Act One: Chapter I: The Arrival

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January 6 2532

The Oberon which was a security team received a distress call from the USG Titan as They had their gear checked up and ready for deployment. They were a team of six people. Their team was lead by Zack Crawford.

Zack Crawford who is an elite solider in the past is known to be a respected leader and solider.

Natasha Jackson who is a computer scientist and a solider.

Alex Ambrose, A Nineteen year old rookie who was in the military two years ago.

Zack was commending the remaining three soldiers to stay focused as Alex was hearing an audio log from his girlfriend Peyton who went missing one year ago. No one has heard from her since last year. Alex fixed his gloves before putting on his helmet.

Zack: Alex, Are you good to go?

Alex just nodded as Zack looked at the computer with Natasha.

Natasha: Okay, Three minutes till landing. I need to check everyone's RIG at the moment.

Zack: Listen up everyone. We are heading to the titan to fix the ship and help the crew members that are in need. Any questions?

Peter: No Sir.

The Oberon landed inside the USG Titan as Zack commended The Three Soldiers Matthew, Peter and Jeff to get out as Alex went to pick up his gun but Peter took it from him. Apparently Peter has a habit on picking rookies. Zack warned him but he didn't care. Alex ignore Peter as Zack looked at him.

Zack: Hey Kid. Dont worry about him. I'll deal with him. You good to go?

Alex just nodded as Zack smiled at Alex and They both got off the Oberon. The Team were in the main lounge as They saw bags scattered around the place.

Natasha: Where did everyone go?

Peter: Probably Home?

Jeff: That's impossible. The Titan is like their home.

Matthew: What should we do?

Zack: We'll search for them. Alex get to that control panel and check the ships status.

Peter: Dont mess it up rookie.

Zack: I didn't gave you the permission to speak.

Alex just walked over the control panel and checked the ships status as They saw the entire ship on red.

Natasha: Holy Shit. Its unstable.

Matthew: But Where is Everyone?

The Room closed by himself as Alex was alone. The Lounge had gas going as Everyone was worried.

Natasha: Calm down. It's a decontamination process. We should be-.

They heard something busting through the vents as Everyone was looking around.

Peter: What is-

The Team turned around and saw what it was.


The Slasher killed Matthew as It sliced him open and killed him. More Slasher got in as Natasha got in a safe room.


Alex heard a vent busting open as he saw three slashes growling at him. Alex ran as he was getting chased. More Slashers were chasing him until Alex got to the elevator and pressed the button as the system had a malfunction. Alex was breathing until something happened.

Alex stepped back as The Slasher was gonna get inside but the elevator doors smashed the slasher killing it instantly. The Elevator went up as Alex was feeling scared and alone. The Elevator stopped and Alex was in a room with a dead body along with a gun on his desk.

Alex recognized the weapon. It was a plasma cutter. Alex grabbed the plasma energy for the gun as He opened the door until Peter was screaming.

Peter: HELP!!!!

The Slasher cut his head off as It growled at Alex but Alex shot the slashers legs and arms killing it instantly.

Zack:* On Radio* Alex......Are you alright?

Alex was controlling his breathing as Zack knew he was alright.

Zack: *On Radio* I was worried about you. Peter, Jeff and Matthew are dead and I thought we lost you.

Natasha: Zack What the hell was that?

Zack: I dont know but We need to get the hell out of here. Alex, Get the Oberon ready and wait for us.

Alex nodded as He got back to the lounge and saw the oberon. Alex tried to start the shuttle but something grabbed Alex by the neck as it threw him out of the shuttle. There was a huge explosion at the shuttle as The Oberon was gone. Alex was holding his head and saw something.

The Leaper was growling at Alex as It pounced on Alex and tried to bite his head but Alex kicked him off as he grabbed its tail and stomped on the monsters head as it was still standing. The Monster tried to look for Alex but He shot the Leapers tail as it was dead. Alex saw three slashers and Leapers as He started shooting at its limbs before all of them were dead.

Natasha: No no no-

Zack: Dammit, We're stuck here for a while.


Zack: We will get home but calm the hell down.

Alex just looked at Zack and Natasha as Zack looked at Alex.

Zack: I promise you. We will all get out of here. Alex, We might be stuck here for a while but we can do this.

Alex just nodded as Zack was impressed by how well he was handling the situation.

Zack: Alex, We need to repair the ships Power Core. Get to the repair deck and fix it.

Alex nodded as He was gonna leave but Natasha stopped him.

Natasha: You might need this Alex.

Natasha installed a device on Alex's left forearm as he was confused by the device.

Zack: Its a Stasis module. It helps you slow objects and enemies down only for a limited time.

Natasha: Fix that core Alex and get the hell out of here.

Alex nodded as Zack grabbed Alex's shoulder.

Zack: If you see any of those things. Go for the limbs and always stay on your toes.

Alex nodded again as he went to the repair deck to fix the power core. Alex saw a door that was moving fast as he used the stasis module to slow it down and get pass the door in ease. Alex kept walking until he saw a women as He went towards her.

The Women was laughing and playing with something as Alex looked at her in horror. She has no eyes and she was playing with a corpse head. She was giggling and laughing as Alex was a bit scared.

Women: Hey wanna play?

Alex stood back as The Women continued playing with the head. Alex ignored her as he went to the ships power core and it was offline. Natasha contacted Alex soon after.

Natasha: Alright Alex. You need to restored power to the core but you are on Zero gravity at the moment. You need to place those fuses together to get the core started. Once it's on, The ship will be stable.

Alex nodded as he was flying. Alex grabbed some of the fuses and fixed it. It took a while for the young rookie but he got it fixed as Alex started the core. The Core finally got powered up as Everything was back to normal. Alex left the room as he was walking back until...........

Alex was screaming as he tried to kick the tentacle but it kept dragging him as Alex saw a yellow spot on the tentacle and started shooting at it until the tentacle was cut off and Alex got up. Alex continued walking as He was feeling anxious and scared but he controlled his breathing. Zack contacted Alex as He was listening to him.

Zack: You alright kid?

Alex just nodded as Zack knew what was happening.

Zack: I know your scared kid and I understand why but we have to keep moving if we want to survive. I know we're gonna be stuck here for while but dont lose hope kid.

Alex nodded as Zack closed his radio and Alex continued walking until someone was contacting him.

The Message was a bit glitchy as Alex was able to get a few words. It was Peyton and she needed help. Natasha and Zack heard the transmission as They spoke to Alex.

Natasha: Is it Peyton Royce? Your Girlfriend?

Zack: She needs our help now. I'm trying to pinpoint the signal but no luck. Dont Worry Alex. We will find her.

Alex just nodded as those words kept replaying on his mind. Peyton needs his help and Alex needed to save her along with himself and the others.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay cool :)

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