Yeojin was a bit flustered by the attention she was getting. Being an only child in the family, getting the attention of someone older than her like an older sister isn't her forte. She was used to being treated like a little girl, but coming from another person, it was new to her.

Yeojin was drowned on her thoughts to realize that her wound was already patched up.

"All done. You can try to stand up now and see how it feels like." Haseul held onto Yeojin's hand, carefully allowing the other girl to stand up.

"Do you think you can walk back home?" Haseul asked.

"Ummm yes, I think I can. I rode my bike here so I guess I'll have to use it to get back home then." Yeojin once more looked at her patched-up knee. "Thank you so much for this. How much do I have to pay for it?"

Haseul laughed at Yeojin's words. "Aish, that's such a little thing. No need to pay for it." She patted Yeojin's head. "Just be sure to be careful next time, okay?"

Yeojin smiled and nodded at the older girl. "Thank you so much. I'll head out now. Bye~" She waved at the nurse behind her.

Just as Yeojin was about to leave the room, a wounded man slammed against the little window on the door.

"Goodness! What is that?" Haseul instinctly held onto Yeojin's hand as she let the younger hide behind her back.

"Please, please help me." The man begged.

"Sir, I would need you to keep calm. I'll be there in a sec." Haseul went to the nearby cabinet and gathered the necessary things needed to help the wounded man outside.

Haseul was about to twist the doorknob when a hand grabbed her wrist. "No. He doesn't need any help."

Haseul's eyebrows furrowed at she looked at Yeojin. "Ya, what are you talking about? He's clearly injured and he needs my help." Haseul insistedly tried to pry her wrist away from the shorter girl.

"Haseul-ssi, haven't you watched All Of Us Are Dead or even The Walking Dead? That wound on his neck, it's clearly a bite. He's infected. He's one of them."

Haseul observed the man from afar, slowly leaning into Yeojin's words. Being a nurse for a long time, Haseul wouldn't mistake that bite mark as a simple wound. Maybe Yeojin's words aren't senseless at all.

The nurse gave Yeojin a nod as she slowly slid off her wrist from the other's hold. "Sir, if you need any help, there are other people out there who is willing to help you. I'm sorry if I cannot assist you for a while since this little girl is injured." Haseul motioned to Yeojin.

Clearly irritated, the man outside began to throw a fit. "What the fuck are you saying?!?! That girl is completely fine. You're prioritizing her over me who's clearly in need of help!!!"

Haseul remained silent. She knew that whatever stupid excuse she'll give, the man won't back down.

Their staring contest soon died down when a woman's scream echoed through the hallways. The three of them looked towards where the direction of the scream was heard.

"Haseul-ssi," Yeojin tapped on Haseul's shoulders. "I think that was not a good sign."

Just after Yeojin's statement, the man on the other side of the door fell onto the floor. This surprised Haseul as she peeked through the small window.

"Sir? Are you okay?" Haseul asked.

Suddenly, the man appeared out of nowhere and sticked his faced on the small window. Haseul, who was looking intently at the window, shouted in fear.

Just like what you usually see on zombie movies, the man's face is now completely different. You can hardly tell who the man is. Milky white eyes, extra pale skin, and its slightly rotten cheeks, seeing him face to face would want you to bawl your eyes out.

Without warning, Haseul was pulled downwards – in a hiding position. Next to her was Yeojin who was gesturing f
her to keep quiet.

When Haseul was gone on the man's perspective, he seemed lost. He stood there and eventually targeted and chased after other people who were outside the hallways that time.

Just when the man was out of sight, Haseul turned to face Yeojin. "What do you call those things again?"

"They're zombies, Haseul-ssi."


Yeojin let out a sigh. "I never thought that I have to explain this to you." Haseul furrowed her eyebrows in return.

"They're the undead. Well, technically, they aren't really dead at first, not when they get bitten or in some cases if they are scratched, they turn into the undead. It's like they're alive but dead. Like not really a corpse that came into life, in some cases I guess, but I think now, they're just alive and dead at the same time."

