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⚠️❗️tw: character death: murder attempt: murder: self harm mention❗️⚠️

"Mom!" Virgil ran into the tent concerned. She smiled at him and held his hand.

"Sweetie..." she coughed and looked away. Virgil started crying.

"D-Dads out. Please wait he'll be back later in the morning!" She squeezed his hand.

"I love you Virgie. Please take care of your father for me." She kissed his forehead and leaned back. Virgil held her hand and started crying harder.

"No! Mom! Please!" She closed her eyes and Virgil felt her take her final breathe. Virgil held her shaking. "No!!" He heard someone enter the tent.

"Ugh, I told Logan we shouldn't have wasted precious fucking resources on a dying women. Kid it's like four in the morning quit your scream crying." Virgil glared at him.

"That is my mother you ass!" Virgil threw a shoe at him.

"Yeah, well the bitch had it coming." The man grabbed Virgil's arm and lifted him up. Virgil winced feeling pain in his arm as he was dragged from his mothers tent.

"Stop! Stop! You are hurting my arm!" The man threw Virgil down on the ground.

"Quit fucking complaining Jesus Christ." The man took his shotgun and walked into the tent. Virgils eyes widened.

"She was sick! She isn't going to come back as—" a gunshot broke his sentence and Virgil covered his mouth as tears flowed down his face.

"Jesus Christ." Someone walked out of their tent and looked around. "What the actual fuck was that!?"

"The bitch died." The man left Virgil's mothers tent. "Remember we don't want any walkers if we can help it. I shot her in the head to make damn sure she wouldn't come back."

"Do you idiots, not realize that isn't how that works!? If you aren't bitten, or scratched you can't come back!" Virgil screamed.

"Kid, we took you in after your father helped out our friend. We can just as easily kick your ass out of camp and just tell your father you got bit." He walked over and held the gun to Virgil's head. Virgil stared him down.

"Fucking do it then." Virgil sassed. "Shoot me like you shot my fucking brother."

"Holy shit!" Someone knocked the gun away from Virgil and pulled him close. "What the actual fuck Derek!?"

"Kid was sassing me." Derek spit at Virgil's feet. "He should know his damn place here."

"Derek for crying out loud he just lost his mother!" Patton shouted from the tent. Virgil saw Patton zipping up his mothers tent. "And I take it that you are the reason for that wasted bullet in her head?"

"Again, we don't want any walkers. It was a precaution." Virgil glared.

"More like you just wanted me to suffer more you sick bastard!" Derek laughed.

"still upset about that? Your stupid brother got bit!" Derek was pulled away from Virgil.

"He wasn't fucking bit! Just admit you killed him on purpose!" Virgil started crying.

"Does that kid ever shut up?" Derek hissed.

"Just go Derek. It's too early to deal with you." Patton pointed away and Derek scoffed and walked off after handing Patton his gun. Patton placed it down and walked over getting eye level with Virgil.

"I'm fine." Virgil pulled away from whoever was holding him.

"You almost just let him shoot you kiddo, that's not fine." Patton held his hand. "I know you don't trust Derek at all, but you need to stop making him angry...if Emile didn't hold you back or stop him he probably would have shot you. Then what would I have told your father?"

"The same fucking thing you did when Derek killed my brother." Virgil shoved Patton and Emile away. "I hope you all rot in fucking hell." Virgil stormed away, after grabbing his backpack and his bow and arrow. He climbed the tree he usually sits in and bowed his head. "Fuck what am I going to do..."

                ~Two hours later~

Virgil heard someone and he looked down seeing Derek leaning against the tree he was currently sleeping in.

"You know kid, you can't stay up there forever." Virgil glared.

"I will stay up here until my father comes back, and once he does I'm leaving with him." Virgil leaned back.

"Everyone's asleep, why don't you come on down so we can finish what we started at four? Yeah?" Virgil grabbed his bow and arrow and climbed down.

"So what? You can kill me like you did my fucking brother!?" Derek suddenly slammed Virgil into the tree and covered his mouth so he couldn't scream. He tied Virgil's hands together in front of him and laughed.

"I'm gonna feed you to the fucking walkers." Derek kept his hand covering Virgil's mouth, and dragged him from the camp harshly. Virgil dropped his bow and arrows and tried to pull back to grab them but Derek stepped on them and laughed. "You won't need those." Derek dragged Virgil further away from the camp and Virgil started to cry. Fuck he was going to die.

"Derek..." Virgil's eyes widened when he heard Derek's step son. Derek paused and looked down at Virgil.

"You stay fucking quiet." He shoved Virgil down and hid him from view, keeping the rope tight in his hands. Virgil watched as Derek's step son came into view.

"Why the hell, are you leaving camp so early? And have you seen Virgil I found his bow and arrows...he never leaves these behind an-and I think something attacked him." He held up the broken bow and arrows. "And this close to camp? Wouldn't he have screamed to get..." Virgil saw him looked at the rope and then back up at Derek. "Why do you have a rope?" He walked over and looked closer into the trees trying to see what was attached to the rope. "Derek what's on the other end of this?"

