Act Three: Chapter III: Unitolgy

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July 12 2535

The Resistance along with William managed to get out of the Hospital as They stopped in a nearby shop and closed the shutters as They rested up a bit. They were extremely tired from running and They were kinda hungry. William showed the route to the Government sector as He sat down with them.

William: Damn, First Neon City is gone now Lunar.

Michelle: I still don't understand how did another Necromorph outbreak started here?

Issac: I hope it's not another Marker.

Tobias: Dammit........

Daniel: I wouldn't even be surprised if there was another Marker but.......

Chris: How is there another Marker if We haven't even seen it or let alone hear it?

Esmeray: Of Course, Things continue to get worse for us every time. Let's keep hope guys.

Maria: I guess your right Ray but What about Alex and Brian?

Ellie: I'm worried about those two right now. Both of them are suffering from Dementia and are hallucinating.

William: Unitolgy Sector is pretty much infested with Necromorphs. We wont last a second.

Michelle: Damn........

Issac: Come on Everyone. Let's not feel down. If we want to survive, We have to keep our hopes alive.

Tobias: Your right about that.

Esmeray: Let's keep fighting then.

They all nodded as They got up and left the shop as They were all trying to find a way out of the Government Sector. The Team managed to go through while killing some Necromorphs that got in their way as William was walking with them until Someone grabbed him as William saw a pale bloody women attacking him.

Peyton: Death is Inevitable!!!!!

William pushed the figure off as The Team stared at him in confusion.

William: I just got attacked by someone!!!

Issac: But You were just standing still the whole time.

William was kinda confused as The Team knew what was going on.

Ellie: Alright everyone, Let's stay Together and Do not split up at all.

Maria: Damn now we're starting to lose grip on ourselves.

Daniel: Look Those Hallucinations are just playing with us. We need to ignore them.

Chris: Alright Let's just leave this sector. I already hate it.

Tobias: You Read my Mind.

Esmeray: Hopefully We can find those two also.

Issac: Let's hope so too.

The Team managed to make it out of the Medical Sector as They were in a concourse which was a two story shopping mall and decided to enter it as They needed to get through the Government Sector.

Meanwhile In The Chruch Of Unitolgy. Alex was waiting for Jason to give him the coordinates as He was looking around until he saw something hiding behind a small pillar as Alex aimed his gun on the figure but it vanished as He heard more growls and sounds.

Alex was looking around as A Pipe fell down and then he heard a loud sound.

Alex saw something as He shot the Necromorphs head and saw what it was.

The Stalker came in Packs as They started playing games with Alex. Alex started shooting at the stalkers as more and more came out and Alex continued shooting at them.

Meanwhile Over The Concourse, The Team were going through the Mall filled with Necromorphs as They had a route leading them inside The CEC To the Government Sector. The Team continue shooting until they saw a brute.

Esmeray: Dammit We got a brute over here.

Michelle threw a grenade into the Brutes mouth as It exploded killing it instantly.

The Team saw more Necromorphs as They started running until they got in a elevator and it went down.

Maria: Let's hope our luck doesn't screw us.

Chris: Let's hope so too.

Meanwhile Alex managed to kill the Stalkers as He had a route leading him to the top. He went through the Cryogenic Morgue as It was quiet and Cold. Alex went through one part of the morgue as it was silent until...........

Alex wa holding his head in pain as He ignored it again and got pass the morgue as He was holding his head. Alex realised the Chruch top level was in space but It was okay since the building had oxygen and strong glass.

Alex made it to the Altar as It was again Silent. There were no Necromorphs and He didn't like it. Alex kept walking until something fell down as It Knocked Alex down.

Alex tried to crawl away but The Tripod Grabbed Alex.

The Tripod was dragging Alex as He continued shooting at its tongue. The Tripod was getting Annoyed as It dragged Alex and tried to......

Alex continued shooting at it as it dropped Alex down as He ran fast up the stairs as The Tripod was chasing him. Alex managed to get on the Elevator and it went up as Alex was trying to catch his breath. Alex saw Lunar City's View from the Elevator as It stopped and Alex got out of it. Diana and her Team were through the door as Alex opened the door.

Two Men attacked Alex as They grabbed him as He saw Diana and Jason.

Alex: What the hell?

Diana and Jason had a smirk as Alex knew the Truth.

Alex: You Two Are Unitolgists. Of Course why did I even trusted you?

Diana: You didn't had a choice Ambrose. After All You build The Neon City Marker and The Lunar City Marker.

Alex: What?

Jason: Yes Alex. You build a Marker in Lunar City and now Your coming with us.

Alex: For what?!?!

Diana: To Build More Markers for us. To Make us Whole. To Spread Glorious Convergence.

Alex: You two are unbelievable. Why can't anyone just leave me alone?

Jason: EarthGov knew How Dangerous you would be if you tried to Destroy the Makers so They tried to kill you first.

Diana: But Looks like Luck is not always on your side. Now Escort Alex into the shuttle and put him in stasis. The Last thing we need is for him to die.

Jason Grabbed Alex as They saw a EarthGov Gunship shooting at the Window as Diana got shot and got sucked into space. Two more members of her team got sucked Into space as Jason tried to grabbed Alex but Alex put his helmet on and

Jason got sucked into space as The Gunship was shooting at Alex while Alex was getting sucked into space but

Alex was holding on as He jumped down and opened a vent as He jumped inside the vent.

Alex was in a bloody pit as he was holding his head and Alex got up but his troubles didn't ended there.

Alex saw a Huge Necromorph growling at him as Alex ran through him but it grabbed Alex's leg as It threw Alex to the wall but Alex shot its yellow tissue as it was growling at Alex again and kept holding on to him as Alex kept shooting its yellow tissue until it lost its arm as it Threw Alex to the ground.

Alex ran fast as The Tormentor was chasing him until The Gunship saw Alex and was shooting him as Alex was holding on but The Gunship also saw something with Alex.

The Gunship started firing at The Tormentor as The Tormentor pushed Alex out of the room and into Space.

Alex was holding on the Gunship as Alex turned around and.........

Alex dodged the attack as Alex tried to fly away but The Tormentor grabbed Alex as he was trying to get out but Alex saw a couple of gas canisters as He had no choice and then........

A Huge Explosion was seen as Alex was madly twirling out of control until he crashed inside the Concourse as He was holding his head in pain. Alex got up as He heard a Radio Transmisson.

Brian: Alex, Can you hear me?

Alex: Brian?

Brian: Alex, Lunar City has a Marker. We build that Marker but I have a way. Three steps.

Alex: What are they? How did you get a signal?

Brian: I used someone's radio to find you.

Alex: Where are the others?

Brian: Look Alex......Three steps. Step One: Crawl into the Dark Machine.

Alex: I don't get that.

Brian: Oh no she's here.

Brian disconnected the transmisson as He sighed in anger and kept walking until Alex saw Peyton.

Peyton: Still In Denial? Afraid to kill yourself if you listen to me?

Alex: Your not fooling me. You may have fooled Brian but Your not real. Just a Hallucination from The Marker.

Peyton: You Claim I'm not real but here I am.

Alex: Brian knows how to destroy the Marker. We will destroy you.

Peyton: How convenient. Destroy the Marker and all the hurt and pain go away. Imagine it, Alex. You would never have to listen to your heart.

Peyton screamed at Alex before she disappeared as Alex was holding his head and walked through the abandoned mall.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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