Thirteen (dont post) (this is bad dont embarrass yourself)

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AN original ending chapter


***5 years later*** (Remus POV)

"How the hell have you managed to stay alive this long?" Remus threw a shoe at Janus.

"Oh shut up!" Remus laughed as they continued collecting medicine.

"I'm being so fucking serious Remus!" Janus looked over the shelf at him as he looked for anything edible in the store. "You have a knack for pissing people off!"

"Well, I didn't think I'd even make it to 21 so I'm surprised as well!" He chuckled. "Though being an adult feels weird."

"Yeah, and actually having to take care of someone younger feels weird too. How is Damian anyways?" Janus finished stocking his bag and walked over to Remus. Remus smiled a bit.

"He's doing a lot better than when we found him, seeing as it's been five years I think the trauma finally wore off." Remus joked. "I think he'll be okay. We just have to give him space you know?" Remus held the plushie he found in his hands. "I know that this is just an essential run and everything but do you think I can-."

"Remus, I'm sure Damian would love that." Remus put the toy elephant in his bag and the two finished grabbing things.

"I mean I know he's sixteen but it would be nice to have something right?"

"He did mention they were his favorite animal after all." They walked back to camp to find Damian swinging on a swing talking to Virgil. Virgil smiled at the two as they approached.

"Welcome home misfits." He hopped off the swing.

"Hey wheres Roman?" Remus asked. Virgil looked at Damian.

"Those two got into a fight and he ran off." Virgil looked at Remus. "I'm sure he'll be back by dinner Remus." Remus looked towards the woods and then back at Virgil.

"No...something's not right. He wouldn't have gone alone he probably would have just stayed in his tent..." Remus handed his bag to Janus and booked it into the woods. He stood still to catch his breathe looking back seeing that he ran a few miles from camp. Maybe he should go back? Roman would never have come this far out would he? "ROMAN!?" he heard a muffled scream and he continued to run towards it almost immediately. "ROMAN!?" He felt the ground under him give way and he screamed. He landed harshly on his arm and he groaned. "Fuck..." he looked up at the sky and screamed. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD ASSHOLE!" Navine appeared above the hole with a smirk on his face, holding Roman close to him.

"You assumed I was dead this entire time? Wow kid, you are a stupid mother fucker."

"Let my brother go you stupid old man!" Remus held his arm to his chest. "And let me out of this damn hole!"

"I've pictured this moment for years, I'm still upset I let you get away and now that I've got you again...I'm not letting you go ever again." Remus shook his head.

"Please just let my brother go back to our camp." Remus looked at Roman. "He has a kid who needs to be taken care of okay?"

"You mean him?" Roman struggled against navine and Remus watched in fear as someone was thrown down into the hole with him. Remus ran over to Damian and then looked up horrified.

"What the fuck!?" He checked Damian over for wounds and found only a bruise from the fall.

"And don't worry about the other two, they'll join you soon as I torture them a little." Remus shook his head.

"If it's me you want I'll come with you without a fight! You don't have to do all of this..." Roman started crying.

"Fine, I'll have one of my men pick you out." He held Roman even tighter. "And Remus?"


"Don't try and lie to me, you don't think I've been watching you all? I know who Damian is most attached to." He walked away dragging Roman with him. Remus held Damian in his arms.

"Dami? Damian...please open your eyes..." he opened his eyes and panicked.

"No!" He looked around and then up. "They attacked the camp Remus! Who the hell are these guys??" He looked back at Remus. Remus looked down at his hands.

"People from our past..." Remus looked at Damian. "You run as far as you fucking can as soon as you get out of this damn hole you understand me young man?"

"What the fuck!? No way in hell am I leaving you!" Damian shook his head. "You are the only people I have left Remus!"

"And we aren't actually family, so please kid you have to fight for yourself and not worry about me. Take my brother with you and try and find Janus and Virgil alright?"

"You did not just fucking say we aren't actually a family! You asshole!" Damian hit him and turned away crying. "If you didn't actually care about me you wouldn't have saved me five years ago!"

"Damian, if I didn't bring you with us then you would have gotten your dumb ass self killed." Remus felt guilt in his chest. Tears threatened to spill out but he didn't let them. He had to make Damian hate him.

"God you asshole!" Damian grabbed hold of the rope that was thrown down for him and he was pulled up. Remus took a shakey breath. He grabbed hold of the rope and as soon as he was up he was pulled into a kiss. He heard a gasp and when he pulled away he saw Damian staring eyes wide in horror.

"Try and fail Remus." Navine walked over to Damian as Remus was pulled back. "What is with you and protecting people?"

"You leave Damian alone!" Remus struggled against the men holding him.

"He's what? Sixteen?" Navine smirked. "Funny, that's how old you were Remus~"

"NO!" Remus shook as he collapsed to his knees trying to get away but failing. "NO!"

"Don't tell me what to do Remus." Navine pulled Damian close only for a gunshot to ring out and he slumped to the ground. Remus stared in shock as blood splattered all over his face. The men immediately ran and began screaming at each other. Remus stood up and shakily ran over to Damian.

