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AN soooo this is the ending of the book! I legit have two versions of this ending, I was gonna just up and leave it how it ended last chapter but decided not to do that to you sooo have a time skip chapter!! Also I really am glad you liked it! But also let me know if you want me to post the other ending cuz I wrote like two absolutely crazy versions of this ending lmao

Updated list of just ages cuz I'm lazy

Roman— 21
Remus— 21
Patton— 43
Remy— 43

***5 years later*** (Remus POV)

"How the hell have you managed to stay alive this long?" Remus threw a shoe at Janus.

"Oh shut up!" Remus laughed as they continued collecting medicine.

"I'm being so fucking serious Remus!" Janus looked over the shelf at him as he looked for anything edible in the store. "You have a knack for pissing people off!"

"Well, I didn't think I'd even make it to 21 so I'm surprised as well!" He chuckled. "Though being an adult feels weird."

"Yeah, and actually having to take care of someone younger feels weird too. How is Damian anyways?" Janus finished stocking his bag and walked over to Remus. Remus smiled a bit.

"He's doing a lot better than when we found him, seeing as it's been two years I think the trauma finally wore off." Remus joked. "I think he'll be okay. We just have to give him space you know?" Remus held the plushie he found in his hands. "I know that this is just an essential run and everything but do you think I can-."

"Remus, I'm sure Damian would love that." Remus put the toy elephant in his bag and the two finished grabbing things.

"I mean I know he's sixteen but it would be nice to have something right?"

"He did mention they were his favorite animal after all." They walked back to camp to find Damian swinging on a swing talking to Virgil. Virgil smiled at the two as they approached.

"Welcome home misfits." He hopped off the swing.

"Hey wheres Roman?" Remus asked. Virgil looked at Damian.

"Those two got into a fight a few hours ago, and he ran off." Virgil looked at Remus. "I'm sure he'll be back by dinner Remus." Remus looked towards the woods and then back at Virgil.

"No...something's not right. He wouldn't have gone alone he probably would have just stayed in his tent..." Remus handed his bag to Janus and booked it into the woods. He stood still to catch his breathe looking back seeing that he ran a few miles from camp. Maybe he should go back? Roman would never have come this far out would he? "ROMAN!?" he heard a muffled scream and he continued to run towards it almost immediately. "ROMAN!?" He felt the ground under him give way and he screamed. He landed harshly on his arm and he groaned. "Fuck..." he looked up at the sky and screamed. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD ASSHOLE!" Navine appeared above the hole with a smirk on his face, holding Roman close to him.

"You assumed I was dead this entire time? Wow kid, you are a stupid mother fucker."

"Let my brother go you stupid old man!" Remus held his arm to his chest. "And let me out of this damn hole!"

"I've pictured this moment for years, I'm still upset I let you get away and now that I've got you again...I'm not letting you go ever again." Remus shook his head. Navine walked away dragging Roman with him.

"Navine! Hey dumb ass bring him back! Navine!" Remus sat back against the wall pulling his knees to his chest. "Fuck..."

***a few hours later***

Remus opened his eyes looking up and seeing sunlight. He groaned. So it wasn't a fucking nightmare. He heard footsteps coming closer and he stood up.

"Ah so he's awake." Navine put a ladder down and jumped into the hole with Remus. He smirked as he got closer. Remus shook as he backed away.

"What do you want? Please we haven't done anything to you since we left! I didn't even know you were alive!" Remus tripped falling backwards. He tried getting back up but Navine was above him before he could even try.

"You didn't and that's the best part! When I found out you boys were still alive, oh my I was excited." He lifted Remus up and shoved him towards the ladder. "Don't run now, remember we still have your brother." Remus glared at him as he climbed the ladder.

"Why do you even care that you found us?" Remus asked. He looked back at the man. "J-just let us go okay? We have done absolutely nothing to you!"

"Nothing!? Nothing!? Boy you ruined my camp and almost got me killed." He slammed Remus into a tree. "And I'm not wasting any fucking time dealing with you this time. You won't be getting away from me."

