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***a few months into the zombie apocalypse***

"Come on Remus." Roman poked at the fire. "I need you to just try and sleep." Remus sighed and sat up looking at his brother.

"I haven't slept in ages Roman." Remus wiped his face and leaned back looking at the stars. "What makes you think I'll start now?"

"Stop doing that." Roman mumbled. "You make it seem like it's my fault you never sleep."

"Hello asshole, it kind of is." Remus grabbed his weapon off the stump next to him and climbed up into the tree to keep look out.

"How!?" Roman screamed up at him. Remus played with the spikes on his mace and looked down at his twin.

"You suck at keeping us safe you know that right?" Remus looked away from his brother. He heard the sniffling and regretted saying that almost immediately.

"I just don't want you to end up like everyone else." Roman poked at the fire a little. Remus looked down at him. "I know I'm annoying. But if I could do anything to keep you from ending up as an undead zombie, then I'm going to damn well try."

"Fuck." Remus jumped down from the tree. "I'll sleep Jesus Christ." Remus put his weapon down. "You sound like a fucking cry baby."

"Well, if me acting like a cry baby gets you to sleep then I need to do it more often." There was a rustling in the trees and Roman immediately grabbed his crossbow and Remus grabbed his mace.

"What the fuck..." Remus ran over and stood by his brother.

"It's okay, we haven't had any-any sightings of walkers since we started coming up here! There's no way that's a-a walker..." something broke through the trees and Roman stared in awe. In front of them was a beautiful deer.

"Woah..." Remus started walking closer to it and Roman pulled him back.

"Dude!" Remus just shrugged.

"It doesn't look infected...or harmful." Remus took a step closer.

"Yeah but it was running from something Remus." Roman walked closer to the deer with the crossbow pointed behind it. The deer heard something and ran, Roman knocked his brother to the ground as an arrow flew right past their sides, almost hitting Remus in the chest. The two stared shocked into the dark trees. Suddenly they both scrambled backwards.

"Walkers don't know how to use weapons...WHOS THERE!?" Remus screamed into the trees. Roman pulled his brother backwards still aiming the crossbow. Suddenly a man walked through the trees. He slung his crossbow over his shoulder and held his hands in the air.

"I'm sorry, I did not realize there was even a camp this close to the city. You two alright?" The man fixed his glasses and Roman looked at Remus his eyes widening.

"What? Do I have...." Remus suddenly wobbled. "Ugh what the hell..." he collapsed into his brothers arms.

"REMUS!?" Roman looked him over for wounds, only to see that the arrow did in fact slash his brothers side before they fell to the ground. Tears filled Roman's eyes. "No...No! Come on no!"

"A-at least if I die, I can come back as a zombie and attack you an-and see how protective y-you are." Tears flowed down Roman's face.

"No! Please Remus I can't lose you!" Roman held pressure to the wound. "I didn't even know it cut you! W-we were so focused on that man..."

"R-Ro..." Remus held his brothers hand as he continued to hold pressure to his wound.

"You are holding pressure to the wound wrong. Let me help." The man walked over and helped Roman hold pressure. "In my bag I dropped over there, grab the needle and thread. I will help take care of him. You can trust me, my ID is in there I'm a doctor." Roman rushed over not caring. He grabbed the items and handed them to the man. Remus looked at the man annoyed.

"You better take care of my brother if I fucking die you bitch." Roman laughed at that.

"I'm helping you so you don't die." The man shook his head. The man started taking care of the wound, Roman noticed he was looking for internal bleeding first and then he sewed Remus back up. "It's hard to do that over fire light but I did my best, for now. Will you two accompany me back to my base? It's dangerous for you to be this close to the city." Roman saw Remus falling asleep and he looked at the man.

"He can't move he's falling asleep." Roman walked over to the fire and sat down. "We can? But I don't want to risk him opening his stitches."

"Here." Logan reached into his bag for a map. "The circle, it marks our camp." Logan handed it to Roman. "Please come find me when he's awake."

"He's probably not even going to be fit enough to walk out of these woods! We will be over run in minutes!" Roman threw the map back at the man. "And I'm not losing my brother." The man looked around and then sighed sitting down across from Roman by the fire.

"Fine. If I must stay then I will." Roman stared at the man with wide eyes.

"You'll what?" Roman backed up a little.

"I will stay. As I said, I am a doctor. I will be able to help your brother survive." He looked over at the sleeping Remus. "I'm sorry for hurting him."

