Act Three: Chapter XI: Convergence

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July 12 2535

With The Resistance finally escaping the nightmare in Lunar City. Alex was by himself in the Government Sector as He needed to keep going and make it to the Marker. Alex tried to use his Locator to find his next objective but it didn't show him the way.

Alex: Dammit, No Waypoint.

Alex didn't know where to go now. He decided to keep walking around around the research facility as He was looking at his gun until.........

Peyton: Where are you going?

Alex: I dont know.

Peyton: That is why I'm here.

Peyton showed Alex a waypoint as Alex was looking at the Waypoint until Peyton disappeared as Alex looked at his Locator and had a waypoint as he followed it. Suddenly Hammond Contacted Alex with a warning.

Hammond: I have Fifty thousand armed soldiers hunting you down Alex. This Game of yours ends here.

Hammond disconnected the transmission as Alex got back to the main entrance of the Government Sector as he saw a huge door which would lead him to the Marker. Alex kept going until he saw some Necromorphs crawling out of the Drill as Alex started shooting at them.

A Lurker was growling at Alex as it was about to shoot a quil at him but Alex shot its tentacles as it was dead. Four Slashers tried to surround Alex but Alex managed to avoid them and kill them.

Alex saw a Circuit Junction as he decided to hack it and open the huge door in front of him as He looked at his Locator and found out he was getting close to the Marker Containment Breach. Alex walked inside as Some Necromorphs tried to run in but Alex shot the Circuit Junction as it closed the doors and killed a Puker that was trying to get inside.

Alex heard loud pounding on the other side as he decided to ignore it and continued making his way to the Marker. Alex reloaded his Plasma Cutter as he was also reloaded his Pulse Rifle. Alex opened a door until a huge spotlight emitted in front of him as he saw Multiple Lasers being pointed at him.

EarthGov Soldier: Alex Ambrose, Put down your weapon and Surrender at once or we will shoot you.

Alex saw Fifty Thousand Soldiers standing in front of him as He saw a room on the other side as he ran fast while the soldiers were shooting at him but Alex managed to make it through without getting shot.

EarthGov: He's in that room, Flush him out.

Alex got inside the vent as He heard those soldiers talking. Alex kept crawling until he got out as he was in the main power room. Alex removed the power cell in front of him as The Entire Government Sector was offline.

EarthGov Soldier: Ah Shit, Someone get the power back on.

Just then The Soldiers heard loud growls as they aimed their guns and saw a huge swarm of Necromorphs running towards them as they opened fire at them but The Necromorphs came in huge numbers as they started slaughtering the soldiers. Hammond Contacted Alex as he was angry.

Hammond: Your Crazy Bastard. You just compromised the Entire sector. *Hears Loud Growls* Everyone Fall back to the Marker Containment Breach.

The Transmission abruptly ended as Alex saw the Necromorphs killing the Soliders as Alex needed to go through them.

Meanwhile Hammond And Rick were arguing as they saw the entire sector on red.

Scientist: We just lost One Hundred Thousand soliders in twenty minutes.

Rick: I told you Ambrose is a liability. I told you he was trouble but you didn't listen to me. Now look what has happened now.

Hammond was angry as he grabbed his gun and shot Rick in the face as He was dead.

Meanwhile Alex saw something crawling in the main room as he saw what it was.

It was an enhanced Infector as it was infecting some corpses as Alex tried to sneak past them but a puker attacked him as Alex shot him in the head and kicked him as The Infector saw Alex and Infected another body as The body turned into a.......

Alex started shooting at the slashers as he saw a door opening in front of him as he ran inside and closed the door as he continued making his way to the Marker.

One Hour Later

Alex managed to fight through the entire sector as it was a long hard road to get to the marker but now He finally made it to the Marker Containment Breach as he reloaded his Pulse Rifle and Plasma Cutter as he opened the door and saw The Marker in front of him as he was staring at it. Alex walked to the window and saw something that shocked him.

All The Necromorphs were gathering around the Marker as they were staring at it as Alex was shocked and confused.

Alex: What are they doing?

Peyton: They are all coming to the Marker. Convergence is at hand.

Just then Alex heard a Transmission from Hammond as he was really upset and almost terrified.

Hammond: Ambrose, I knew that you are trouble from the start! But, they told me that you were necessary. That your mind was the purest. I spent years shifting through your demented brain! This was not the way that it was supposed to happen!

Alex: Then what was suppose to happen?!?!

Hammond: We had it under control Ambrose. This was not our fault, We are so close to understanding it!

Just then The Facility started shaking violently as Hammond was scared and Alex was confused.

Alex: What's it doing?

Hammond: It was all these bodies that you let in here. You just triggered a Convergence Event.

Just Then The Marker activated a Shockwave killing some of the Necromorphs and The Transmission with Hammond ended Abruptly as Alex was staring at the Marker.

Alex: What the hell is it doing?

Peyton: What it was made to do. Alex, You have to Make us whole.

Peyton lead Alex to the diagnostics room as Peyton was standing next to a Machine.

Alex: The Machine just like Brian said. I remembered this. The machine activated the parts of our brain where the Marker codes are stored. But how did that threaten the Marker? What are they afraid of?

Peyton: You and I Working together.

Alex: Step Four?

Peyton: Yes, Are you ready?

Alex: I'm ready.

Alex crawled inside the machine as The Machine screws were tightened around Alex's head and it showed his heartbeat on the screen as Peyton was talking to him.

Peyton: Step One: Crawl into the Dark Machine. Step Two: The Screws went tight around.

Alex saw a needle above him as he was scared.

Peyton: Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in your eye.

The Needle was slowly going down as Alex was scared and wanted to leave but he had to remain calm as it would help him gather the information needed to stop the Marker. The Needle was getting even closer as Alex's heart was beating fast.

The Needle slowly entered Alex's eye as He saw symbols and visions of the Marker as The needle was slowly removed from Alex's eye and he got up as he was holding his head.

Alex: Peyton, Where are you?

Peyton: Follow the Light Alex. I'll be waiting for you at the Marker.

Peyton vanished as Alex was holding his head as he managed to see the room as he put his helmet on. Just then Alex heard the entire facility power went offline as he was confused until he heard loud growls and heard something busting through the vents.

The Hunter was growling at Alex as he pointed a gun on it and started shooting at its legs as it was regenerating fast. Alex shot its legs and arms fast as he got out of the diagnostics room and continued making his way to the Marker.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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