"Our friends are out there, and they will find us and you won't be—"

"These friends?" Navine whistled and a few men dragged Janus, Virgil and Damian through the clearing.

"Fuck! Navine let them go!" His men let them go but still held guns at them. Virgil pulled Damian back before he could run over to Remus.

"The kids kind of pretty don't you think?" Navine walked over to them and Virgil pushed Damian behind him protectively. "Same age you were eh?"

"Back off." Virgil growled out.

"Protective." Navine chuckled. "He yours then?" Virgil smacked Navines hand away.

"Touch him, and we will have a serious issue." Virgil made eye contact with Remus and before he could look away Navine laughed.

"Oh that is actually hilarious." He looked at Remus. "He's your kid?"

"Fuck..." Remus shook his head. "Navine don't!"

"Separate the kid from these two." Remus panicked.

"Navine no!" Virgil and Janus were dragged over and thrown into a hole, and Damian was dragged towards Remus. The men threw Damian and Remus and he looked him over quickly for wounds. "I'm so sorry Damian...fuck..." Remus pulled Damian into his arms and glared at Navine.

"You idiots took in a kid after everything you went and did to me?" Navine chuckled again. "Did you ever tell pretty boy why he couldn't leave camp?" Damian held tightly to Remuss hand.

"Remus what's he talking about?" Damian asked.

"It's nothing Damian." Remus let go of Damian and stepped forward. "Let them all go Navine, I'll stay okay? You can do whatever the hell you want to me to exact revenge for all those years ago but they need to leave. I can make them agree to never come back here for me...all of them even my brother just please you can't do this to them. Not again..."

"I'll say it once again, because maybe it'll hold your attention Remus." Navine quickly shoved Remus back and pulled Damian to him. Damian squealed and tried to get away from him but couldn't. "Revenge, is a lot better when I take it out in the people you love." Remus was kicked from behind and he fell forward into the dirt. He groaned and held his side as he struggled to get up.

"Remus!" Damian was struggling against Navine who was dragging him away. Remus felt his breathe catch in his throat as he tried to run after them, falling back to the ground. He felt dizzy and he passed out.


Roman opened his eyes and backed away from the lumps on the ground in front of him the best he could. One of them moved and Roman backed away the best he could with a broken leg.

"What the hell..." Roman let out the breathe he was holding seeing it was just Virgil sitting up.

"Oh my god!" Roman smiled at him as he limped over to him. "Are you hurt?" Virgil looked him up and down.

"Jesus Roman what happened!?" Virgil forced him to sit down and he checked over his wounds making sure none were fatal.

"Navine..." Roman growled. "I ran away without thinking after arguing with Damian..." Roman looked around not seeing another person other than Janus on the floor. "Oh god..."

"Roman this isn't your fault."

"Navine captured us again because I wasn't careful! I ran off because of a stupid argument..." Roman limped over to Janus and helped him sit up. "A-and now he has my brother again, and he has Damian..."

"After five years you'd think that crusty ass old man would have croaked already." Janus mumbled.

"Heard that one dear boy." They all looked up. "And it's not very funny."

"Yeah well, you aren't the one looking up from a hole at the ugliest piece of shit to ever walk the planet."

"Janus are you trying to make him kill you?" Roman asked.

"The boy is alive if that's what you all were wondering about."

"And Remus?" Roman asked. Navine wiped his mouth and Roman stared at him disgusted.

"He's been, occupied." Navine laughed. "He's alive if you were worried I'd have killed him off or something."

"Why are you doing this!? We left you alone! We didn't even know you were alive! How did you even find us?"

"You might have left me alone, but I've been holding a grudge against you kids!" Navine laughed. "You almost got me killed and I was not having it..."

"Oh for the love of..." Roman face palmed. "We were literally fucking children and you are a fucking monster! You beat and raped my brother Remus and for some stupid revenge! We haven't even been near you once in the last five years!"

"Roman, relax!" Virgil grabbed his hand. "Remus is going to be fine if-if we just cooperate with them..."

"That's what we did last time and yet he hurt my brother!" Roman panicked. "Oh my god Damian's...Damian is..." Roman looked up horrified. "If you fucking touch him I will rip your god damn throat out you hear me you monster!" Navine sat down, his legs dangling in the hole. He smirked down at Roman.

