Act Two: Chapter VI: Nightmares

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July 11 2535

The Resistance made it back to the military base as They were gearing up to get back to District Two. Alex is still in there by himself and They dont know the danger that even awaits him. They also fear for Alex's mental state at thei Rate as They finished gearing up and put on their helmets.

Esmeray: Dont worry Rookie. We're coming back for you.

Issac: Everyone ready?

Michelle: We should be going now.

Just then Brian entered the room and looked agitated and confused.

Brian: Find Alex Fast. We need to destroy that Marker.

Ellie: Look We're-

Just then Gunfire was heard as Maria and Chris looked outside and saw a huge army of Necromorphs getting in the base as it was a fight.

Tobias: Theres too many of them.

Daniel: We need to get to District Two fast.

They saw soldiers getting slaughtered as The Team was fighting the horde of Necromorphs.

Just Then Three Brutes busted through the Door and started killing everyone as Two Tripods came in and sliced them apart. More Infectors came in and turned all the dead bodies into Necromorphs as The Team was staring in shock.

Chris: Okay. Time to go!!!

Michelle: No Shit!!!

They ran through the back entrance as They saw more and more Necromorphs swarming through the base as They started shooting through them as They saw Three more Brutes busting through the door.

Meanwhile Alex was inside the Marker Testing Lab by himself as he was at the testing room until........

Alex was holding his head as He heard more voices in his head along with symbols showing up. Alex needed to keep moving as he had to stop the Marker. Alex saw something on the table as he was examining it.

It was X-Rays of Humans with more body parts and sharper teeth. Alex realised what they were doing. They were experimenting on humans using the Necromorph Virus and making them much stronger. Alex knew how messed up it was but he needed to find that Marker first.

Alex was in a laboratory as He kept walking until The Door opened and something came out as It was staring at Alex.

Alex just stared at it as It ran at him but He quickly started shooting at the Divider as It used its tongue as It was around Alex's head. It tried to pull his head off but Alex used the ripper and cut the tongue off as The Divider was growling at him. Alex continued shooting at the monster as it fell down but suddenly its body parts started moving as Alex was shooting at it.

Meanwhile In The Military Base was a slaughter. More and More Soldiers were dying and reanimated as Necromorphs as The Team continued firing at them but There were too many of them as They needed to escape.

Maria kicked down the door as They tried to get to the space shuttle but Something grabbed Daniel as Daniel looked above him and saw what it was.

Daniel cut off the tongue of the Monster as they started firing at it but more of those things started showing up along with Lurkers.

Issac: We're gonna be over runned by those things.

Esmeray: I'll start the space shuttle. Cover me!!!

Maria and Chris were shooting at the Necromorphs charging towards them as something busted through the vents and The Team were shocked by it.

Michelle: Son of a- Dont let those things anywhere near a body.

The Dividers head started crawling to a body as Chris stomped on it. Tobias and Ellie were helping Esmeray as Daniel was fixing the engine.

Daniel: Its all ready.

Maria: Alright, Let's get the hell out of here.

They got in the space shuttle and started the engines as they flew away.

The Necromorphs sliced a human as they started devouring its entails before all of them were roaring in Triumphant and Victory.

Meanwhile Alex managed to kill the Divider as He managed to get out of the laboratory before he saw another X-Ray. The X-Ray showed a women with some parasites in her stomach as Alex was feeling creeped out and disgusted as he put the X-Ray down and continued walking through the Testing labs.

Alex saw a band of slashers devouring a corpse as a Infector infected the body and turned it to a Leaper. Alex started shooting at the group of Necromorphs as he managed to kill it until something charged at Alex as He quickly got up and saw what it was.

Alex: What the hell?

This Slasher was much different then the ones Alex along with the team normally sees. Alex started shooting at the Slasher as it was trying to run as It was running slow. Alex shot the Slasher's leg and stomach along with the arm as it was dead until something busted out of its stomach and Alex saw what it was.

The Swarm quickly latched on to Alex as He tried to get to smash it but There were too many as Alex continued throwing them before he grabbed the last swarm and stomped on it.

Alex continued walking until he found out about the Marker's location. It was located in the Containment unit as Alex quickly went through the dark room until.........

Peyton: You think Destroying the Marker will end your pain?


