Act Three: Chapter II: Survival

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July 11 2535

The Resistance Team were navigating through the Hospital after escaping from the Hunters. They were starting to run low on Ammo as They needed to find a place to stay till then. Some Members of the team were tired and needed rest. They continued walking as they killed some Necromorphs getting in their way until they heard gun fire. There was a battle not far from them. They rushed towards the sound as They saw someone shooting at the Necromorph horde. The Resistance decided to assist him as They were shooting at the Horde until they were all dead.

Unknown: Friend or enemy?

Issac: Friend.

The Man was wearing a suit and had a line gun in his hand

Esmeray: Look, We're not gonna hurt you.

Chris: We're also surviving this mess.

Daniel: And Believe us if we wanted to kill you. We would have done it by now.

Unknown: I guess I can trust you but remember if you try to double cross me then All Of You will be dead.

The Man removed his mask as he showed his face to the Resistance.

Unknown: Names William, Sergeant for Lunar City Military force. I was with my team to find some survivors stranded in the Medical Sector and well........

Tobias: I'm Sorry William.

Ellie: How did another Necromorph outbreak started here?

William: Who knows. From what I heard, Its been going on for Five Days. The Entire Sector is crawling with those things and There were even crazy people trying to kill me. I managed to hold up in the Hospital until those things attacked me but Luckily you guys came.

Issac: Well William. You can join us and we'll help you too.

William: I guess so.

Maria: But How the hell do we get out of here?

William: There's a back entrance leading us outside the Hospital.

Esmeray: Are you heading back to the Government Sector?

William: Yeah and I'll take you guys with me.

The Team were relieved to have someone by their side as William put his helmet back on and continued walking with the group.

Michelle: We should find Alex after we get out of the Hospital.

Willaim: Who is he?

Daniel: He was with us during the Neon City Outbreak.

Chris: He's suffering from Dementia.

William: That's not good.

Esmeray: That's why We gotta keep moving.

Issac: The Unitolgy Sector shouldn't be far.

They heard something busting through the vents as they saw what it was.

Tobias: Oh Shit, Its a Hunter!!!

They started firing at the Hunter until Michelle and Issac heard something behind them.

Ellie: Shit Theres a twitcher nearby.

The Team shot the Hunters legs as They were running fast until they saw a horde of Twitchers.

Esmeray: Its now or never guys.

They started shooting at the Twitcher horde as More and More Necromorphs started busting out of the ventilation system.

Meanwhile In The Unitolgy Sector. The Elementary School was Quiet and Dark. Alex was all alone and he had his gun aimed down on sights. Alex was navigating through the school until.......

Alex was holding his head as He was feeling Dizzy and tired again. Alex pushed himself forward as He saw something in front of him. There was a women talking to a baby as He was staring at it until........

Alex was shocked as He kept going as he was unaware of the horrors that awaits him. Alex made it to a Auditorium as He saw there was a play happening here. Alex found a Text Log as He read it.

July 6 2535

The Kids today are acting different then before. They keep talking about a Imaginary friend that stands in front of them. I know at this age, Its okay to have one but I'm noticing that they have grown extremely violent and just strange. I contacted their parents and They would have a word with them but nothing changed. They even started writing Strange Symbols on The Wall. Hopefully I can have a word with the principal about this.


Alex felt weirded out reading the entire log as He had a doubt that those kids were acting the same way The others were feeling when exposed to the Marker.

Alex was walking until sounds of Children screaming as Alex turned around and saw what it was.

More of those Monsters started bursting out as Alex started shooting them. One Pack Necromorph pounced on Alex but He threw it off as he continued shooting at them. Alex saw a slasher and a puker as he shot their limbs off. There was silence as Alex was holding his head and got out of the Auditorium.

Alex was walking through a hall as he heard a women crying and then he saw the women in the corner and Alex recognized who it was.

Alex: No...No....No....

The Women was crying as Alex couldn't believe it.

Alex: Natasha, No.....Your Dead.......Hey Natasha!!!!

Natasha was crying as Alex was beyond confused and shocked to see her as He was getting closer to her until.......

Alex: Son of a-

The Slasher tried to bite Alex but Alex punched his head off as Alex started shooting at its limbs before it died. Alex was taking slow breaths as he managed to calm down. Alex made it through a classroom and saw something written on the board.

Alex was shocked to see those symbols as He really needed to get out of here.

After a short while. Alex managed to make it through a children's playroom as he got through until.........

Alex was holding his head as he heard more voices on his head until.......

Peyton: Please Alex.....I dont want to die......

Alex: Your not Real......Peyton's Dead.....

Alex was holding his head until Peyton vanished as He was holding his head again until.......

Diana: Alex, Are you alright?


Diana: You were talking to someone.

Alex: I wasnt talking to anyone.

Jason: You were saying stuff like Your Not Real, Peyton's Dead.

Alex: Its nothing.

Alex managed to get out of the Elementary School as He saw The Church Of Unitolgy in front of him. Alex managed to get inside the Chruch as He was going through the dark stairways.

Diana: My Team is on the top floor just keep going.

Alex nodded as he kept going until a Door was smashed as Alex contacted Jason.

Alex: Jason, There's something in the chruch, It broke the door.

Jason: Shit, Hold on I'll find you a different route.

Alex heard loud growls and screams as he spoke to Jason.

Alex: Hurry Jason, There's something else here.

Alex heard more growls as he got his gun ready and looked around him as He was feeling nervous again.

This was Survival for everyone in Lunar City.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and.......

William is DEM0GODDESS

Also Thank You moonkissedgirl for making this awesome cover of Dead Space. Check out her books and cover shop and You'll like them.

Stay Cool and Stay Safe :)

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