"Why does your brother care so much for the little troll anyways?"

"That's none of your concern." Roman glared.

"I mean, he practically adopted the kid. There's got to be a reason."

"Like he said, none of your concern Jack ass." Janus hissed out.

"Oh what's this? Defending someone you claimed to not care about?" Janus looked at Roman and then back at Navine in horror.

"You've been watching us..."

"And listening. Eyes and ears everywhere." Navine looked down at Roman. "So tell me Roman, why the fuck do you still care for these two? They were about to leave you and Remus behind anyway."

"I know that." Roman folded his arms across his chest. "And I still care about them because they're my friends." Roman looked away from Janus and Virgil.

"Are you going to tell your friends about the argument you and Damian got into before I caught you?" Roman wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at Janus and Virgil.

"Fuck off jack ass." He looked up. "I know your goal here is to get us to turn on each other, but it won't work so just go away."

"I had you for a long time Roman, you going to explain to them how you ended up like that? Or should I? In detail." Roman quickly looked up.

"Just go away! You fucking hurt me enough asshole!"

"Roman, what the hell is going on?" Virgil asked. "Damian wouldn't tell me the details about the argument you two had that sent you running off like you did...y-you were gone for hours before these two got back."

"Nothing, Virgil." Roman quickly looked away and Janus sighed.

"Clearly he won't let us out unless you tell us what the argument was about at least." Janus folded his arms across his chest. Roman wiped the tears away and then looked up at Navine.

"I just..." Roman looked away from all of them. "I don't think it's right of me to talk about."

"Oh but I know what is~" Navine chuckled. "So boys, want to know how good your friend is~"

"YOU CREEP!" Virgil shouted. Janus looked at Roman and then up at Navine in horror.

"Oh my god..."

"I mean, you can come watch it too on the flat screen if you wish! Oh his moans are so much better with surround sound." Virgil looked at Roman and Roman pulled his legs closer to his chest as tears flowed down his face.

"Roman..." virgil knelt down besides him. Roman shook his head expecting the yelling but virgil just pulled him into a hug. "It wasn't your fault."

"You sick fuck!" Janus took off his shoe and threw it up knocking Navine in the head.

"Janus what the fuck are you trying to die!?" Virgil pulled away from Roman.

"Just for that...grab that one." Navine gestured at Janus and a few of his men jumped down pulling Janus with them.

"JANUS!" Roman went to run after them but he collapsed. Virgil helped him sit back down.

"Let's see if he tries protecting you after what I show him." Navine laughed as he walked away leaving Virgil and Roman alone.

"This is all my fault." Roman started crying again.

"Roman, he fucking raped you and you were just trying to protect your brother. None of this is on you. Janus just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up."

"Virgil, he's going to kill them because of me."

"We'll get out Roman, don't worry."


He was thrown down into a tent and he looked up seeing Damian tied to a chair.

"Damian!" Janus ran over and took the tape off his mouth. "Are you hurt?" Damian shook his head.

"Welcome to the show." Navine walked over and turned on a Tv. Janus covered Damian's eyes.

"Don't open them no matter what you hear." Janus turned back to face Navine.

"Don't do this okay? I-I know that you're angry with us but you shouldn't take it out on everyone."

"So you and Remus?" Navine grabbed a glass and leaned against the tv stand. "Why did you break things off?"

"None of your damn business."

"Hey kid, you want to tell him why you and Roman fought?" Damian opened his eyes and looked at Janus.

"I..." he looked at Navine. "Don't...please don't make me tell him."

"Damian?" Janus crouched down so he was eye level with him. "what's going on kid?"

"Tell him, or I'll say it."

"Navine had Roman because of me." Damian started crying. "I read romans diary which is why he flipped his shit and left. And before Virgil woke up and saw me on the swings alone, I chased after him to apologize and then I saw him with this man I've never seen before and he was just...he had him against the tree with a hand to his mouth to make sure he couldn't scream for help and I wasn't thinking I charged out and tackled him an-and then he caught me and threatened to hurt me if Roman didn't go with him and cooperate. I'm the reason he was so hurt."

