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⚠️trigger warning: non consensual touching/kissing, threatening to rape someone⚠️

Remus was thrown down to the floor of the tent and he looked up at the guy.

"Oh come on, that's the best you can do? Kidnap me?" Remus chuckled. "God what a loser."

"Taunting me? When I'm the one responsible for your life right now?" The man walked over and lifted remuss chin. "Not very smart."

"You fucking trapped my brother in a hole, with a man I don't even fucking trust! And you expect me not to taunt you? Not to hurt your stupid feelings, but if you expect me to fucking beg for my life it's not happening." Remus glared at the man.

"Wow you have a bad attitude." The man chuckled.

"I'm a sixteen year old, what else did you fucking expect? Someone with self preservation?" Remus was lifted to his feet and his heart started beating a lot faster than normal. He was terrified. The last time he was trapped, this man threatened to rape him! His eyes widened when he realized why he was in this tent and not inside one of their 'prisoner' holes as they called it. This man was seriously going to go through with his threat. The man rolled his eyes and chained Remus to a chair.

"I'll be back." He left the tent and Remus slammed his eyes shut horrified. He was so fucked.

~a couple of months ago~

Remus looked at the squirrel who was eating an acorn. He laughed. So what he had to chase the damn thing from camp? far away was he anyways? He sighed as he let the squirrel go. He turned to walk back to camp when the ground beneath his feet suddenly gave out and screamed as he went down deeper into the earth. He hit his head and glanced around him. Oh my god, Roman's gonna kill him.

"HELP!" remus scratched at the wall trying to get any sort of hold on it to get out of what seemed to be a trap set by someone. A few hours later he heard footsteps and voices.

"Wait, this one is ruined" remus looked up.

"Help! Help me please!" Remus was fucking cold.

"We caught someone?" They chuckled. "Oh how cute." Remus glared up at them. "It's a kid."

"Can you assholes just let me out of here please? I just need to get back to my camp before dark.."

"Kid, you fucked with one of our traps. We were trying to catch some deer. You know hard it was to set this up?" Remus glared.

"Okay? Who the fuck cares just reset the damn thing and get on with it? You can still use this after letting me out." They chuckled.

"Nah." They laughed some more. "I think someone needs to learn his lesson about messing with shit that isnt his."

"I fell! Do you know how dangerous this is!? I could have died from the fall you morons!"

"You would only break bones. Actually not even that. Six feet deep isn't that far of a fall." Remus glared up at them.

"Just fucking let me out." Remus shivered. "Please? I didn't mess with your trap on purpose! I fell while chasing a squirrel from my camp! I'm sorry for coming close to your camp but you can't just leave me down here to fucking freeze!"

"I mean that's true, we can't let you just freeze down there." The man laughed. "But if we bring you up..." he looked Remus up and down. "To warm you up we could always just-."

"Fucking creep!" Remus shouted. "I'd rather freeze!" They walked away and Remus started crying. Fuck. Would Roman even bother coming to search for him? He heard someone shuffling and looked up. Roman poked his head into the hole.

"Re!" He screamed. "Oh thank god!" He reached down and Remus was pulled up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't think when we fought and then you ran off and it's been hours and it's almost dark and I got so scared and-and then I found the hole and I heard crying and I-I just....don't ever leave me again please!" Roman held his brother in a hug and Remus laughed a bit and then pulled away.

"I wont" he started walking away with Roman when someone stopped the twins.

"Two of you?" Remus stood in front of Roman protectively. "Well, you invaded our home so come now boys. You have to come meet Navine." They dragged the boys after them. Roman glanced at Remus who was trying to hold back his tears. They threatened to rape him! Of course he was fucking terrified right now! They also had his brother and he would never let anybody hurt him!

"This the one who fell in the hole?" He gestured at Remus who was clearly bruised and covered in dirt. "Then who's this?" Roman glared.

"His brother you asshole." Navine stood up and walked over to them.

"Aww he's cute." Navine ran a hand down Roman's face.

"Touch him again you lose a finger." Remus hissed. Navine pulled away from Roman.

"So, since you got out does that mean they let you out? My men did tell you what we expected when you got out yes?" Remus glared in disgust at the men surrounding them.

"I'm sixteen you sick fucks!" Remus pulled away from them and then shoved them away from his brother. The two backed up. "My brother helped me out of that damn hole, and we are leaving and won't be back I can promise you that. So stay away from us you fucking creeps."

"Oh, we never got your names?"

"We didn't give them to you." Remus hissed.

"Yes well, I'd like to know the name of the kid who I plan to kill if we ever meet again." He stepped closer and ran a hand down remuss arm. Remus shoved him away. He suddenly grabbed Remus and pulled him close, forcing him into a kiss. When he pulled away Roman stared disgusted at the man. Remus had horror in his eyes as he tried to pull away. "if you two are ever near my traps again, it wont be pretty." He leaned forward and kissed Remus again who attempted to get away but couldn't. He pulled away and ran a finger down remuss cheek. "There's more where that came from if you even fuck with us again little boy."

"You can fuck off." Remus grabbed his brothers arm and the two immediately ran away from the men, making sure to watch the ground as they ran hoping to not fall into any other traps. They reached their camp site and Remus collapsed. Roman held his brother as he cried. He was just fucking assaulted. What the fuck? What the fuck!? What the fuck!? Remus started hyperventilating.

"Remus? Promise me...promise me you won't ever go into the woods without me again okay? Even if it's just for fire wood we leave together you understand me?" Remus nodded his head as he tried to calm his racing heart. He hoped they never ran into Navine ever again.

~present day~

Remus was terrified. After that day he did go back a few times and filled their traps but that was just to mess with them after they threatened to fucking rape him! What else was he to do!? It's not like he could protect himself or his brother if these assholes actually managed to kidnap them! They were just two teenagers with no family! Nobody would even fucking care if they died out here since everyone they loved was dead anyways! He had to protect his brother and to do that he had to drive Navine and his group off! He didn't think this would backfire so badly! Now his brother was probably injured and trapped in a hole and he was about to be fucking assaulted. Navine walked back into the tent and Remus looked up at him realizing he'd been crying.

"Oh don't worry, I know I threatened to rape you before." He walked over to Remus leaning down so he was towering over Remus but looking him in the eyes. "But, I only did that to try and scare you boys off."

"Bullshit! You fucking forced me to kiss you fucking twice!" Remus struggled against the ropes. "Let me go!"

"Just shut it." He walked over and forced Remus to look at him. Remus started shaking his head.

"Let. Me. Go!" Remus started shaking. "Please I have to-I have to make sure my brothers alive!"

"He won't live down that hole you know? He got hurt." Remus started crying even harder.

"No! He's the only family I have! How could you!" Remus started thrashing around in the chair trying to get out of it.

"Mercy kill." He shrugged. "At least if he does die we can say he died of the injuries when he fell."

"No!" Remus panicked.

"Then, allow me to do what I want and we will send someone to him." Remus looked at him in pure hatred.

"You sick sick human being. I'm fucking sixteen! You think I'd ever agree or give consent to you fucking touching me!?"

"To save your brother I think you will." He walked closer. "Won't you?" Remus bit the dudes hand.

"Fuck off."

"You are going to wish you hadn't done that."

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