The Beginning

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What does being someone's forever really implies? Does it mean sharing a lifetime or having an emotional attachment till the end, or just an idea of holding on to the feelings that are beyond time and space?

When we first met, you were just a stranger to me. So, I knew it wasn't wise to be anywhere isolated. That's why I chose the Book Beans coffee house two blocks from my house. I sat at the far end of the café, taking occasional peeks from 'All the Bright Places' - the book I was reading. My hands were sweaty, and my lips were dry even though I had applied the peach lip tint like five times within ten minutes. You were not late. I came early to settle my fidgety mind and calm my nerves a little before sailing on my first date.

The idea of meeting a total stranger and calling it a date was bizarre. And getting dressed up for it was even crazier. My friends were excited though especially, Adrian. He even decided to show up at my house while I was getting ready for the date. Maybe he wanted to confirm I was, at last, going out on a date.

"So, who is this guy again?" Adrian asked, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. His eyes scanned my side as I tied my brown curls up in a ponytail.

"It's a blind date, Adri. I guess you have to wait till the end of the date to know who he is." I grinned at him before running the lint roller on my off-shoulder purple dress, befitting the occasion. It was a dress my mom gifted me on my sixteenth birthday, complaining that I had bagged enough blacks and whites for a lifetime of color blindness.

He crossed his arm across his chest and scoffed lightly. "What if he turns out to be a pedophile? Ever thought of that possibility?"

My hands stopped mid-way, and I shot him a warning glare. That's when I looked at his face, which was as gloomy as the midnight hue. Adrian never brooded. That wasn't one of his traits. He always had that cheerful aura around him, and his lips never looped downwards.

"What's with the big face? Did Lisa stand you up or something?" I narrowed my eyes towards him.

He ran a hand through his blond hair and exhaled sharply before giving me a tight-lipped smile. "Whatever it is, it can wait till you return from your obnoxious date."

"Excuse me," he had the nerve to comment on my date when he was the one who made fun of me not dating anyone. I gritted my teeth and crossed my arms while Adrian relaxed from whatever tension was surrounding him. "The only obnoxious one here is you. Didn't you always make fun of my singlehood? So, what if I'm trying something exciting. I'm not like you, who's left with not a single girl in school who hasn't been with you at least once. It's boring if you ask me."

I could see the twitch of his jaw as he sat on my bed and shot me a fiery gaze.

"He is not a pedophile because he sounded quite young to me," I said, turning my attention back to the mirror. I gave him a glance in the mirror before applying a peach tint on my lips. I didn't put any makeup on since my white tone looked overly made up with even a light shade, and I decided to avoid it altogether. "And don't tell mom about this blind date when we head downstairs," I warned him.

I noticed how the corner of his lips mouth twitched in amusement as he stood from my bed and walked towards me. "I can't promise you that. After all, Sarah trusted me with your responsibilities. I do have to warn her about you going out with strangers. Besides, if you go down dressed up like that, do you think she won't notice you are heading for a date?"

My date was at 6, and I had only a few minutes to spare on Adrian's unreasonable behavior.

"And that's what you are here for, remember. Tell mom you are taking me out. You should convince her that I'm in safe hands." I rolled my eyes and tapped on his chest.

I had decided to reach the café ten minutes early, just so I still had the time to run away from it, should I freak out.

"Things you do for your friends," Adrian said and cocked an amused brow. "You look beautiful, by the way. If you weren't on for today, I would have taken you for a date myself."

My eyes widened by his choice of words. He didn't know what impact his words had on my heart. For him, it might be a joke, but for me, it had been my wish since the day I met him. I quickly averted my gaze from him and put on my flats (yes, I couldn't bear walking in heels).

"It's too late for that, Adri. Now, I'm all set for a date, and your chance is gone." I commented with a sly smirk smoothing my ponytail.

He didn't say anything else except the brooding cold glare as I picked up my purse and headed out of the room. My mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen when we came downstairs. Her eyes followed our arrival, and a frown appeared on her face as she scanned my outfit.

