●The Orient Express●

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They were at the train station rather fast as Abraham and Poirot along with bouc and the British consulate that Abraham didn't remember the name of as they walked through the crowded train station. "Your luggages have been collected and your expenses paid. You both will be met at Calais.. and then escorted to Dover, then by rail to london Victoria. I would like to formally express gratitude."

However the British consulate was interrupted of his yapping and explaination when Poirot had stopped in his tracks and gave the British consulate a irritated yet exhausted look. "Please, don't speak. You make it worse." Poirot explained before continue on his way to the Orient express, the British consulate said nothing only stood there in the crowd as passengers of the Orient express begun arriving to the train station, one by one.

An conductor for the Orient express was begun explaining where the train was heading and blowed his whistle as he announced the stops of the Orient express and had also announced that the train leaves in 15 mintues. "This way, Michel! Precious cargo. I need first class compartments. Give special care to my friends, Michel. I want them pampered like zoo pandas." Bouc tells the conductor known as Michel, which Michel begun telling that the carriages are fully booked and there was no space left. "Then we make space. They can have the number eleven." Bouc told michel as they continued to walk amongst the crowd in the train station.

"The eleven is always kept open for official use. Its very comfortable." Bouc explained to Abraham and Poirot, which Abraham nodded as he didn't care which compartment he or Poirot had on the train, just long enough to deal with until they get to where they needed to be at.

"Eleven ia taken, monsieur Bouc. The Austrian professor booked it two days ago." Michel telle Bouc as all the first class compartments were taken by a few passengers on the train.

Bouc and Michel continued talking about how full the train was with the passengers but Bouc was determined to get his two closes friends on the Orient Express, Abraham didn't listen to their bickering and continued walking with Poirot until Poirot and himself had saw Mary with her bags and near the front desk. "Ah, Mademoiselle Debenham."

"Mr. Poirot, Mr. Harker, are you both joining us?" Mary asked curiously while eyeing Abraham then smiled softly at Poirot, she wondered if the Belgian and Abraham was joining her on the Orient Express. Poriot shrugged his shoulders while gesturing the two behind him. "It depends who wins this debate."

"Have all the passengers arrived?" Bouc asked looking between Poirot and Michel as they continued on their way across the station.  "Uh, all but one. Mr. Harris." Michel replied to Bouc which Bouc nodded at.

" 'All passengers must check in at least one half hour prior to time of departure or their seat may be forfeit.' The half hour has passed. The seat is forfeit. Please take Monsieur Poirot's luggage to number three with Mr. MacQueen and take Monsieur Harker's luggage to number four with Mr. Ratchett." Bouc said to michel, looking at the clipboard on a table and looked between Michel and the clipboard before Abraham and Poirot thanked their friend and headed onto the train.

"Number three and 2 are unlucky." Poirot said in a singly tone slightly as they entered the Orient Express but bumped into one of the passengers, Mrs. Hubbard, which Poirot and Abraham apologized for.

"Apologies, Madame. We meant no disrespect.." Poirot apologized which Mrs. Hubbard chucnled flirtatiously and looked at Poirot and mainly at him as they walked through the halls of the Orient Express. "Well, you could try to mean a little." She flirted with Poirot which Abraham chuckled and rolled his eyes as he knew that women had liked him and Poirot, she followed after Poirot and Abraham through the train.

"One thing about train travel, you're always knocking into somebody. Its wonderful. Though, i am looking forward to getting back. Travel is fine for spicy food, mosques, meeting men. But eventually, you just miss your own bed." Mrs. Hubbard explained softly, talking both Abraham and Poirot's ears off as they traveled in the trains compartments.

"Now that, i can agree with that, madame cause now i'm missing any bed that i can sleep on." Abraham joked with an chuckle which Mrs. Hubbard giggled and nodded her head towards Abragam before continued with her talking. "I've been accused of husband hunting abroad. And, well, i can't, in all honesty, deny it. I like my time alone, i do. But a lady has certain needs that deserve to be met if she has any money... and preferably, on a regular basis."

Soon enough she had left them alone finally after staying in the kitchen and she shrieked once a pan bursted with fire and she chuckled nervously, Poirot bid farewell to mrs. Hubbard, he and Abraham walked down where they went to find their compartments in the train which they found soon enough however Abraham had not the privilege of meeting the one he was bunked with for three days; Mr. Edward Ratchett. Eventually, however, soon all of the passengers went aboard the Orient Express and it was however five mintues until they took off on their three days travels across Europe.

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