Act Two: Chapter I: Demons

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February 12 2531

Peyton was contacting Alex as She was smiling at the screen. It took a while before Alex answered the call as Peyton smiled in happiness.

Peyton: Oh sorry there. Did I wake you up?

Alex: No it's fine. How are you?

Peyton: I'm doing great Ambrose and you?

Alex: Just.......I miss you.

Peyton noticed the tone in Alex's voice as she also felt the same.

Peyton: I miss you too Alex. I'm sorry that I'm a little far from you just to-

Alex: You had a dream of being a teacher and I'm happy that your enjoying your dream job.

Peyton smiled at Alex as Alex looked at her.

Alex: When are you coming back?

Peyton: Soon Alex. Just wait a little longer.

Alex: Okay. Love you Peyton......

Peyton: Love you too Ambrose.

Peyton blew a kiss on the camera as Alex smiled at her as They were talking until........

Doctor: ALEX!!!!

July 7 2535

Alex was out of his thoughts as A Doctor was staring at Alex. Alex realised he was dreaming the whole time and he was also wearing a straight jacket. Apparently Alex was rescued by the military and was sent to a mental hospital.

Doctors noticed Alex is suffering dementia and traumatized from his dead girlfriend Peyton Royce. A Doctor saw Alex as He looked at him.

Doctor: Alex Ambrose. You were drifting to your world again. We have so much to talk about.

Alex had no clue as to why is he even in a mental hospital since his escape from the USG Titan. All Alex can remember was seeing the Military Ships and then everything went black for him.

Doctor: So Let me start. Your name is Alex Ambrose. You were a rookie for EarthGov Military Force since you were seventeen years old. You were assigned to search and rescue some people in the USG Titan.

Alex just nodded as The Doctor looked at him.

Doctor: What happened in the titan Alex?

Alex: We........Encountered something in that ship.

Doctor: What did you find Alex?

Alex was having memories of The Team encountering the Necromorphs and Alex fighting for his life.

Alex: They found The Marker

Doctor: Let's get to the Marker Later. You know this girl Alex?

The Doctor showed a picture of Peyton as Alex looked at it.

Alex: Peyton Royce.

Doctor: Ahhh Peyton Royce. She was your girlfriend and she was part of a Expedition Team at Aegis VII. Apparently She was lying to you Alex. She didnt went somewhere else to be a teacher. She was at the rural planet where the Titan was set to mine too. She Committed suicide and sent one final message to you.


Alex was having memories of Peyton talking to him and Memories of them eating Ice Cream in a restaurant.

Doctor: Alex, I have a question. What is this Marker?


Doctor: Alex......What happened?

Alex: It spoke to me

Doctor: What did this Marker Tell you?

Alex was shaking as He saw someone next to the doctor.

Alex saw it was Peyton as she was looking at him. She had blood all over her face and She looked pale as a ghost.


Alex was scared and almost paranoid as Peyton was getting closer to Alex.


Peyton sat on the table as she was staring at a frightened and scared Alex as she was looking at him.

Peyton: Make Us Whole.

Doctor: Alex....WHAT DID THE MARKER SAY?!?!?

Peyton: MAKE US WHOLE!!!!

Alex passed out as The Doctors knew what to do and decided to escorted Alex back to his cell as They checked on his straight jacket before leaving him alone in his room.

July 10 2535

A Man name Keaton was at the hospital as He saw Alex strapped to a bed while Alex was still in a straight jacket.

Keaton: Holy Shit!!!!

Women: *On Radio* Keaton, Did you find a survivor?

Keaton: I did.

Keaton shut off his radio as He went to Alex and got the straps off him as Alex was awake and confused as he saw Keatons face.

Keaton: Holy Shit.......Your Alex Ambrose. The Marker Killer.

Alex: What?

Keaton: Look Buddy. I'm here to help you The Names Keaton. Look I'll get you off this straight jacket.

Alex: Straightjacket? Where am I?

Keaton: Look Ambrose. Things just got worse and I-

Keaton got stabbed in the chest as Alex watched in horror from what he saw on Keatons head.

The Infector stinged Keaton in the head before it flew away as Alex looked at Keaton.


Keaton started changing into a slasher as It tried to bite Alex but Alex pushed him off as He heard a voice message from a women.

Women: Keaton, Keaton. Shit....Hey whoever you are RUN!!!

Alex saw more Necromorphs chasing him as He couldn't believe it. Alex wished it was a dream but it wasnt a dream at all. Alex kept running as more and more Necromorphs started busting through the vents. Alex managed to get out but One Necromorph Pounced on Alex as it repeatedly tried to stab Alex until Alex kicked it off and The Slasher got smashed through the door as Alex got up with blood all over his body.

Alex: This cant be real.......

Alex couldn't believe it. There were Necromorphs swarming the hospital and He's once again relieving the nightmare of The Titan. Alex kept walking until some soldiers were shooting at Alex but The Necromorphs attacked them as Alex went to the other side and watched them slaughter the soldiers.

Alex was walking until A Nurse Grabbed Alex by the Neck as Alex was staring at her.

Nurse: They want our bodies!!!!

Alex: Hey....Calm down.....

Nurse: They want to rip our flesh apart and make them join us.

Alex: Please Let me go.......

The Nurse had a knife in her hand as she stabbed herself in the heart over and over again before she fell down and Alex heard a flatline from her RIG.

Alex needed to get off the straight jacket he was stuck in. Alex kept walking until A Doctor grabbed Alex as he had a knife on Alex's throat.

Doctor: Patient 562. Alex Ambrose. Survivor-

Alex: Listen to me-

Doctor: All Patients Must be Exterminated.

Alex: Listen to me. I can help you. Just get me off this straight jacket.

The Doctor smiled at Alex as He ripped the straight Jacket off him and Alex was free.

Doctor: There is no escape.

Alex: Look calm down.

Doctor: Theres a Med Kit for you. Take it.

Alex saw a Medical Kit as He injected it and He had a Full Health Bar. Alex turned around and saw the doctor.

Doctor: Alex, We're all gonna burn in hell for what we've done to you.

The Doctor sliced his throat as Alex watched in horror and The Doctor fell down and died.

Alex grabbed a flashlight as He had to get out of here fast. Alex kept walking until He saw The Doors opening by themselves as Alex was holding his head.

Alex was at the Operation Theater where he saw a man in the bed strapped to something.


Alex went to the control panel and realised what it was.

Alex: Is that a tissue cutter to make a Plasma Cutter?


Alex saw a slasher as he was trying to save the man but the slasher started slicing the man open as Alex grabbed the tissue cutter and was fixing it on the flashlight. The Slasher tried to run at Alex But Alex shot the slasher in the legs and arms before it died.

Alex managed to make a Plasma Cutter as He was relieved that he had something to protect himself. Alex managed to get a map of the mental hospital and found an exit as Alex navigated through the dark hallway and killed some Necromorphs that got in his way.

Alex made it to the Elevator as It was going down and Alex was waiting until The Elevator Started Malfunctioning and It was dark. Alex was looking around until.......

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Alex looked behind him and saw Peyton with her eyes glowing as she was singing. She got closer to Alex until she started speaking to him.

Peyton: MAKE US WHOLE!!!

The Lights came back on and The Elevator was moving as Alex was holding his head and The Elevator stopped as Alex got out and saw a station to put on a Military Suit as Alex got on a Station and wore a suit as he wore a helmet.

Alex was feeling better now that he had a suit on as He reloaded his Plasma Cutter and head to the main hall where it leads Alex outside of the hospital.

Unknown to him. Hell was approaching him.

A/N: Thank you for Reading and Stay cool :)

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