Ice-Cream Confessions

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There was an odd excitement coursing through my veins as we walked on the sidewalk beside each other. The momentary unconscious brushes of our shoulders made me flustered from time to time. I wonder now, did you feel the same way as me, or it was just me. You shoved your hands in your jeans pockets and gave me a boyish grin as you realized my dazed state. It was no secret that I knew nothing about going on with a date.

"So you went all crazy because your crush made fun of you being single?" You raised a brow and asked. I kept looking at the movements of your lips, but the moment you snapped your fingers in front of my face, I looked away and cleared my throat.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Just when I thought you're smart, you proved me wrong yet again." You let out throaty laughter, throwing your head back. It sounded like music to my ears, but the thought of you taking me as a stupid girl burned my throat.

"I know I'm stupid. You don't have to rub it on my face." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. "If you're so smart, then tell me why you're still walking beside a silly girl like me."

There was complete silence from your side for a few seconds. Was my question that difficult to answer? Maybe, I knew the answer to it all along. What stupid gentleman would let a girl walk alone at night, right?

"Ice-cream?" you turned towards me and asked me with your amber eyes sparkling a bright shade of orange.

What were you even saying? I looked at you, frowning in confusion. "What?"

A manly chuckle escaped your mouth before you placed your hands lightly on my shoulders and turned me towards the ice cream parlor across the street. "Let's get some ice cream and wrap this night on a sugary note, stranger."

I was still trying to overcome the impact of your hold on my shoulders when your words pulled me back to reality. Stranger, that's what you were to me, and that's what I was to you. By the end of the night, we would go our separate ways. We indeed had different worlds to return to, but somehow I wished it to merge into one someday. 'Nah! You're delusional yet again,' my subconscious smacked the back of my head.

You settled for Belgium chocolate while I went for the Blueberry ice cream. I kept taking occasion glances your way as you savored it with that content smile on your lips.

"I have a super crazy idea for your situation, and after accessing all the info you shared so far, it seems to be the best option." You said, scooping a mouthful of your ice cream and gulping it down. All the while, my eyes zoomed on the chocolate traces at the corner of your lips. My fingers itched to wipe them away, but I quickly pushed that thought away.

"Huh!" I gave you a quizzical look, not concentrating even a bit on anything but your charms. You did turn me into a whipped girl even without trying.

"You should tell your crush about your feelings. Confess and tell your crush the reason for you being single." You suggested with a smile.

My eyes widened, and I choked on my ice cream. I almost forgot about my crush on Adrian. After meeting you, I didn't even know what that word even meant. I mean, no doubt I had chased Adrian since I hit puberty, and I had known you for an hour, yet you made my heart flutter in ways he never did. But, you and I were still two strangers destined to walk on the opposite sides of the same road. Suddenly, my heart tightened.

"I don't know. Emma says girls should not make the first move." I mumbled, looking away. I was obviously, trying to reason out my conflicting thoughts.

"Bulls!" You cursed with a wide grin. I could sense the amusement in them. "Well, this Emma girl is wrong. Guys love it when a girl makes the first move. It's one of the biggest secrets you should know about us."

For some reason, the sweetness of the ice cream was no more reaching my taste buds. Everything turned sour, with the thought that you might be right about the big secret of a guy's fantasy, but you were wrong about me wanting to confess my crush on Adrian. I wasn't sure anymore.

And it was all because of you, Augustus.

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