Peyton: I've told it many times already Alex. Death is inevitable and you cannot stop it.


Peyton: Even when you destroy the Marker. Your Nightmares will never let you go and You will end up like them.

Peyton disappeared as Alex was holding his head and looked around until A Leaper pounced on Alex as it was trying to bite off his head but Alex kicked it off as he started shooting at the Leapers head and Tail before it died. Alex tried to get up as he continued walking.

Meanwhile The Team were flying over District Seven which was now crawling with Necromorphs as Brian was talking to himself.

Maria: I don't trust Brian at all. He seems different from Alex. At least Alex is somewhat normal and trustworthy.

Chris: I get your doubts and I dont trust his steps in destroying the marker.

Ellie: Last Time Me and Issac trusted a guy who had steps like that. He tried to kill us.

Issac: I will never forget about it. It was like a dream that you'll just keep remembering over and over again.

Esmeray: Hey Guys. We're almost at District Two and I see the Marker testing Lab.

Tobias: Hopefully Alex is alright in there.

Daniel: With Everything that is happening to him. I definitely hope he's okay.

Michelle: If He survived the USG Titan with all insanity then I know he'll get through this.

They flew through the lab as They saw huge tentacles as they started firing at it.

Meanwhile Alex made it to the containment breach as he looked through the glass and saw what was there.

Alex: What the hell? I made that?

Alex was confused as it was glowing. He knew what it was doing. It was emitting strong signals so that any dead corpse will be reanimated into a Necromorph. Alex saw the city nuclear reactor as he had a plan.

Alex was walking until someone grabbed him as He had a knife on his hand and tried to stab Alex but he pushed him off.

Unknown: I wont let you destroy our work.

Alex: Markers are not a key to Salvation.

Unknown: The Age Of Man Is Dead and We need to be reborn as a new entity and a chance to be immortal to our god.

Alex: Who are you?

Unknown: I am Steven Reynolds. EarthGov Top Scientist and The Man that brought you and Brian to Neon City. Your mind contains a blueprint to making the Markers and we used you and Brian to create the Marker for us so we can harness its energy.

Steven was laughing as Alex was staring at him.

Steven: Your Probably wondering why you have those strange symbols and all. The Marker gives a blueprint to intelligent beings and used them to create more Markers.

Alex: What if some beings aren't intelligent?

Steven: Look around you Ambrose. They were reborn into a new being. Convergence is coming.

Steven had a plasma cutter as he was gonna shot Alex but Alex shot the reactor behind him as It started malfunctioning and making sounds.

Steven: You Idiot. Your gonna destroy Neon City because The Reactor was keeping it stable.

Alex: That's the Plan.

Steven was gonna kill Alex but he got killed by a Brute as The whole testing lab was starting to explode. Alex ran fast as He looked outside and saw more explosions happening around the city as He kept running until he saw a space shuttle.

Alex made it to the roof as Tobias and Chris grabbed Alex and pulled him inside the space shuttle as They flew away. They saw Neon City completely obliterated and destroyed. The Good News for them was that All The Necromorphs in that City along with The Marker is destroyed in the Explosion.

Two Hours later

The Space Shuttle was drifting in Space as It was getting closer to Lunar City where The Team said It was the city where they were living right now.

Issac: Lunar Control, This is Issac Clarke of Neon City. Do you hear me?

Silence was heard as They were all looking confused.

Alex: Lunar Military Command. This Is Alex Ambrose, EarthGov First Rank Solider. Can you hear me?

Maria: Why isn't anyone answering us?

Tobias: Lunar Traffic Control, This Is Special Marker Ops Specialist Tobias Matteson. Does anyone hear us?

Ellie: What the hell is going on?

The Space shuttle was getting closer to the city as They were trying the Radio again.

Esmeray: Lunar Control. Does anyone hear us?

Loud Growls along with people screaming were heard as They all stared at each other in shock. Just then a huge tentacle grabbed the shuttle as Michelle was trying to fly away from it but It threw them to the city as It Broke the shuttle in half and tossed it to the city.

They were now separated again. Alex was on the other side of the shuttle by himself and stuck on another sector of Lunar City while the rest of the team were far from Alex's location and now they must fight through the nightmare again.

End of Act II

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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