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Detectives Hercule Poirot and his college; Abraham Harker had just solved a case in the city of Jerusalem, the case was about three holy men and a missing priceless artifact which Poirot had solved rather fast with his thinking along with Abraham's help and he saw the some things while Abraham did not. They were now traveling to england for another case, however the boat would not start and some was getting rather... impaitent for the boat to start so they would be not be late for their train.

"But, but will it be fixed in time?" A colored doctor, by the name of Dr. Arbuthnot, said to the crew members about fixing the ferry so he would be in time to catch the train. "I have a comnection in Stamboul. Leaves tomorrow at seven. There's a very ill patient waiting for me in London." He said to an arabic crew member but he didn't speak an anounce of english and he then argued with the colored doctor.

Abraham looked out to the view of the sea as the wind blew in his hair and he held this sort've longing look in his eyes and he clasped his hands together behind and raised his brow when he saw a lady, by the name of Miss Mary Debenham, walk to the bench and sat down next to Poirot before he turned his attention onto the colored doctor and his conservation with the arabic crew member.

"I am shouting at you in english, and now i'm doing it louder and slower. Very silly, forgive me." Dr. Arbuthnot muttered before smiling apologised slightly at the arabic crewmember and he took off his trench coat while looking at the two arabic crew. "May i help? Let me help." Mary turned her head towards Poirot before recognizing his mustache and she smiled slightly, she could never forget faces but could however forget names. "I know your mustache. From the papers. You're the detective, Hercules Poirot?" She asked softly which Poirot smiled and looked to Mary. "Hercule Poirot. I do not slay the lions. Mademoiselle." Poirot said softly, correcting her on his first name before shaking her hand and kissing her gloved hand gentle which Mary smiled even more.

"Mary Debenham, monsieur." Mary said introducing herself to Poirot and looked to the detective before her eyes wandered over to Abraham's tall yet calm posture by the railing of the ferry as Dr. Arbuthnot helped fixed the engine of the ferry. "I'll forget a name but never a face. Not yours, anyway."

"You come from Baghdad?" Poirot asked curiously which caught the attention of Mary whom was suprised by his detail on her and she smiled once again. "It's true. No detail escapes his notice." Mary said somewhat in awe and suprise which Abraham smirked at snd chuckled softly. Poirot then pointed and gestured her her ticket in her bag and she looked down to his gesture and she then realised and closed up her bag before looking at the detective. "I might also ask you if you enjoyed your time there... as a governess? The chalk on your sleeve and the geography primer. A governess or a cartographer. I made my gamble."

"I always begin them with geopraphy..." Mary begun softly with a small smile as she talked about her life as an governess. "..and monster them till they have the world down cold. They may get lost in life.. but i'll be damned if they don't know where they are."

"Well, our chains are free. Right on time." Dr. Arbuthnot announced with long awaited relief in his tone, he soon walked off somewhere in the ferry as Abraham looked at his pocket watch and he opened it and saw the time, the colored doctor is correct they were right on time and he sighed before placing the pocket watch back in his pocket.

The ferry started up again and was able to leave the ports of the city of jerusalem, leaving the four passengers to do their own thing in the ferry while the ferry took them to Istanbul where they all needed to be at. Abraham stood by the railing of the ferry boat with mary and with Dr. Arbuthnot. "I feel so free out here on the waters, you know, away from all our terribled pasts, and i wish i could enjoy it while i can but our current circumstanceses." Abraham admitted with a sigh, looking at the fading port side of jerusalem, both Mary and Arbuthnot both looked at him.

"We should be out of this, Abraham, especially for you..." Arbuthnot admitted looking at Abraham then to Mary, whom nodded and agreed with him but looked back at the fading city of jerusalem.

"Not now. When it's over and done with, then.. then i will find some comfort and peace after when this is all over for me and the others. Then nothing can stop you both from being free." Abraham admitted with a firm determination, he noticed Poirot coming near them and he then gave his friend a stubble nod before heading to his room to rest up before they arrive at Istanbul.

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