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Eventually they had arrived in Istanbul, which awakened Abraham from his rest and he got up from his bed and got his trench coat on and went outside as he then stood next to Poirot and saw they were nearing Istanbul's port side and he sighed softly with a smile.

"Ah, my holiday begins here. I can see the soul of the city in these humble breads.the world insists on destruction, yet here... masterpieces are baked to order every day." Poirot said softly standing up before inhaling the delicious smell of the Istanbul bread in the kitchen before he heard his friend call out to him.

"Mohammed! My friend, you are an artist and i can see Abraham enjoying the food you've given him over there at the table." Poirot chuckled softly, gesturing over to Abraham who was at a nearby table and had a small plate of food infront of him, Mohammed nodded and chuckled softly.

One of Poirot's friends, Bocu, came into the kitchen with a prostitute in hand and she was rather clingly towards Bouc and nuzzled into his neck as she kissed his neck while rubbing her hand in his shirt which Poirot and Abraham noticed bouc with the prostitute in his arms and they begun walking towards them as Abraham payed Mohammed for the delicious food. "Don't mind us, we're just looking for a place to have private argument. It should take some 20 mintues or so.. at which point we will both come ro an agreement or at least i will." Bouc admited with a smirk and an aroused glint in his eyes as he was gonna kiss the prostitute when he then saw his two closets friends and smiled widely at the two.

"Poirot, Harker! In the kitchen?" Bouc said suprised but not so suprised to see the two in the ktichen, which prostitute stared at the two with her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock and suprise."Well, of course, these two will sniff out perfect pastries faster than they catch a jewel thief."

Abraham and Poirot waved off Bouc's exaggerations of their skills, but smiled and chuckled at them before the three hugged each other one at a time. "Now, i am no longer a policeman. I cannot bail you out when this goes badly, eh?" Poirot joked softly as he patted Bouch's shoulder and bouc laughed at his friend's joke.

"This is my dear, oldest friends, the esteemed... Poirot and Harker, who i knew before the esteem. Hercule Poirot, Abraham Harker, this is..." Bouc begun to introduce the woman beside him, but was interruptted by both Abraham and Poirot who knew exactly what she was and her professional.

"A prostitute."

"She is/I am." Bouc said nodding and agreeing with his friends, however the prostitute was more excited to meet bouc's esteemed and famous friend, she was real excited to meet them and she could brag about it to her prostitute friends. "Bouc, you did not tell me you had such famous friends."

"We're friends because i'm the only person who never asks them any questions about their cases, because i simply don't care. And they never judge me for being a terrible person." Bouc tells the prostitute woman beside him, Abraham nodded and he and Poirot agreed with Bouc's words.

"Madame, Bouc, please join me and Abraham for a drink, yes?" Poirot offered politly and kindly to his friend, he and Abraham then went to go over but then Bouc groaned and had a apologitic look and stopped them before they could go even further.

"You both only have me for an hour. I ride on the Orient Express at seven, official director business. Uncle pays me absurdly to stay onboard his gorgeous train and far away from him at the home office, consigned to wine and dine handsome officials for all eternity. There is an art to nepotism." Bouc explained softly to his two friends, as Abraham and Poirot shooked the hands of Mohammed before turning their attention onto Bouc.

"And you, my friend, are its Michelangelo!" Poirot praised softly which Bouc nodded and let out a silent chuckle while the prostitute giggled as well, however as they shared a moment of laughs, a rather professional yet large man came to the kitchen and stood infront of the kitchen table.

"Are you a prostitute as well?" Poirot questioned which cause the large man to frown and raise a eyenrow at the detective's words. "Certainly not." The professional man responed respectfully which Poirot already knew who this man was and why he had come up when he and his friends were sharing a moment together. "Is this man bothering you?"

"He is about to. You're from the british consulate. It is the kassner case. I was correct in certain predictions?" Poirot asked which suprised the man by his skills and he nodded rather quickly about what he talked about the kassner Case which he handed poirot a telegram paper but Poirot declined in reading the telegram paper, Abraham took the telegram paper and read it.

"Oh fun. Did someone cheat, or die?" Bouc asked with a knowing smirk.

"It was both." Abraham answered softly with a sigh, handing the telegram paper back to the large man and he rubbed his hands together as he then turned to Poirot, who gave Abraham a knowing look and sighed along side him. "Someone has ruined your longing for rest once again, it would appear that we need to travel with bouc tonight, my friend. Bouc, can you find me and Poirot a cabin on the Orient Express?"

"My friends.." Bouc began with such eagerment and excitment in his tone. "I may not be good for much, but i sure as hell can get you beds on my train in the dead of winter. Three days; free of care, concern or crime. You two will love it." That was all Abraham and Hercule needed to hear from bouc, as they then got ready and got on their trench coats on before heading towards the train station.

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