The DownFall

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January 2 2532

Earth is running low on resources and they don't have much time left. Over the last couple of years. The world is more advanced and different then how life was back then but one thing people don't know is what exists in the universe within them. Parents tell their kids bedtime stories mostly scary bedtime stories where monsters in their story don't exist but what they didn't know was that Monsters do exist in form of something no one has ever believed in.

During an Mining Operation. A Large Spaceship known as the USG Titan was mining in a rural planet called Aegis VII. Aegis VII was a different planet in the solar system and EarthGov thought about making a city in this planet because the atmosphere was the same as earth and organic life can be made there. The USG Titan was the biggest spaceship in the CEC for mining resources and providing homes for people in that ship. During the Expedition. Three people were in the planet looking around for resources as They noticed a large cave.

Mark: Hey what do you think is in there?

Justin: Who knows man? Be sure to check your RIG incase we get lost in that cave.

Andrew: On it.

They were soldiers taking part in the Expedition as They checked their RIG Before Heading inside it.

A RIG is now part of our lives since technology was advanced and new. The long bar was the health bar. The RIG also has a map and tracker for anyone registered.

The Soldiers got inside the cave as it was a really huge cave and it was extremely dark too. They opened their flashlights as they navigated through the darkness. They heard something behind them as They were confused. They kept looking around until three people came to them as they were scientists. The Scientists along with the soldiers went through the cave until they were outside as they were looking around until they saw something in front of them.

Justin: What is that?

Kelly: Oh my God. That's the Marker.

Andrew: Marker?

Priscilla: The Marker that Micheal Altman found Sixty five million years ago but the marker in front of us is the red marker.

Mark: I'm getting strong energy signals from this artifact.

Melina: We must bring this for Captain Marcus Crawley.

Priscilla: Alright I'll let them know.

The Marker was starting to exhibit a strong energy as they were taking its readings until They noticed a small station ahead of them as They wanted to approach it but the three soldiers stopped them.

Justin: Another time. I'm tired.

They were confused by the station but decided to investigate later. The Titan managed to extract the Marker into the ship as They drifted slowly from the planet.

Three Hours Later

Priscilla was at the morgue as She was fixing her hair and went to grab something at her table as she was fixing her hair. Being a member of the titan was a huge responsibility for her and other ship members. The Ship consist of three million workers as They were all helping in each other in stabilizing the ship. Priscilla found some pictures in the Expedition as She was looking at it but noticed something at the marker. It was a person as She looked worried by its appearance until she heard something and looked around and saw the syringes on the floor as she picked it up before she was having start visions.

She saw Visions of a moon with tentacles along with some monsters and writings. Priscilla was screaming until she hit her head on the wall over and over again until she grabbed a knife and stabbed herself.

Everyone one on the USG Titan were looking at the marker as some people were touching it and saying things. The Marker was doing something to the Captain as Doctor Timothy was looking at Marcus.

Timothy: Captain, Are you-

Marcus: I am Fine!!!! I need-

Ever since The Marker was brought into the ship for study. Some members of the crew were experiencing hallucinations and dementia even the Captain was behaving strangely.

Andrew was heading to the morgue as He didn't hear from Priscilla in the last one hour. Andrew went inside the morgue and saw Priscilla sitting oddly in the corner.

Andrew: Priscilla, What are you doing?

Priscilla was silent, She didn't even say anything. Light moans were heard from her as Andrew was getting closer until she got up and she was twitching even more.

Andrew:........ Priscilla?

Priscilla turned around and Andrew was scared at what she is.

Andrew screamed as Priscilla pounced on him and started slicing his body apart one piece at a time as She ripped his belly and ate his entrails as Priscilla roared.

Just then the rest of the bodies in the morgue started twitching until they turned into the same monsters Priscilla turned into. They all scattered around the morgue until they found a ventilation system and crawled in it. Andrew on the other hand started twitching before a roar was heard in the distance.

The Ship was on high alert as Everyone on the Flight Deck were panicking. Timothy saw the Ships personals RIG All Turning Red as around One Hundred thousand crew members were all dead.


Marcus: Look Emily honey. I'll be back-

Timothy was shocked at what Marcus was saying.

Timothy: Captain, Your Daughter is not here. She passed away three years ago.


Flight Crew Member: Sir, We lost more then One Million Crew Members in the last two hours.

They all saw footage of the monsters killing everyone around the ship. The Entire Medical Deck was covered in blood. The Food Storage Facility had no there expect a pack of monsters feasting on some bodies. The Entire ship was on red as an explosion happened in the engine room.



Timothy: Are you out of your mind Marcus? Everyone is dying and you want us to stay?

Marcus laughed to himself as the crew were all worried until Marcus grabbed his pistol and shot himself in the eye as His RIG changed from Blue to Red.


Timothy was about to send a distress beacon but the monsters got in the flight deck and slaughterd everyone as Timothy closed the door and watched in horror as everyone else was getting murdered.

Timothy: I need to get out of here fast.

Timothy ran to the escape pods but the monsters destroyed it all as He was stuck on the ship. He saw Justin along with Mark, Kelly and Melina fighting the monsters as They saw Timothy.

Mark: Theres a space shuttle not far from here.

Kelly: I want to get out-

A Large Tentacle grabbed Kelly as she was screaming before it dragged her to a hole. Mark, Timothy and Justin were the only ones left as They ran to the space shuttle but a group of slashers pounced on Justin and slaughterd him as They tried to help him but it was too late.

The Chaos was happening. Everyone on that ship was dead and no one was left standing. The Dead were walking around searching for new victims and trying to spread the virus and corruption further.

Mark and Timothy saw their last hope which was the space shuttle sabotaged and destroyed as they sat down and looked at each other.

Mark: Theres no way out. We're dead. How did this-

Timothy: The Marker did this. It must have emitted a energy strong enough to reanimate Dead tissue. It turned everyone in this ship into those things.

Mark: Shit, Why-

Timothy: Ignore that. We need to send a distress beacon now!!!!

Mark and Timothy managed to get back to the flight deck and was gonna send the distress beacon but Mark had a gun and Timothy looked at him.

Timothy: Mark, Put the gun down now!!!

Mark: its over. We're all dead and there is no hope

Mark shot the controls and everything before he shot himself as Timothy fell down in shock.

Timothy: No, I cant........I cant die like this.

Timothy for the last four days was finding a way to escape the ship now crawling with monsters known as The Necromorphs. He managed to survive for so long until he managed to send a distress beacon but was attacked but he managed to save himself but now he had to find a way to warn them. Soon A Small Space Shuttle called The Oberon was heading to the ship unknown to them. They were gonna revisit the horror again.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay cool :)

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