"None of your concern Janus." Derek gestured back the way they came. "Now back to camp."

"I swear to god, if you did something to him like you did his brother—"

"I knew it!" Virgil whispered.

"I didn't hurt his brother on purpose! Boy was infected!" Derek glared at Janus. "Now go back to camp."

"I'm not leaving, now show me what's on the other end of that god damn rope!" Janus tugged it and Virgil fell forward in shock. Janus looked at Virgil with wide eyes before looking at Derek. "You weren't actually going to hurt him were you!?"

"No," Derek scoffed. "Just scare him a little." Virgil felt tears fall down his face.

"Is that what you did to Seth? Scared him?" Virgil struggled against the rope tied to his hands. "You murdered my brother!"

"Derek what the hell!?" Janus shook his head. "Let him go! He's just a fucking kid!"

"A kid who doesn't know when to stop." Derek pulled Virgil closer using the rope and held tightly to his arms. "I'm feeding his ass to the walkers."

"ARE YOU BATSHIT!?" Janus pulled out a gun. "Let. Him. Go!"

"You wouldn't use that on me, go back to camp Janus." Derek started dragging Virgil with him. Virgil started shaking.

"Please don't do this! I-I will leave okay!? I'm sorry!" Virgil started begging. He was sure Derek was absolutely insane and would actually feed him to the walkers leaving his father all alone.

"Stop!" Janus shot Derek in the leg causing him to collapse. Virgil pulled away and fell against a tree in shock. Derek growled and sat up tugging on the rope. "Let. Go."

"Or what?" Derek scoffed. "Gonna kill me?"

"Yes." Virgil stared shocked at Janus as he pulled the trigger and Derek fell forward dead. "Bastard." Janus put the gun away and ran over to Virgil undoing the ropes.

"Oh my god you actually killed him..." tears filled Virgil's eyes. "T-Thank you"

"He was trying to kill you." Janus looked at his wrist worriedly. "Although looks like he isn't the only one...Jesus Christ kid..."

"Those are old." Virgil rubbed his wrist.

"What did you even do to piss off derek?" Janus asked as he helped Virgil to his feet.

"I kept accusing him of killing my brother. I was there when he did it..." Virgil shook his head. "Accused isn't even the right word, I know he did it."

"I'm so sorry." Janus looked him over. "God I can't believe my mother married that bastard."

"I'm alright." Virgil smiled then frowned. "You mentioned my brother..." Janus looked away. "Oh my god you were there..."

"Seth just angered me a little I wanted to scare him into listening to me, so we brought him out there on that mission as a prank. I was only going to prank him with my friends who were dressed like walkers...nobody was supposed to be hurt but then my sick fuck of a step dad showed up and started spewing bullets everywhere." Tears flowed down Janus's face. "Seth wasn't supposed to die."

"Y-You killed my brother for some prank!?" Virgil backed up. "HE WAS PROTECTING ME YOU BASTARD!"

"Seth said some things he can't take back-"

"Well no shit Sherlock, you killed him before he could!" Virgil stormed past Janus and back to camp. Janus looked back at his step dad and then immediately ran after Virgil. "You fucking told everyone he was bit! You went along with the story he told!"

"What the hell is going on here?" Remy stepped away from the fire and looked at the two.

"My step dad just tried to kill Virgil." Janus stormed into his tent and Remy looked at Virgil in shock.

"Why didn't you scream for us?" Remy immediately ran over looking over his wrist.

"I handled it just fine." Virgil mumbled.

"Oh yeah? Because from where I am, looks like he hurt your wrist and arm pretty fucking badly." Remy grabbed some gauze. "What the hell did you do to piss him off again?"

"Again!? I didn't piss him off before I just called him out on his bullshit." Remy finished wrapping Virgil's wrist.

"Virgil, it is six in the are so lucky patton isn't awake yet or he'd be going off on you mister." Remy sat Virgil down in the chair by the fire. Virgil sighed annoyed.

"He tried to kill me, and all you guys can say is it's my fault for pissing him off?" Virgil looked over at Remy who was cooking breakfast.

"Derek...he has a lot he's dealing with. He lost his family to walkers kid." Virgil scoffed.

"More like fed them to the walkers to save his own ass." Remy gasped.

"Virgil, babes, what the fuck?" Remy paused and looked him up and down.

"I'm serious! He just attempted to fucking murder me and all you all do is protect the bastard!? He was clearly not right in the head!"

"Was?" Remy asked. Virgil looked towards the woods.

"Janus shot him in the head." Virgil looked up at Remy. "I didn't know he would have."

"He shot his own father in the head? That's hard to believe kid." Remy stood up. "I'm gonna call a meeting."

