Chapter 5-Training and Deathly Dreams

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Chapter 5-Training and Deathly Dreams

Once we get to the place I onced lived at I quckly throw stuff into a duffle bag. Clothes,shoes,books,cash,art suplies, my stolen laptop and headphones. I go to step in the car when I remember somthing. "Wait I forgot somthing" I say and runback inside. I slide my pillow over to reveal a stuffed animal. I run back out and climb in the car. "Whats that" Jason says motining to my arms where I hid the stuffed animal under. 

"Its puppy" I wisper embarassed then show him. He made a noise that told me he reconized the cloth animal. "Talia made it for you when she was pregnet I thought Joker would have seen it and bruned it or somthing. How'd you hide it from him" Jason says. I look down and say "I wouldn't let her go with my whole life". That simple sentance made Jason smile proudly, for some odd reason. 

We pull into a driveway and a brick building stood infront of us. It was a apartment duplex. My father helped me carry my stuff into the building. Then he guided me to a small room. "This is your room Cass" Jason says. He walks out so I can unpack my things. About ten minutes later I come back out and sit on a counter stool.

"You want me to train you so you can become a vigilante like me, if you want" Jason says. I nod eagerly and I jump off the stool. "If your Red Hood can I be Black Hood your umm... Protache or whatever its called" I say. Jason nods and he guides me to a room in the back that is locked with a special type of secerity that I don't even know. 

He quickly teaches me how to open the door and a seceret spot im supose to kick for the password thing to come out. After I finally get it we go inside. A huge armory stands inside the room. A training area in the back of the room and in the front conner sat computers and monitors to find a crime or to start one.

He teaches me the best way to kick someone and to be ready to fight right after it. After I do that he teaches me the correct way to punch someone and after that how to predict the moves of an opponent. He tested me with all the things he taught me and some of the things I knew. After we trained/fought Jason decided it was time for a brake because I kinda hit him in the ribs way to hard.

As soon as we walked out of the training room Jason lifted his shirt revealing a dark bruise exactly where I kicked him. "Cass you got some hard core kicking skills. Its shocking you didn't brake my ribs" Jason says. My smile fades to a frown and I say quietly "sorry Jay I didn't mean to". He turns around quickly and says "Its not your fault, its more mine then yours. I should have known you would be that good at fighting. Your obviously mine and Talia's kid for sure". 

Jason puts ice on the bruise as he makes mac and chesse for lunch. "Here you go Cass" Jason says seting my plate down for me. I set my note book on the table that page I was writeing on fliped downwards. "What where you drawing" Jason asks, he goes to pick the notebook up. I slam my hand down on the book so hard it ecos around the room. "Okay is there a reason you don't want me to see it" Jason asks utterly confused. I blush and say "Its not finished and it looks terrable". Jason says "You drew it so I doubt it looks terrable". 

I finally give him the note book. He looks at the page in astonishment. "You...You drew this" Jason stammers in awe. I glance at the picture of two shadows standing on the edge of a building under the full moon. I then take a few bites of the mac and chesse as he stares at it.

"Your foods gonna get cold, Jason" I say as I take a sip of my mountain dew. He starts to eat his now cold mac and chesse. I finish the drawing of the city with the two people standing on a building. I color it and Jason realizes the tall figure was him and the shorter figure was me. "Let me guess you want to wear a cloak as Black Hood" Jason says and I just nod in reply.

He smiles and says "Get some more rest and we'll go out later tonight".  I nod and walk into my room. I soon fall asleep and its not peacefull. I'm laying on the floor I can smell blood and roting flesh. I lean forward and see my blood caked hands. Joker walks in and starts laughing. "You always seemed to be like birdie boy and now you'll be even more like birdie boy" Joker says.

He hits me with a crow bar and I fall to the ground. He continues to beat me with the crowbar and then he lights a match. "Goodbye Cassie tell that little father of yours that your a goner now" Joker says mischeviously. He drops the match and then I hear myself scream.

My eyes shoot open and Jason runs in. "Cassie what happend I herd you scream" Jason say in a rush. I look up at him and say "What drug did Joker use on me". Jason says "me and Bruce are trying to figure that out but so far nothings coming up". I say "It makes me have nightmares, maybe he infused it with Scarecrow's fear gas". Then my dad says "yea that could be a possablity. What did you see in your nightmare". I tell him everything that I saw.

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