"I see my dress has finally found its place on your body. I thought you were keeping it for Daisy's sixteenth birthday." Mom wiggled her eyebrows, leaning against the counter.

"Mom, please. You know I don't wear dresses and that too, fancy ones." I glared at my mom which she responded with a grin and shook her head.

"So, where are you going dressed up like a princess," she moved her eyes from me to Adrian, who was standing beside me. He looked a little lost, thinking deeply about something.

"Adri, tell her you are taking me out," I turned my head to his side and whispered. The distance between the stairs and the kitchen gave me the leverage to alert Adrian without getting exposed. I looked back at my mom and gave a nervous smile.

Adrian smirked at me and purposely took extra seconds before responding. "I'm taking her out for dinner. Is that alright, Sarah?"

"Sure, but be home before your Dad returns," she said and returned to chopping. My mom had always been fond of Adrian and knew about my everlasting crush on the guy. A satisfied smile ghosted on her lips the moment Adrian mentioned about me going out with him. If she knew that I was going on a date with a stranger, I would have never met you. But once our fate's written, you can't reverse it- so I've heard.

"Just don't get kidnapped," Adrian said with a sincere look as we stepped out of my house. "I hope you still have my number on speed dial."

I nodded with thumps up and gave him a grin. His eyes raked through my body one last time as he added, "You are all set for your first date. All the best."

The way he showed his approval for my date burnt my throat. My stomach twisted, and I quickly walked away. The café was within walking distance, so I didn't bother to hail a cab. It also helped in subsiding the heaviness of my heart a little.

So when I reached Book Beans, my mind worked on grasping the sudden change of my choices. Although it was impulsive to date a stranger, I was ready to get over Adrian after four years of hopeless chasing. But the moment I realized the seriousness of my actions, it was already too late, and I was sitting in the café all dolled up for you. And my only wish was that you were not some perverted guy who jumped on an opportunity to date a random girl. God! It was wrong on so many different levels.

I could help the way my hands trembled when I finally decided to turn the next page of the book I was reading. Since we had made it a literal blind date, we decided to conceal our names from each other till we met. It was your idea, and I being an adventure enthusiast, agreed to your terms. 'All the Bright Places' was our identification- whoever came to the cafe first had to take a copy of the book and hold it in their hand in such a way that the other person could see it. Reading the book was optional, in case the other party stood you up. I was still in high school I was allowed to be unreasonable or childish.

And then the moment finally came as the bell on the door jingled making me look up from the said book. It had happened a few times before when random people entered through that door. But it was different when you walked in, making me almost seize breathing. My hold on the book tightened, and if I knew any better, I should have looked away, but I didn't. My eyes stuck at your slender frame, not too built but proportionally. You wore a loose black hoodie with rolled-up sleeves, which hid your lean torso underneath. The armband tattoo sat perfectly on the tan skin of your forearm, adding that extra charm. Your short golden hair hiding your forehead made me eager to take a closer look at your face.

I didn't realize I was staring shamelessly at you until your amber eyes locked with my brown ones. The corners of your mouth lifted upwards into the most mesmerizing smile I had ever witnessed. I remained locked in my position the whole time as you strode towards my seat and stood in front of me.

"If I may?" You asked in a deep velvety voice, the one which sounded more pleasurable to hear from that close. You pushed back some of your golden locks and gestured to the seat across me.

"Um...yeah!" I could only spell out those two words while still gawking at you. A frown soon appeared on my face as you sat opposite me and raised a brow questioningly.

"You are here for the blind date, right?" You asked hesitantly.

For a moment, I wasn't sure if that's what I came for or anything else for that matter. I gulped down an invisible lump and nodded, shifting on my seat. I heaved a deep sigh and pulled myself together before returning a half-smile.

"Hi, I'm Violet." I extended my cold palm and hoped that it didn't tremble.

You gave me your sparkly smile once again before engulfing my small hand into your big palm and shaking it lightly. Your touch was surprisingly warm, which sent a shiver down my spine.

"Nice to meet you, Violet. I'm Augustus." You said with a smile.

I knew right then, dear Augustus, that I would remember you till the end of my sanity.

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