"Are you—are you actually serious right now!? You might as well have just let Derek feed me to the walkers if you are going to just get rid of me like this!" Virgil stood up and shook his head. "I hate you!" He stormed into his tree and looked down as everyone started waking up. Tears fell down his face as he pulled out his walkie talkie. "Dad? Dad come in."

"Virgil?" He started crying at his dads panicked voice.

"Mom died." He whispered. He heard Logans end go quiet and then he heard his dad reply.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. It might take me another day Virg." Virgil looked down at the chaos happening and he leaned back.

"I might not be here when you get back to camp dad...they think I killed Derek." Virgil watched as Patton walked off into the woods to probably look for Derek's body. "I think they want to kick me out of camp. They think I'm dangerous."

"Come find me? I'm close to the city. You can come find me." Logan replied quickly. "I will not lose my only family." Virgil turned off the walkie talkie and jumped down when Janus tapped on the trunk.

"Patton went to go get his body." Janus glared at the adults. "I don't think it's right for them to do this, especially to you."

"So you told them it was you then?" Virgil put his backpack over his shoulder. Janus looked at his feet.

"I tried Virgil, they won't believe me." Janus looked up. "Even after I showed them my gun! T-they just want to find any excuse to kick you out of here!" Virgil walked over to his tent, grabbing whatever he could. He then walked over to his mother and fathers tent as tears filled his eyes. He opened it and walked inside to see that Patton had covered his mothers body. Virgil looked at Janus who had followed him.

"What?" Virgil asked as he gathered some things.

"I'm coming with you." Janus replied. Virgil paused and looked up at him in shock.

"What?" He asked.

"I caused this, and besides those bastards don't care for anything or anyone but themselves." Virgil sighed.

"Fine, go pack and meet me back here in ten minutes." Janus nodded and left. Virgil walked over to his mom, moving the blanket. He took off her necklace and held it in his hands. "I'm so sorry mom." He kissed her and then covered her body back up. He walked out of the tent only to be grabbed and harshly thrown to the ground by the fire. He looked up and saw Remy and a bunch of others glaring at him. Remy was holding Janus back.

"Leave him alone! Seriously!" Janus screamed. Remy punched Janus and Janus collapsed to the ground.

"It's, what? Eleven in the afternoon now? We aren't going to sit here while you go unpunished for what you have done." Remy grabbed a knife from one of the others and Virgil stared at it in horror.

"What the hell Remy!?" Patton went to stop him but was pulled backwards.

"Now, you killed's only right for you to lose something too." Virgil whimpered in pain as he was lifted to his feet and held in place. Remy got closer. Virgil panicked when the knife was placed under his eye.

"REMY STOP!" Patton was yanked backwards. "REMY!" Virgil started crying.

"Fucking do it then." Virgil looked at the knife. "If you are going to fucking take my damn eye then do it."

"Take mine." Janus immediately said. Janus stood up. "I killed my dad not Virgil." Remy pulled away from Virgil and walked over to Janus.

"If you say so~" Remy suddenly scratched down on Janus's face with the knife. Janus screamed. Virgil watched on in horror as Remy slashed a couple more times, pulling away once he had completely destroyed the left side of Janus's face.

"OH MY GOSH!" Patton got away from whoever was holding him and immediately ran over trying to stop the bleeding. Remy cleaned the blade and then looked at Virgil.

"He saved your ass." Remy walked away. Virgil immediately ran over helping Patton hold pressure to Janus's face.

"Oh my god why are you so stupid?" Virgil asked. Janus scoffed.

"I just saved your ass." Janus held the towel to his face and smiled at Virgil. "You are so welcome for that by the way." Virgil smacked his arm.

"Fuck okay...we have to find my dad he can help us clean this up..." Janus nodded.

"Alright, let's go." Virgil grabbed his bag and stood up looping one of Janus's arms around his neck. Patton grabbed Janus's bag before Virgil could. "Patton..."

"Janus, I have looked after you since your mothers passing. I am not about to let you go alone."

"I'm not alone, and besides you almost let those bastards do this to Virgil." Janus hissed.

"I wont let you leave this camp. Not unless I come with you boys." Virgil looked away.

"You don't even like me." Virgil replied.

"Virgil, I never said that." Patton shook his head. "I only agreed with Remy because he runs the camp and I didn't want to risk him kicking me out after all I have done to get here and be safe...I thought I found a home but he hurt you, he's hurt Janus...I refuse to stay here."

"Alright fine, grab as much as you can because I don't plan to come back here at all." Virgil walked Janus over to a tree stump and wrapped his face. Janus smiled sadly and looked down.

"I'm sorry." Janus shook his head. "If I didn't insist on coming with you, you could have made it as far away from this hell as possible an-and they wouldn't have almost hurt you." Virgil chuckled.

"Dude, they would have tracked me down anyways. Remys crazy." A few minutes later patton walked over with several guns inside a bag, a crossbow slung over his back, and some bags of medical supplies as well as food.

"Let's go before they see we've left." The three left the camp going towards the direction Logan said he was. Hopefully never having to go back to that hell hole of a camp again.

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