"Damian, no." Janus shook his head. "Never think that was your fault. Roman was just protecting you." 

"Jesus you two refuse to tell the truth." Navine put his glass down. "Roman didn't want to tell you this, that's why he said it wasn't his place to tell."

"No...please don't!" Damian shook his head as he cried even harder.

"Damian is part of my crew. How do you think we knew where you all were?" Janus looked at Damian and then looked at Navine who was smirking.

"Then why hurt him?" Janus asked. Janus undid the ropes holding damian to the chair and then backed away.

"Damian started to actually care about you." Navine laughed. "He wanted to leave."

"So the argument you and Roman had?" Janus turned to look at damian. "He heard you talking to Navine didn't he?" Damian nodded.

"I'm so sorry..."

"You have nothing to apologize for." Janus smiled at the kid. "Because I knew." Janus then turned to face Navine. "You monster."

"Y-You knew?" Damian asked.

"He's lying." Navine rolled his eyes. "There's no way you knew."

"I did in fact know." Janus smiled sadly at Damian. "I've known since the day we met." Janus rolled up Damian's sleeve revealing the mark he covered up. "Navine marked Remus the same way before we escaped."

~~~~a couple years ago

"Hey Remus, can we chat for a bit?" Janus stopped putting things in his bag. Remus looked at him and then continued putting things in his bag.

"I don't feel like talking about anything with you." He walked to the next isle. "Besides we have to get going soon it's going to get dark."

"Remus, please." Janus walked over and grabbed his arm causing him to flinch. "That right there, that's why we need to have this talk."

"Jeez Janus." Remus looked towards the door then back at Janus. "I'm sorry okay? I just.... I don't want to talk about the breakup right now." Remus went to go walk away but Janus pulled him back causing Remus to freeze.

"Well we need to." Janus pulled his arm away.

"Stop fucking touching me damnit!" Remus threw something at Janus. "I dont want to talk about this."

"Remus, I still care about you." Janus walked closer and Remus pushed him away.

"I know you two were going to leave so I don't care that you keep saying that to me." Remus shook his head.

"Remus please-." There was a loud scream and Remus looked at Janus closing up his bag and running to the door. When they exited the building the saw a young boy trapped inside a fucking cage. Janus looked at Remus and Remus handed him his bag.

"I'm faster than you, just if I don't make it back and he does you better take him back to camp." Remus ran for the kid before Janus could say or do anything. The kid was helped out of the cage and Remus helped him run to Janus. They got into the car and sped off towards their camp.

***a few hours later***

"T-Thank you." The kid wiped tears from his eyes.

"How did you end up in a cage?" Janus asked. The kid put his bowl down and held his arms to his chest. Janus looked at his arms seeing the bruises and his eyes widened at the sight of a certain tattoo on his arm. The kid pulled his sleeves down some more to cover it quickly.

"I was out, hoping to get supplies and I was being chased by walkers." The kid closed his eyes. "I didn't know someone had traps here too."

"What does that mean?" Remus asked. "Y-You've ran into traps like that before? How did you escape?" Janus raised an eyebrow. No wonder why the kid had a mark. He was someone's fucking property.

"I was set free just as you helped get me out." The kid looked at Janus. "The first trap I got caught in was a giant hole and I was stuck for days." Remus shifted uncomfortably and Janus looked over at him.

"No way that man is still alive, there's no fucking way." Remus looked at Janus and then back at the kid. "I've seen those traps before, been stuck in one. How close to this camp were they?" The kid shrugged.

"Not close to here more towards the city." Remus nodded his head standing up.

"Remus, you know the rules."

"Yeah, kid." Remus walked over and sat down next to him. "Promise us you won't ever set foot out of this camp? We will protect you as long as you promise to never leave here unless we are with you."

"What the hell am I a prisoner now or something? I already ran away from one camp that made me feel like I had no choice in the matter I don't want to stay here if that's—"

"It's to protect you. The people who made those traps are horrible. They'd kill you with no hesitation."

"I'm Damian, it's nice to meet you." He smiled at the two of them. Janus looked towards the sleeping Virgil and then at Roman who was sitting up in the trees.

"Yeah kid, nice to meet you too."

