Chapter 4 The Truth Behind It All

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Chapter 4 The Truth Behind It All

"I umm.... I'm your father Cass" Jason says. I glance up wide eyed, thats probley why I look so much like him. "Here you might want to sit down for this" he says in a low voice that was reasuring. "A few months before I died I fell in love with Talia Al Ghoul and she got pregnent with you, then the day I died she had you. Then Joker kidnaped you and said you were his daughter". 

The world starts to spin and I feel my own body sway."Joker posined you didn't he" Jason says his voice sounding murderous. I nod and the world gets hazy. "Bruce get down her fast" Jason shouts catching me before I fall. The world turns black as Jasin's voice fades away.

I see Joker in a chair drawing on the newspaper like does everyday. I pull a knife out of no where, laughing like I'm insane and I turn around towards a crying child. I stab the kid till he is dead then I see myself surounded in fire."Times up" my own voice says as I scream and get stabbed over and over again by some invisable force. The world once again becomes black

I feel some one shakeing me telling me to snap out of it. Then I see Jason's dark figure leaning over me trying to wake me up.The world becomes clearer and I wrap my arms around Jason instictively.I hear Jason sigh in releife that I'm alive. I keep my arms wraped around him and say "Joker used fear gas and some other toxins in the gas he used". Bruce was there trying to figure this all out.

"Jokers going to pay" Jason mutters under his breath. I try to speak but my own voice stays silant. "Jas-*caugh*- I'll be all right trust me I'm already dead" I wisper finally. Jason lowers his head and says "I know I tryed to stop him but then I heard Joker and knew I had to leave to come back for you". I nod in understandment and I lean my head onto his chest listening to his steady breathing.

"Were letting you be able to sleep now but just be carfull and keep the ring on your finger" a voice says inside my head. What ring?Wait are the voices the people who were wereing the suits? I look at my right hand and see a ring on my finger. A purple stone wraped with golden vines on the edges.

Jasons breathing is still a steady pace and I feel my eyelids slowly closeing. "Night Cassie" I hear Jason wisper and my ear. As I sleep I dream about Jason, my father. I see us laying on a rooftop watching stars and then him takeing me to a park where we sit on the swings late at night and just talk about random things.

I open my eyes realizeing it was just a dream and I was laying on a bed. I climb out of the bed and walk out f the room, I'm back in wayne manor. I hear people laughing quietly downstars in what sounded to be the kitchen. I walk down the stairs slowly trying not to make a sound as the sun rises telling me its still early in the morning.

I slowly open the kitchen door to see my real father sitting at the counter drinking coffe talking to Tim. "Mornin' Jason" I say quietly and sit next to them. Jason glances down when he hears my sleepy yawn. "How did you sleep" Jason asks as he pours me some chocolate milk. "Good, well as good as sleep can get" I say in a low but singsong voice. He sets the cup down and pulls somthing out of his pocket. 

"I know I'm few hours late of your birthday and I got this the last minute" Jason says. I open the little black box to reveal a black heart-shaped locket. I smile and throw my arms around him. "Thanks Jay" I say and after that I caugh a few times. "You okay" my dad say and I nod. I say "yup just I think got the flu or somthing nothing big". Jason laughs and says "I'l pick some medicain up later".

I take a sip of my chocolate milk and wipe my milk mustache away with my hand. "Thanks... ummm... I was wondering when am I going to fully move into your house" I say shyly. He motions for me to follow him where ever that might be. He guides me outside to a red corvet. "I can take you now if you want but were gonna have to get some of your stuff put of Jokers place because I don't have any clothes for you yet" Jason says. I nod and we drive away.

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