"Yeah which is why I don't fucking trust you." Roman stood up and walked over to Remus, putting a pillow under his head, and covering him with a blanket. "He could have fucking been killed!"

"I did not mean any harm." The man looked down at the fire. "In this dark I genuinely thought you might have been walkers. As I got closer I saw the weapons."

"Glad you didn't go for a head shot then asshole." Roman walked away from Remus and over to their bags.

"How long have you two been here?" The man asked.

"Alright listen mister, I don't need to answer your fucking questions. I just need silence so I can protect my injured brother from any walkers that you might have attracted to our camp." Roman grabbed his crossbow and loaded it.

"Logan." He replied. "My name is Logan."

"Who cares?" Roman sat down and watched the woods.

"I can and will help you, if you just believe me." Roman scoffed.

"I'm supposed to believe a random man I just met who almost killed my brother? No thank you. For all I know that doctor thing could've been faked and it could be something you use to lure us into like sex work or something."

"Ro was it?"

"Roman." Roman looked over at Logan angrily. "Only Remus calls me Ro."

"Alright, Roman. Trust me, I know how difficult it is to put your trust in others. But once you come to my camp you will see the doctor thing is in fact not some act to creep on teenagers during a zombie apocalypse." Logan pulled out a walkie talkie that was making noise. He bit his lip. "I forgot they'd be worried about me..." he stood up and Roman listened to the walkie conversation.

"Logan!? Hello!?"

"Virgil? Virgil is that you?" Logan asked.

"You are supposed to be back by dark! It's way past then! Where are you!? I'm getting worried dad!"

Logan sighed before replying. "I'm alright, I will be back in the morning."

"you know how dangerous staying out after dark is! Dad please come back to camp! Please don't do this to mom!" Logan glanced at Roman.

"Do I have your permission to tell my son what happened? As you can clearly see he's very panicked." Logan got the go ahead from Roman and Roman watched him closely. "Virgil, don't worry I'm with two others I found their camp by accident chasing a deer. I'm bringing them with me in the morning we'll be safe."

"You found more people!? You should just bring them with you now!"

"One is injured and until morning light I won't be able to see to what extent."

"He could be bitten or scratched! Are you nuts!?" Logan looked at Roman.

"Sorry about my son...he's para...uhm he's anxious. He has anxiety and we lost a lot of good people to this virus. To the walkers." Logan walked away from Roman before he could reply. But Roman quickly heard the father say goodbye to his son. Roman let tears fill his eyes.

"You need to go back to them Logan." Roman poked the fire. "He's clearly scared."

"He's going to be fine." Logan sat down with Roman. "He's gone nights without me before. He can handle just one."

"You've done this sort of thing before? Leaving him alone?" Roman asked.

"He's seventeen, He can handle himself." Logan looked into the fire. "His mothers sick....we don't know what it is but I believe it to be the virus. She wasn't bitten or scratched so I don't have a clue how she got it but I had to try..."

"That's what all the meds in your bag are for. You are trying to save her aren't you?" Logan looked down at the fire again.

"I can try for my son but I know that unfortunately she isn't going to make it. No matter the medical treatment I give her." Logan looked up at Roman. "I can assure you that when you get to my camp both of you will be well cared for. Maybe you can even connect with people you have relations to?"

"My family..." Roman put the crossbow down and wiped tears from his eyes. "They were all killed when the virus first hit. It was our birthday and everyone was at my house and the walkers they-they destroyed everything. Everyone was dead when we got back home. A-and Remus he made sure none of them would come back as walkers." Roman looked up at Logan. "So I doubt anyone we love will be there at this camp."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Logan looked away. "You should rest." Roman shook his head.

"It's my turn to keep wat-watch." Roman looked over at his brother and the tears immediately started flowing. "Fuck.."

"He didn't have any internal bleeding." Logan stood and walked over sitting besides Roman. "He will heal it will just take time. I have medicine back at my camp that will help him heal faster and make sure he doesn't get any infections. Your brother will be alright."

"At least he's sleeping." Roman joked.

"He doesn't sleep?" Logan asked.

"He-He told me that I can't protect us." Roman wiped tears from his eyes. "He was mad and said that before that deer came through..."

"I'm sure he didn't mean a word of it." Logan squeezed Roman's hand. "Now please, at least try and sleep? I can protect your camp from here."

"Alright..." Roman walked over pulling his brother close being careful of his wound. "Wake me up if anything happens." Logan nodded.

"Of course."

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