~~~present day

"You fucked up kid." Janus pulled Damian over to him protectively.

"No, you fucked up." Janus hissed.

"Jesus Christ! Why are you so protective?? He fucking betrayed your asses."

"Well he also saved one of us so I'm not complaining."

"But I never..." Damian looked at Janus confused.

"He was going to kill himself." Janus looked at his hands. "But rescuing and taking care of you became the thing he cared about doing the most that he forgot about everything else."

"Thank you for that tid bit of information about Remus." Navine smirked. "Oh he's so going to hate you for that big reveal." Navine left and Janus looked at the tents entrance in anger.

"Fuck!" Tears flowed down his face. "I promised him I wouldn't say anything."

"But you had to." Damian smiled at Janus. "You needed me to know that information so that I wouldn't give up."

"I mean that's part of it yeah." Janus sighed. "I'm not mad at you Damian, I never was. I hope you know that."

"I know it Janus."


Remus pulled his knees to his chest looking up at the setting sun. Tears flowed down his face.

"You know kid, I can give you some entertainment." Remus looked up.

"Fuck off." Remus looked back at his bare feet.

"Not that kind of entertainment." Remus heard something hit the ground and lifted his head up to see what landed on the ground in front of him. A pack of razors, and a few other things that Remus had used before to hurt himself. His eyes widened.

"What the fuck!" He backed up and looked up at Navine.

"A little birdie told me you tried to kill yourself." He chuckled. "I figured you'd want to give it a try again." Remus looked away as tears filled his eyes.

"I fucking hate you." Remus kicked the objects away.

"Another two days Remus." Navine knelt down and smirked. "Will you even last?" He turned and walked away and Remus pulled his knees to his chest. He promised himself he would. He had to.


"Come on..." Virgil got the walkie talkie to work and he laughed. "Fuck yes!"

"And what do you plan to do with that?" Roman asked. Virgil smiled.

"Have a little party with some old friends." Virgil switched the channel and listened in on the conversation on the other end. He smiled wider. After all these years they never changed the station. "Remy? Remy? Come in."

"Who the hell is this!?" Remy asked.

"Virgil." Virgil laughed a bit. "I know we never wanted to contact you all again after what happened before but we're in trouble and we need some major help."

"What the fuck did you kids get yourselves into this time?"

"An enemy captured us and plans to fucking kill us even though we did nothing wrong! Please Remy! One of our friends was beaten and raped and he's hurt bad and I have nothing to help him with because we are currently trapped in a god damn trap they made! They won't let me help him and he can get really sick and die and he's become my family. Please Remy...please...."

"Did you just say a trap!?"

"Yes! Look please we don't have much time I'm pretty sure he plans to come back here and fucking hurt him again so please can you find us if I give you the location of our old camp?"

"We're coming Virgil. Tell us where."

Virgil explained where the old camp was and then hid the walkie talkie. Roman looked at him and shook his head.

"They won't be able to save all of us you know. This is exactly why I'm afraid of trusting adults..." Roman looked down at his hands. "If it comes down to it, I want you and Janus to take Remus and Damian both, and just run."

"Hey, no suicide missions." Virgil sat down and held Roman's hand. "I wont leave without you pretty boy," he moved hair from Roman's face and Roman looked at him smiling. "Not ever again."


Patton put the angel down and looked at the sleeping kid in the medical tent they had set up. He sighed and held the kids hand. "I know you will pull through, you are tough enough to. Don't let me down Maxie."

"Maxie doing okay?" Remy entered the tent and Patton finished taking care of the supplies and then walked over marking it on the calendar.

"She's been getting weaker Remy..." Patton shook his head. "I don't want them to find out...he will just hurt her like they did Virgil's mom."

"Speaking of Virgil..." Remy looked at the walkie in his hands. "He's in trouble."

"He contacted you! Oh my god!" Patton dragged Remy into his tent and the two stood there silent for a moment. "What did he mean in trouble!? What did they get themselves into?"

