Smoothie Promises

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Oh! How much I wanted time to stop, the sand in the hourglass to pause its flow, and the moment between us to last forever. I think that's how you are supposed to feel when you start to enjoy someone's company but deep down, you know it's not to last long.

With you, I lived every second as a forever moment. And even though I knew it wasn't to last forever, there was something to take back home.

After savoring the bitter taste of your suggestion to confess my crush for Adrian, it was a huge relief when you decided to grab a bite at Smoothie Shack. The only thing that could restore the sweetness of my tastebuds was a Mixed Berry smoothie. It was the best hangout space for high schoolers like me, inexpensive and exquisite when it comes to taste. And to top it off, the place had private little booths to gossip or newsflash about the school. You had that infamous grin on your lips the entire time while we settled in one of the booths near the window.

"Aren't we feasting on too much sweet today?" You asked, placing my Mixed Berry smoothie on the table alongside your Toasted Marshmallow smoothie.

I had an urge to tell you how your indifferent attitude towards me was the most bitter taste I experienced in my seventeen years of life. Not that I had expected you to go all awol about me on our first date, but at least a little 'I want to know more about you' would have been satisfying. But instead, you were giving me ideas to get back with Adrian. There wasn't anything sweet about that.

"Hardly. I could feast on sugar all day long without crying over my dental cavities. My mom made sure of that with all those monthly health visits to our dentist," I flashed a smile that's suited for toothpaste commercials. There was no denying when your voice itself was enough to lighten up my mood. So, I pushed the daunting thoughts aside and pegged on the moment between us.

You smirked, taking a step closer to me. I looked up to meet your amber eyes sparkling. Before I could say something, you reached out, making me aware of that single piece of ink on your forearm once again. Through the rolled-up sleeves of your hoodie, I could see the veins lining your forearm as you tucked a single strand of hair that had escaped my ponytail.

Why were you so intoxicating in every way possible?

"I can see where all that sweetness is going." You whispered into my ear. It was just for a second, your warm breath had just touched the tips of my ear, and they were gone. But that was enough to send tingles all over my skin. The moment you stepped into my personal space, the scent of musk and wood invaded my senses. I wanted to take a deeper whiff, but you stepped away, taking your seat across me. A subtle blush appeared on my cheeks that I had to overcome by taking a big sip of my smoothie.

We sat in silence for few minutes, only taking occasional glances at one another. Maybe, we both knew the only way to end the night as two strangers was by avoiding any personal talks except the already known situation between us. But my skin itched to learn more about you. Did you go to the same school like me, or were you already in college? I wanted to know if I would see you again, even as a stranger or not.

"Don't think much, Violet. I know what's going on in your mind. But it is better this way. Maybe, if we met in some other circumstances, it would've made sense." Your voice was calm, and for the second that night, you said my name.

"Not everything has to make sense, you know. Sometimes the best moment comes unexpectantly and changes our lives forever." I commented, looking in your eyes, wishing you would sense the hidden hope in them.

You frowned, setting down your empty smoothie glass, and then it replaced that dimpled smile of yours. Raking your hand through the golden hair of yours, you bit on your bottom lip and then shook your head. I knew my words were loud and clear for you, but you were not ready to accept them. Maybe, my desperation to get myself a date was adding too much pressure on you. I didn't want to sound like a whiny kid.

"Forget it." I looked outside the window. The night had started reaching its peak, and within few minutes, I had to go back home to avoid getting grounded.

"That's the reason why I wanted us to be strangers because I didn't want you to do something you gonna regret later," you looked up.

"So, this is it then?" I fisted my hands on the side, trying to suppress any disappointment in my voice. Even though black clouds started settling above my head, I tried to be as calm as possible. Maybe, I deserved to be single.

"Violet, I- " You heaved a deep sigh and started again. "How about this - you confess to your crush, and if he is still so dumb to let you go, we meet right here again. Maybe, it sounds crazy, but then we will make sense. I don't want us to start as a rebound or emotional outburst. If not, then we will remain forever as strangers."

Your suggestion almost shook the ground under my legs. I looked at you in a dazed state, still processing your words. After thinking for a little too long, I settled myself to go for it. At least, we still had a chance.

"Okay," I agreed in a small voice.

"So now, can you give me your sugary smile? I didn't want this night to end on a serious note." You raised your brows in question, and I could sense how careful you were not to make me uncomfortable. You were the only person who had made me flustered with a mere compliment so, I smiled back.

To my relief, we had finally stepped out of that closed booth into the open expanse of the night. I sucked in as much air as needed to relax my hyperventilating lungs, making our way back. Your eyes were watching me intently as we walked past the streetlight just a few feet away from my house.

Once we reached our destination, the crossroad from where we were to go our separate ways, I finally looked into your amber eyes.

"Hope to see you soon, Augustus," I said with a tight-lipped smile. 'Just say, we will,' I prayed in my mind.

"Just know that I enjoyed our time together, Stranger." You said with a smile before the gap between us expanded with each of your steps away from me.

I watched you walk backward, away from my house, until you disappeared into the night. 

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