Act Three: Chapter XII: Dead Space

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July 12 2535

The Entire Government Sector was crawling with Infected. Those who survived the attack killed themselves in an act of survival. Those who were killed by the Necromorphs were turned into different varieties of Necromorphs in an attempt to complete the Convergence event. Alex Ambrose was determined to get to the Marker and stop the Convergence once and for all.

Alex saw a platoon of Soliders fighting back against the swarm of Necromorphs but The Necromorphs outnumbered and killed the soliders. Alex sneaked past the swarm as he followed his locator. Alex continued walking until an Enhanced Puker tried to attack Alex but He shot the monsters arms and legs before shootings its head as it was dead.

Alex made it inside a facility as he was getting closer to the Marker until Something broke through the testing tubes as it stared at Alex.

It was a Stalker. Suddenly Four more Stalkers emerged as They all took cover and took an attempt to ambush Alex as Alex started shooting at them.

Meanwhile Hammond was walking with a Javelin Gun as a soldier ran towards him.

EarthGov Soldier: Sir, Everyone is died. What should we do?

Hammond:.........That Bastard.

EarthGov Soldier: Sir we need to get-

Hammond shot the solider in the face with the Javelin Gun as he heard a flat line coming from his RIG as Hammond was walking towards the Marker as it was glowing.

Hammond: I'll be waiting for you Alex.

Meanwhile Alex was shooting at the Stalkers as There were only two left. Suddenly Alex heard a Loud pitch scream as he looked around and saw another Necromorph.

It was a deformed Pack Necromorph as The Necromorph was growling at Alex and tried to attack him as Alex shot the monsters. More and More Necromorphs were trying to attack Alex as He saw a door and ran towards that door as he opened it fast and shot the circuit junction as it automatically closed by itself.

Alex only had a little time left before The Necromorphs managed to get through that Door as Alex continued making his way to the Marker. Alex saw solider in the corner as he was looking at him.

EarthGov Soldier: They are here.....They are hungry.

Alex wanted to help the Solider but he didn't listen to him as he kept repeating the same sentence he said a while ago. Alex made his way into the conduit room as he heard Peyton talking to him as Alex was holding his head in pain.

Peyton: You are fighting it, Alex. You cannot fight it. You had to let me go.

Alex: But I'll never see you again.

Peyton: Please Alex, Listen to me. You have to let me go.

Peyton stopped talking to him as Alex was feeling worried and was in pain. He didn't want to lose Peyton since she was his first love and the only light to his world. Alex then realised if he had to stop the Marker then he had to let Peyton go. He didn't had much time to think as Alex saw the Hunter breaking through the vents as He shots it legs and arms and continued running.

Alex made it to the Marker Direct Access Halls as Peyton was again talking to him.

Peyton: This is it Alex. I'll be waiting for you at the Marker.

Peyton stopped talking to him as Alex opened the door and saw The Marker in front of him as It was glowing. Alex looked at the bright light near the Marker as It was Peyton. Alex continued making his way to Peyton until........

Alex got shot as he tried to remove the spear from his body as he saw Hammond reloading the Javelin Gun as He was angry.

Hammond: The Research for the Marker was worth everything that we just lost!!!

Alex removed the spear as He was walking towards Hammond as He tried to stop him using stasis but Hammond managed to shoot him first.

Alex removed the spear from his hand as He was holding his hand in pain. Hammond looked at Alex as he had some things to say.

Hammond: I won't let you throw all of this away.

Hammond was about to shoot Alex in the head but Alex kicked him in the gut as he grabbed the Javelin Gun and shot Hammond in the throat as He was still alive. Alex saw Peyton standing as She grabbed his Hand as Alex pointed the gun at Hammond's Head and then......

Hammond was died as Alex looked at Peyton as she hugged him.

Peyton: Thank you Alex.

Alex was hugging her as she was caressing his hair.

Peyton: Now, Time to die.

Alex was about to say something until.......

Alex couldn't move as Alex was pulled inside his own mind.

Alex opened his eyes as He saw the landscape around him was different.

This was all in his mind as Alex was looking around in Confusion as He saw Peyton walking towards him.

Peyton: Your Body is last to be reborn. The Makers must be reborn.

Alex: The Markers? You mean Me and Brian? But Brian said We can destroy the Marker.

Peyton: Not until we consume you first.

Alex was driven in rage as he couldn't believe it. Peyton was walking close to Alex as she was gonna kill him until....

Alex: Goddammit, I trusted you!!!

Alex stared shooting at Peyton as she was screaming in pain.

Alex: Fuck you and Fuck your Marker!!!

Alex continued shooting at Peyton as she was screaming in pain until.......

Alex saw the Marker as he realised this was the source that has been affecting his brain. He started shooting at the Marker as it was close to being destroyed until Peyton summoned some Necromorphs around her as she pulled all the stops to kill Alex.

Peyton: We will all be reborn. Make us Whole.

Alex shot Peyton in the head as she was screaming in pain. Peyton disappeared as Alex saw the Marker and continued shooting at it until The Marker exploded as Alex was looking at it.

Alex was back in reality as He looked around him and realised he stopped the Marker as He looked down on himself. Alex sat down as he was holding his head.

Alex couldn't believe it. He finally let go of Peyton. He was looking at the ground as he heard an announcement.

Announcer: Lunar City Reactor is unstable. Please Evacuate the city. This is not a drill.

Alex knew this was the end for him as he was looking at the ground until.....

Esmeray: You Bastard, Was this your plan all along?

Daniel: Letting us escape and leaving you all alone?

Alex: I'm full of bad ideas.

Chris: Well guess what. We have another idea for you. Maria is pulling the Gunship close to Lunar city.

Monica: Once we get in, The Gravity will be offline.

Alex: Wait, No it's too dangerous.

William: You don't say anything Alex.

Tobias: We're here now.

Alex saw a huge gunship crashing through the roof as he heard the Gravity was offline as Alex was floating until he activated the thrusters in his boots and flew to the gunship.

Michelle: Holy Shit. Watch it!!

Alex was dodging all the derby in his way as he saw the ship's doors opened as Michelle and Issac were standing.

Issac: Alex, Grab my hand.

Alex: I'm trying, Im trying!!!

Alex couldn't reach them until William and Tobias got in as All Four members of the resistance grabbed Alex and pulled him inside the gunship.

Ellie: Shut the hatch right now!!!

Alex stood near the hatch as he saw Lunar City exploded in front of him.

Alex: Holy Crap.

The Gunship's Hatch closed as They flew far away.

Three Hours later

Alex was at the Flight seat as he looking at the map as he was holding his head. He felt uneasy and his face was filled with fear as he turned around and then.......

Esmeray: What?


The Resistance along with Alex managed to escape the onslaught as they were glad the nightmare was over.

Meanwhile Back in EarthGov, The Government were looking at the Lunar and Neon City outbreaks as they looked at each other.

Unknown: We may have lost the Neon and Lunar City Marker but we will double our efforts.

Unknown Two: And?

Unknown: We will continue to perform more experiments on the Markers.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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