"Remember that man we ran into years back after we let them leave?" Patton thought for a moment and his eyes widened.

"The trapper? The one who did this to poor Maxie..."

"He's got them. Virgil said he fell into one of their  traps and he-he raped and beat one of them..."

"What!?" Patton shook his head. "Oh god what are we going to do!? We can't just leave Maxie here you know how they are..."

"But if he knows it's his sons in danger maybe he will help?" Remy suggested.

"No way in hell! That crazy fucker raped Virgil and killed someone Remy! We are not letting that man out of his way in hell."

"Patton, he's the only one I can think of that would be willing to help..."

"For fucking selfish reasons! Did you forget he raped Virgil!?"

"You forget that we allowed it to happen?" Remy looked away. "We let him down, and he got hurt again. We need to fix this and he's the only way we can."

"I don't agree with this Remy." Patton pulled his long hair back and then grabbed some things from his tent. "Go away."

"So you aren't going to help me help them?" Remy asked. Patton put some of his things in his bag and then walked over to the medical tent.

"I'm helping by not helping." He sat down next to Maxie.

"You are useless as hell." Remy stormed away and Patton sighed.

"Where's he off to?" Patton froze and took a deep breathe before looking up.

"Absolutely none of your business." He snapped. The man in front of his glared and got closer.

"Are you seriously acting like a fucking child right now Patton?" He asked. Patton stood up.

"You have no right to demand where he is going. You have no right to demand anything of anyone." Patton moved the man's finger from his face. "And compared to you? I consider myself lucky I'm only in my early forties." He slapped Patton  and Patton stumbled back.

"I run this damn camp. You forget that?" He got a fistful of Pattons hair. "Now where the hell is he going?"

"Fuck off!" Patton got away and leaned against the wall. "God, you are even more of an asshole than Remy."

"Tell me where he's going, or I will make damn sure they pull her plug." Patton looked over at Maxie.

"What the hell she's a child!?" Patton stood between them. "You can't punish her because of me!"

"I can and I sure as hell will." Patton looked at his hands and bit his lip.

"He went to find and help the boys." Patton looked away.

"The boys? As in my boys? The ones you fucking helped escape five years ago!?" Patton flinched and nodded his head. "Oh this is just great! So he's going to bring them back then?"

"Hell no! What the fuck!?" Patton looked at him in horror. "You fucking raped Virgil there's no way we'd ever let you near them again!" Patton was suddenly slammed into the wall.

"You let him know he is to bring them all back here or so help me I will fucking kill her." Patton was thrown down to the ground and as he left Patton grabbed the walkie talkie.

"Remy..." tears flowed down Pattons face.

"Patton did something happen to Maxie? Why do you sound like you are crying your eyes out?" Remy asked.

"You have to stay away..." Patton gripped the walkie talkie as even more tears flowed down his face.

"Patton what are you on about?" Remy asked.

"He threatened Maxie if you don't come back with the boys and I'm not having you be known as a traitor by those boys...not please just stay away and get them safe okay?"

"But Patton I know how much Maxie means to you why are you risking this!?"

"Because it's the only thing I can do..." Patton stood up and walked over to sit beside Maxie. "She won't make it another day anyways Remy...she's dying."

"You promise me, that you will run away from there if she does pass away okay? You know what he's capable of and I don't want you to get hurt." Patton held Maxie's hand and places the walkie talkie down.

"Sorry Remy...but I have to keep you all safe."


Remy stopped walking and stared down at the walkie talkie. Tears flowed down his cheeks. Did that goofball man just sacrifice himself for him!? And for what!?

"Who the fuck are you?" Remy turned to face some guys standing by an empty camp holding guns. Remy looked at the camp knowing damn well it was empty and then back at the boys.

"Where are they?" Remy asked.


"Don't play fucking dumb with me, take me to my damn nephew now." Remy was then escorted to another camp this one being heavily guarded. He rolled his eyes as he was walked over to a tent.

"Someone's here for one of the boys." Remy folded his arms across his chest. "Says he's his uncle or some shit."

