Part Two

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Sunray sat down in the shade of the alley and took her container of water out of her pouch and took small sips of it while she thought. How would I find General Tiger? He would probably be protected and very good at fighting, if he's made it this far. She lifted her head to the darkening sky. Perhaps I could do it tonight, while they're all sleeping. I could easily take out their guard, then it's just getting into their tent.....Sunray bit her lip at the thought. No. She decided. I' ll have to do it during the day, morning maybe, when they're all groggy still, then...poison in his drink? Sunray sighed, that would have to do. She tucked away her water and lifted off.

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After a while of flying, Sunray sat down just outside of the Petalwing Kingdom, not wanting to enter until dark. She caught her breath and took a few more sips of water. She glanced at the sky, not liking how light it was. Perhaps I came a little early....she thought. She looked around for something quiet to do while she waited. She decided to hunt and moved silently through the forest, searching for prey. She couldn't find much and the animals she did find ran away from her into the cover of thick trees, so she ended up just eating a mango. She didn't mind, she had been taught about the fruits in the Petalwing kingdom and even tried a few, mango being one of them. As she ate the mango, she watched the sky darken to a dark orange, like the colors of her target's scales. She flicked her tail as she went over her plan, making sure it was perfect. She could hear the faint sounds of the village in front of her slowly calming down as night fell. It became dark in a few moments and there was barely any sound coming from the buildings in front of her so she started to creep silently through the forest towards the village. The weapons in her pouch occasionally clinked against each other and her tail flicked with slight annoyance about even the smallest sound they made. She had soon made it to the village, looking at it from the cover of trees. Where would Tiger be? She wondered as her eyes swept over the buildings. Probably somewhere hidden and well guarded, wouldn't want the General dying now would they?  She finished her plan soon and settled in a patch of ferns, watching as the sun died down to a light orange haze.

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