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⚠️trigger warning: Kidnap/ mentions of rape (just the word and a threat to, but I wanna be safe and add that in here) ⚠️

Logan jumped awake putting his glasses on. He saw Remus looking towards the trees panicked. He walked over and looked towards the trees.

"That was your brother screaming was it not?" Logan asked. Remus nodded.

"I-I can't go into the woods and he-he might need me but I..." Remus backed up and shook his head. "I promised him last time I wouldn't go."

"Promised who?" Logan asked as he grabbed a flashlight.

"I promised Roman, we-we always fought when we first got here. When this started...I went into the woods after an argument and I got trapped." Remus started to shake. "Oh god...oh my god that's where he is..."

"Remus what's going on?" Logan asked. "Trapped where?"

"We ran into some hunters who have a camp close to us but they told me that if they ever see our faces again they'd kill us..." Remus started to cry. "I didn't think they'd still be here..."

"Hello again Remus." Someone walked into the clearing by the fire. Logan stood protectively in front of Remus.

"Is he okay?" Remus asked.

"He fell six feet down, into a hole. He's probably knocked out." Flashlights lit up the camp and men stepped forward. Remus panicked grabbing onto Logan's arm.

"Well, if you'd kindly release him back to us, I can make sure he's alright."Logan quickly replied.

"I told you two to stop leaving your stupid camp." The leader of this other camp replied.

"How is it, that I have never fallen into any of your traps? And I travel a lot." Logan asked.

"Because whoever you are, Remus here keeps filling them." Remus looked panicked. "How does it feel to have missed one so close to your camp that your own family is now trapped? What do you think should we bury him alive then?"

"No! Please no!" Remus started crying. "Please! Let my brother go! I'm the one who ruins your traps an-and releases the animals! Roman has nothing to do with this!"

"These boys are half of your age. Why threaten them when clearly they are terrified just as much as you? How long have you been threatening them? Is this why you boys aren't trusting me?" Remus nodded his head.

"I don't know maybe because he keeps fucking up everything we've worked for!" The man stepped forward and yanked Remus away from behind Logan.

"Don't touch him." Logan calmly replied.

"He knows what he gets for this." The man dragged Remus over to a bench by the fire. The man had grabbed one of the pokers from the fire so it was blazing hot.

"Stop!" Remus struggled against him as he felt his wound from earlier reopen slightly so blood started dripping. The man noticed the blood and laughed.

"Oh? who shot you?" He looked around. "It wasn't one of us. You get into a fight with another camp?" He placed the poker down laughing at the state Remus was in.

"Just let my brother go! Please!" Remus started to cry. "I haven't messed with your traps in months!"

"I can do so much worse to you..." he cockily replied. Logan felt his heart stop at that comment. His heartbeat picked up and he felt himself shake. He watched as the man seemed to lean closer to Remus. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

"Stop!" Logan shouted. "So what!? He messes with your traps? You are very close to another camp! These boys are just trying to survive just as much as you! Why are you trying to harm them?" Logan could see the panic in the young boys eyes. He looked at Logan and silently thanked him for stepping in.

"Our camp is a mile away from this rundown little piece of shit." The man replied. "He also owes us for the time he landed in one of our traps like his stupid brother did." He tilted remuss face up. "He knows what he did. He knows what he deserves."

"Are you threatening him?" Logan asked.

"I mean we could just kill him where he stands." He chuckled. "But we were hoping we'd catch him in that trap of ours. Mercy kill if you will." Remus shook his head.

"Please! Let my brother go!" Logan had tears in his eyes. Remus was just trying to survive this entire time and by doing so he messed with another camp? So what! That doesn't warrant death! Or rape! What was this man fucking thinking!? Remus was a child! Of course he wouldn't know any better than to steal to survive out there in this world!

"Throw the old man into the hole, bring the kid with us." Logan looked over to Remus just as he was suddenly thrown down. He screamed out in pain as he landed on his leg wrong. Oh fuck.

"Remus!" Logan stood up and fell back down.

"Bye bye losers." Logan heard the footsteps leaving. Someone had thrown a flashlight down with them and Logan grabbed it, standing and limping over to Roman's side. He looked him over for any physical wounds and when he only saw a few bruises he sighed in relief and sat down. He looked at his leg. Broken. Fuck. He leaned back against the wall closing his eyes.

***a few hours later***

Light shines into the hole and Logan looked up. He groaned. Fuck it wasn't a nightmare. He looked over to see Roman was awake. He was holding his knees to his chest.

"Do you think they hurt him?" Roman asked. Logan shrugged.

"I don't know Roman." Logan huffed in pain as he held his leg to his chest.

"The fall broke the walkie..." Roman held the broken object up. "I'm sorry I ran off I...I thought those guys left! I didn't expect them to be trying to capture my brother especially so close to our camp..."

"Remus mentioned he's been inside a trap like this before and so he knew that you were trapped...Roman what did those men do last time?" Roman paled.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Roman, please?" Logan asked. He needed to make sure those were empty threats and he wouldn't actually touch Remus.

"He told us, that if we were ever near his traps again it wouldn't be pretty. He then kissed my brother and told him 'there's more where that came from if you even fuck with us again little boy' I..." Roman shook his head as he started to cry. "Why the hell are they still here!? Why are they trying so hard to capture my brother?!"

"Remus said he was messing with their traps still." Logan replied. "I take it you didn't know about this?" Roman covered his mouth in shock.

"I didn't know...fuck!" Roman started crying harder. "He forced himself onto my brother before because of this I-I'm so scared he's going to do worse than just kissing him!"

"We'll get out and find him..." Logan glanced at his broken leg and groaned. "Somehow."

"Dad?" Logan looked up and saw Virgil standing above the hole.

"Virgil!" He stood up quickly but fell down due to his broken leg. He hissed and looked back up holding his leg. "Can you try and get us both out of here without hurting yourself?"

"He has help." Logan stared shocked seeing Patton.

"You came with?" Logan asked. "I thought you....I thought you hated me." Patton smiled.

"Hated you?" Patton chuckled. "Wow you are an idiot. Come on let's get you two out of this hole."

***a few hours of struggling later***

"It's been a few hours! Logan I'm not sitting around knowing they took him and could be hurting him." Roman put his shoes on and stood up off the cot.

"Roman, do you really think your brother would appreciate you running after him like this?" Logan asked.

"I'll come with," Janus sat up. "I don't know you but you seem terrified for your brothers safety and I know how that feels."

"Sure you do." Virgil entered the tent and sent a glare in Janus's direction.

"Dude?" Janus sighed annoyed. "I thought we were able to talk it out?"

"It was a joke." Virgil laughed a bit.

"It's too risky! You boys can't just go alone! They threw me into a hole for crying out loud!" Roman looked down at his hands.

"They kidnapped my brother, again. I'm not letting these fucking monsters get away with this again! They threatened our lives last time we ran into them and I'm not sitting back if they might fucking kill the only family I have left." Roman grabbed his crossbow.

"You are so fucking stubborn." Logan hissed.

"Yeah well, you aren't my dad old man. My dad died. You can try and protect me all you want but you have your son to worry about now. So worry about your damn self again. All of you can fuck off." Roman walked out and Logan sighed.

"Just be careful. They are strong and know what they are doing." Janus nodded and followed after Roman. Logan looked at Virgil. He was watching the two leave. "Virgil, I know what you are thinking..."

"I'm not going to go." Virgil walked over and sat besides his dad. "I promise." Logan reached across the bed for his gun handing it to virgil.

"Just protect yourself when you do."

"God you know me too well." Logan laughed.

"No shit, you are my kid after all."

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