"And you idiots didn't think to ask which boy?" The tent opened and the man laughed. "Jesus Christ you boys are fucking idiots."

"Where the fuck are they?" Remy asked. The guards pointed guns at Remy and the man gestured for them to put them down.

"Why do you even care?" He asked.

"Family doesn't end in blood, and those kids? Those kids are my family if they agree with me or not. So where the fuck are they!?"

"Keep getting aggressive with me and I will have you shot down where you stand." Remy folded his arms across his chest. "Bring over Remus will you?"

"Yes sir" Remy watched them walk away and looked around seeing the separate tents and a bunch of security around specific holes in the ground.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" Remus was struggling against them. Remy turned to face him and Remus looked away.

"Boss he actually fucking bit me. The fuck!? What if he's got like rabies or something!?"

"Let them talk." They shoved Remus at Remy and Remy rolled his eyes. "Alone, we'll be back don't try anything." They walked away and Remus collapsed against remy.

"Oh my fuck..." Remy held him and looked him over after sitting him down. "When was the last time they fed you!? What the hell..." Remus rolled his eyes.

"You almost killed me the last time we saw eachother and you are actually genuinely concerned about my health right now?" Remus chuckled. "Wow what the hell."

"Remus please..." Remy pulled out some medical supplies and started treating the physical wounds he could see on Remus. He paused when he saw the hickeys.

"Have you seen my brother? Is he alive?" Remus asked. Remy shook his head.

"Im sorry I haven't see anyone but you..." Remy put the supplies away. "Think you can hold something down?" Remy handed Remus a granola bar. Remus thanked him and opened it.

"Why'd you come?" Remus asked.

"Virgil was able to get in contact with us...Patton stayed behind so I could come help you."

"Why bother? As I mentioned tried to kill us the last time we saw eachother."

"Yeah I know..." Remy sighed. "Would you believe and trust me if I tell you that was an act to try and keep myself from being killed myself?"

"Knowing my ugly ass father? Yeah I believe you." Remus smiled at remy. "Let's start over shall we?" Remus held his hand out for Remy to shake. "Im Remus."

"Remy." Remy shook his hand and laughed. This kid had a sense of humor.

"I dont even know if they are all okay..." remus looked around. "I've been separated from them for like a week now...and don't freak out but yes that means I haven't eaten in several days. I have been given water though..."

"Jesus Christ..." Remy looked over at the other tents. "He wouldn't have them in a tent...knowing this ass they are all probably..." Remy gestured for Remus to stay quiet as he walked towards the nearest hole. When he looked down he saw the purple hoodie wrapped around someone's shoulders like a blanket and he almost cried out. That was Virgil's hoodie! The kid looked up and Remy shushed him. "Im going to get you out don't worry." Remy looked back at Remus. "I think I found your brother." Remus immediately ran over laughing as he leaned into Remy.

"Remus!" Roman looked so happy for a moment. "Thank fuck! I thought he would have killed your or something..."

"Let's get you out of there..." Remy tossed a rope down. "Can you climb up on your own?"

"I have a broken leg..."

"I can climb down and get him." Remus suggested.

"Uhm no way in hell, you do realize how badly injured your body is right now right? You can barely fucking hold yourself up never mind another human being." Remy dropped down and had Roman climb onto his back. They climbed the rope ladder and as soon as they were out Remy started patching Roman up. "Jesus fuck..." he paused looked at Remus. "Go...sit over there or something." Remus walked away and Remy looked at Roman.

"Why'd you have him walk away?" Roman asked.

"I didn't want him to see because it isn't his business to." Remy wrapped Roman's neck and then sighed looking at him. "But he's your brother so you better tell him eventually."

"He probably already knows. When they were dragged here, he didn't exactly hide what he did to me."

"Im getting you guys to a safe place, and I'm going back to camp for Patton, I promised him I'd get you boy's safely away."

"Should have known you'd find the losers twin." Remy glared at Navine.

"Listen here jack ass, they don't deserve this! They've left you alone! Why can't you leave them alone?"

"They ruined everything I worked for! They deserve it!"