Haseul got even more confused because of Yeojin's explanation. It was as if the shorter girl knew more or less about these so-called 'zombies'. The little detail that she grasped from the latter's words is that she should never be bitten or scratched if she don't want to turn into one of those.

"Okay, okay, zombies. I get it now." Haseul lied. "I think we should get out of here. Oh and by the way, you can call me unnie. Haseul unnie." She smiled at Yeojin.

"It sounds like there's already a chaos happening outside. We should be careful if we want to survive. Omo, I didn't know that I'll experience a zombie apocalypse ever in my life!" Yeojin cheered.

"You're happy about all this?" Haseul asked, confused to why this disaster is a good thing for the other.

"Not necessarily the end of the world; but like, you know, facing and fighting zombies. Only cool people in movies get to do that."

Haseul moved her head from left to right. "Aish, okay, okay. I should stop your enthusiasm right here. First, we need to find a way out of here without getting caught by those zombies. I bet that they're already tons of them outside."

"Unnie, I think we need to find a weapon first. Those zombies are aggresive. I'm sure that they'll try to bite us. We need something to defend ourselves." Yeojin suggested.

Haseul and Yeojin looked around the small room to find anything that they can use to defend themselves. A moment of searching, they eventually gave up. The room was filled with tools that will help you heal and get well and not something that'll hurt you.

"There's nothing here. What should we do now?" Haseul asked Yeojin.

"Maybe we should just run for the exit as fast as we can? If we do that, we might be able to escape."

"Hmm, that would be an option." Haseul gazed at the stretchers beside her. "Or maybe this thing can be of use."


"Ready?" Haseul asked.

"I was born ready." Yeojin answered back.

Haseul opened the door and hurriedly went outside, together with the stretcher she was holding. Yeojin followed suit, mirroring Haseul's movements.

The two girls were pushing their stretchers back to back, with Haseul leading the way. The stretchers' wheels were a big help for Haseul and Yeojin since they can easily bring it, using it as a shield.

The previously crowded hallways was now filled with zombies, some can be seen munching on dead bodies on the floor. Once the sound of the door opening echoed through the place, the zombies' attention was pretty much focused on the two girls who were trying to escape.

In the span of a minute, Haseul and Yeojin were bombarded with zombies. The stretchers almost gave up because of the pressure coming from the zombies facing the girls.

From front to back, left to right, there were zombies everywhere. Luckily, Haseul and Yeojin are perfect for the stretchers. They were able to fit in between the stretchers without any gap – making it difficult for the zombies on the left and right side to reach them.

"Haseul unnie, keep on pushing!! We're almost to the exit!!" Yeojin shouted.

Haseul exerted all her might and pushed the zombies in front of her. When they reached the front desk near the exit, Haseul thought of something.

"Yah, unnie, what are you doing?!?!" Yeojin started to panic when she saw Haseul reaching for something.

"Trust me, we'll need this." Haseul swiftly reached out for the thing she was looking for underneath the drawers.

"Got it. Come on Yeojin, keep on pushing and we'll reach the exit!!"

The two girls were pushing to their limits in order to live. They were lucky because the door was already open – other people might've escaped too. If the door was unlocked, Haseul and Yeojin might have died inside.

Stepping the door's frame, Haseul pushed the stretcher even harder than she did – making the zombies in front of her fall, together with the stretcher.

"Yeojin-ah, let's go!!" Haseul hurriedly held onto Yeojin's hand.

As Haseul and Yeojin kept running, more and more zombies from behind kept following them. Haseul brought out the thing that she got earlier – it was a key.

She pressed on the button and an ambulance's alarm ringed. "Get inside the ambulance. We're getting out of here."

The girls separated their ways as Haseul entered the driver's seat, while Yeojin sat on the passenger's seat. The adrenaline that Haseul was feeling allowed her to easily insert the key in the ignition point. With a single turn, the ambulance started that allowed them to get as far as they can from the swarm of zombies following them.

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