"Are you alright Damian?" He asked. Damian crushed him in a hug.

"What the hell just happened?" Damian asked. Remus held him close and then looked up seeing Virgil walking towards them with a gun. He dropped it and tackled Remus.

"Jesus fucking christ I thought he was going to hurt you again."

"Roman?" Remus looked around.

"He's..." Virgil looked at his hands. "Remus I-.."

"Don't you dare..." Remus covered his mouth. "No! Don't you fucking dare tell me he's gone..." Remus ran to where he saw Janus exit a tent. He entered and he collapsed to the ground as tears flowed down his face. "NO! NO! NO!"

"Remus..." Janus walked over and tried helping him up but he shook his head.

" should have been me damnit! Why'd he have to kill the only fucking person I had left!?"

"Remus you have us!" Janus tried to reason with him. Remus shook his head.

"No I don't, I heard you and Virgil." Janus turned to face them. "after all the fucking time we spent saving each others asses I over hear you two saying how you wanted to leave us behind. I know we broke it off between us Janus, but you have no right after we've saved your ass plenty of fucking times." Remus shoved Janus hand away. "Damian doesn't deserve to be stuck with me so go ahead and take the kid with you yeah?" Remus turned away and ran over to his brother holding him as he cried.


"He's just upset." Damian sat down with Virgil by a fire.

"Not at you kid." Virgil promised. Damian looked back at the tent.

"If he hadn't run off after the argument then maybe he wouldn't be dead. It's my fault."

"Damian, don't you dare blame yourself for that! Roman can be a bit of an asshole."

"I told him I wished he was dead Virgil!" Damian stood up. "That was the last fucking thing I said to him."

"Remus cares a lot for you Damian, he won't abandon you alright? He just needs to cool off."

"I think you guys should know why me and Roman argued..."

"You don't have to tell us." Virgil shook his head.

"I do." Virgil gestured for Janus and he came over and sat down with the two. "He was going to leave Remus." Damian pulled a note from his pocket. "I found this before Remus could and that's why we fought." Virgil took the note and Damian looked away.

"Oh my god..." Virgil looked at Janus who looked at Damian in shock.

"You knew about this?! And you didn't tell Remus!?"

"How the hell was I supposed to tell him that his own brother wanted to leave him!? You two already planned on leaving as well! He would have been heart broken!"

"Kid why do you suddenly give a fuck?" Janus stood up. "You told me to my face that you didn't want to be around him."

"I said that out of anger when you two broke up Janus!" Damian stood up. "I was a fucking child and you two were the only adults I looked up to! Of course I chose a side when I was little! Now that I'm older I'm glad it's not you I put all my fucking trust with! I'd leave him here with me after everything?"

"Damian, you have to understand it's hard on me and Janus to leave you guys..."

"Bullshit." Damian turned to face Virgil.

"What do you even know?" Virgil sassed.

"I know, fucking everything." Damian opened his bag and threw journals down on the table. Virgil opened one and started crying almost immediately.

"This is Roman's..." Virgil looked at Janus.

"What..." Janus walked over and grabbed a notebook reading a few pages before bursting into tears.

"I knew it." Damian chuckled. "Someone threatened these two and that's why you were going to leave them."

"Damian look you don't understand.."

"I do." Damian collected the journals again. "I am not afraid to fight against anyone that tries to tear us all apart again. Especially after losing Roman. So will you two please just stay?"

"Fine." Janus crossed his arms and shrugged looking at Virgil. "I may or may not still have a thing for Remus okay?"

"That's actually kind of hilarious." Virgil laughed. "Seeing as to why you two broke it off I'm not that surprised."

"So you aren't mad I say we stay?" Janus asked. Virgil shrugged.

"I miss a lot of people, and you guys? You became my family and I definitely don't want to lose my family again."

"Why did you want to leave then?" Remus stepped out of the trees. They all jumped.

"Jesus Christ where the hell did you even come from remus?" Remus smiled a little.

"I have my ways of sneaking around when needed. How else do you think I was able to piss Navine off so much?" Remus leaned against the tree. "So why did you two want to leave if you are saying you'll stay now?"

"It's kind of complicated..." Janus bit his lip.

"Un complicate it." Remus walked forward. "I don't want any lies."

"Patton and Remy and Emile reached out to us and they were able to take over the camp and we just wanted to go back there to see how everyone was doing after..."

"So you wanted to go back to them? After everything?" Remus growled out.

"Remus it's not like that! We just wanted to go check on the camp and see how everyone else was doing we didn't think you guys would honestly care for the idea..." Virgil bit his lip.

"Not care for the idea!? Dude they tried to kill us! Remy gave you up the my fucking father and let him fucking rape you and you want to go back to them!?" Remus stepped back. "You idiots do what you want." Remus wiped tears from his eyes. "I can't believe I'm saying this but take Damian with you." Remus left them standing there in shock. Damian shrugged.

"Well I guess that's the end of that..."

AN this is about as far as I got with this ending and then I decided to just give up on it lmfao but I guess you can now see why I chose the other ending instead?

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