"Nobody deserves to be beaten and fucking raped you monster!" Remus backed up and Roman grabbed his hand. Remy stood between the two of them and Navine.

"You killed this one's father didn't you?" Remy looked over and saw some men dragging Virgil out of a hole.

"What have you done!?" Virgil had whip marks all down his chest, and his back. He wasn't wearing anything but a pair of biker shorts (which by the way are very tight) and some handcuffs on his wrist.

"Kill him." Navine handed Remy the gun he held in his hands. "And you get to walk away with them."

"Remy no!" Roman shook his head afraid. Remy threw the gun.

"Im not going to hurt Virgil." Remy stepped forward closer to Navine. "You on the other hand?" He quickly stabbed him with the hidden blade that was in his sweater pocket. "You I give no fucks about." Navine suddenly fell forward and landed on the ground dead.

"Where's Janus and-and Damian!?" Remus panicked looking around.

"If you don't want to end up like Navine here, I suggest you all walk away." They scattered and Remy helped Virgil sit down.

"Dami!? Damian??!!" Remus ran around looking into the different trapping holes not seeing who he was looking for he collapsed in defeat. "Fuck!" Tears flowed down his face.

"Remus!?" Janus ran out to him and Remus ran right into his arms. Remy smiled and grabbed his walkie talkie.

"Hey Patt..."


"Everyone's safe." Remy smiled as he watched the idiot kids be idiots. "Im going to get them to a safe place, and I'm coming to rescue you and Emile and Maxine."

"He-He killed her." Patton was sobbing and Remy looked down as tears filled his own eyes.

"Patton I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left..."

"Emile was killed for trying to help me stop him remy..." Remy looked at the ring on his finger and he collapsed to the ground holding the walkie to his chest as he sobbed. "Im so sorry."

"I-It isn't your fault. I promise I'm going to come back for you as soon as I can okay?" Patton laughed.

"Don't make it too soon."

"What the hell does that even mean Patton?"

"It means, he won't be here when you get back and neither will we. Say goodbye." Remy heard the gunshot and he screamed. The boys looked over at him and Remy turned the walkie off.

"Are you alright over there?" Virgil asked. Remy stood up and walked over to them.

"Let me help with your wounds, and let's get packed up and get out of here as soon as we can." Remy finished taking care of them and walked away to grab other supplies they might need. He heard footsteps behind him and he turned to find Roman and Virgil standing in the tents open door.

"Remy what happened?" Roman asked.

"Your father happened." Remy finished packing the bag. "He killed my husband, and my best friend." Remy looked at Roman and then at Virgil. "I have nobody."

"Lies." Janus stepped into the doorway with Remus and that kid Damian.

"You have us." They all out bags over their shoulders (except Virgil none of them let that happen because of his fresh wounds) and walked out of the tent together.

"But for how long? You can't just forgive me so easily??" Remy asked. Virgil laughed.

"My dad wasn't an idiot Remy." Virgil handed him a worn down piece of paper. "When he handed you the locket he had this hidden inside of it. He wanted me to know he knew all about who was running the camp and about who actually was under his influence or not. He trusted you with my life and so I trust you." Remy opened the note carefully.

My dearest son,
Please do not let anything that happens between me and Remy become part of your distrust in adults. Remy is under the influence of a bad person but trust in him like I do and you'll know that no matter what happens he will always have your back. He might act like an inconsiderate asshole most of the time but he cares a great deal about you Virgil. He's seen you grow up. So place your trust in him when you need him and he will be there.

I love you and whatever happens know I will be watching over you always

Remy looked up at Virgil. "Is that why you trusted I'd answer the walkie talkie call?"

"After all these years, I trusted you I just didn't want to reach out in case maybe my dad was wrong..." Virgil smiled at Remy. "But now I know he was telling me the truth. So Remy, what do you say? Join our found family?"

"Definitely." He grabbed his hand as they all left the camp behind. Bodies and all.

FYI I didn't proof read this for shit lmfao

AN I hope you liked the ending! Now I know I said I have two endings but the second one wasn't actually finished lol it was just like a thought of one way I could end the book but decided against it

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