03 | Don't Play With Fire

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I haven't seen Adrian since our confrontation at the cafeteria the day before. It's good because it helps in subsiding the train of memories boiling in my head. I'm still processing the warnings he gave regarding Liam. Not that I haven't heard rumors, but I'm not putting any thought into his advances. That's the reason I've been ignoring his messages.

Unknown: Looking forward to meeting you at the party tonight.

That's the tenth message I've left unanswered, and I haven't even saved the guy's number. I'm in no way looking forward to meeting him at the party. The only thing that keeps coming into my mind whenever I think about the party is Adrian's scowly face.

I don't know why he keeps doing this to me. Every time I decide to find someone decent enough to make me forget about how single I am, he scoops that opportunity out of my plate by either scaring the shit out of the guy or by offering the guy a better alternative.

I blame my unavailable heart to you, Augustus, but my non-existent chances of casual hookups are all blamed upon Adrian. I set my calculus notes aside and add Liam's number to my contacts list. Maybe after tonight, I might find something in the guy to keep him around.

"Is that Liam Parker from the soccer team?" Olivia snatches my phone and looks at the unattended messages, throwing herself on the couch beside me. "Bitch, I've had a crush on this dude since our freshman year."

Oliva Hart, with black hair and round doe eyes, has a crush on everyone every year. But when it comes to her heart, none can own it except, of course, me. We've been together since the day of our orientation and never left each other ever since. We're like sisters from different mothers, each other's therapists when we need one. When we moved out of the dorm into an apartment, she was the one who insisted on not having another girl in between us. Then when you have her as your soul sister, you need no one. After all, who would bear my messiness, my zero cooking skills, and my unholy sleep cycles? It's only Olivia for me, quite literally.

I raise my eyebrow in question and a grin appears on my lips. "Last time I checked, you had a crush on Noah."

Olivia rolls her eyes, tossing my phone on my lap. "I have a crush on Noah now, but I have a crush on Liam since we watched him play soccer for the first time. But he never once took my flirting seriously, and he's giving you his full attention, yet you decide to ignore him."

"Can you blame me? The guy's a predator, and I'm his next prey. Makes up a good reason to ignore him." I rest both my legs on the edge of the couch and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Says who? Adrian?" She has a suggestive smile on her lips, and I close my eyes, nodding. "You know, he's just a jealous prick."

My mind goes back to the moment between us in the cafeteria. Adrian's fiery green eyes, burning me from inside as Liam typed in his number on my phone. His warm breath glided like molten lava on my skin as he warned me to be away from Liam. I once again clear my thoughts before they can make my skin tingly.

"Why would he be jealous?" I clear my throat and wiggle my head down to her lap. "He's an obnoxious prick."

Olivia laughs. "Seriously, Vio. You know that's bullshit. He is a jealous obnoxious prick, period."

"He's not jealous," I shake my head, looking up at her gray eyes. "There's no reason for him to be jealous over me getting asked by Liam."

"Because he doesn't want you to date anyone else. Isn't that obvious?"

"You're delusional. Nothing is obvious except the fact that I don't date. You know I don't." I groan, rubbing my face with my hands. "Are you coming to the party with me?"

"Is Adrian going to be there?" She has a devilish grin on her face, and I know it calls for trouble.

I roll my eyes. "What, you have a crush on Adrian now?"

"Maybe," she shrugs. "Someone has to tap that hot piece of abs."

I remain silent, trying to shake off the burning sensation her words created in my throat. I know that girls from all years fangirl over Adrian's ocean green eyes, his messy brown hair complementing his sharp cheekbones and the deep timbre of his voice.

"Please don't fuck my best friend, Liv, or we're no more cuddling together." I give her a warning look and get off her lap.

"Can I at least have first base?" Olivia makes fake pleading eyes, fluttering her eyelashes playfully. That earns her a cushion on the face, and we end up into a fit of laughter. But my mind doesn't stop picturing Olivia kissing Adrian, and it sets every corner of my soul on fire.


In the afternoon, Olivia decides to take the initiative for the grocery shopping and convinces me to follow her to the supermarket. At first, I wanted to refuse her straight up and finish working on my presentation for the coming week. But when I think about how I had been lying on the couch for hours. I decided I might as well go for a walk, or else I won't be able to get creative.

As soon as we arrive at the supermarket, Olivia starts stocking our baskets with a pile of snacks and beverages. Since it's a warm day outside, I'm wearing a light spaghetti top and skirt, and that explains the goosebumps on my arms as I collect the packs of yogurts from the freezer aisle. I read the back of a frozen green peas packet when my eyes capture someone familiar.

Freshly showered dark brown hair, a well-known fragrance of aftershave and body wash, makes me squeeze the package of green peas I'm holding.

I remain stunned for a few seconds as Adrian comes around the corner. I did not expect to meet him here. He's wearing gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt that hugs his broad shoulders perfectly. Our eyes finally meet, and I can see the same surprise on his face as he reaches out for the pack of crisps on the opposite aisle.

I step away from the freezer, running fingers through my wild hair.

He watches me as he fills up his shopping basket, his eyes unexpectedly unshielded like a blizzard as they take in every dip and curve of my body, lingering a little longer on my exposed collarbones.

His green eyes work as fireworks on my insides, and I take a heaving breath to push the heaviness in my chest away.

"Adrian," I say, stuffing my basket with some random snacks.

The look on his face is priceless as he blinks and clears his throat. He appears confused about his shockingly wild way of checking me out.

"Hey, you," Adrian manages to mumble, looking at me with a slight surprise. "What a coincidence."

What a coincidence indeed. I'm not sure how to conceal my reluctance to look or speak.

"Can't believe they ran out of raisin cookies!" Olivia jumps to my side just in time to save my day. Her expression changes from grumpy to one of excitement as she sees Adrian. She puts her lips next to my ear and says, "Why does he look so hot all the time?"

I choke on my saliva with the sudden sultry husk in her voice, and I jab an elbow in her stomach to shut her up. To my relief, Adrian doesn't look up and hopefully doesn't hear Liv's naked confession of his sexiness. He's moving on to the next aisle, giving me the chance to pull Olivia to the side. I close my eyes, look at her in disbelief.

"Can you at least lower your voice while making such comments?" I shake my head.

"What's wrong with harmless flirting? Adrian is our friend. He won't mind." She says, leering at his backside shamelessly. "I want to see his angry face, like right now."

"Wha-" before I can figure out what's going on in her rogue mind, she rushes over another aisle.

I curse under my breath and make my way to the self-service checkout, carrying both the baskets. Of course, Liv left her basket with me. When I reach the rows of checkout machines, Adrian appears on the one beside me. My breath hitches when his unpredictable eyes move in my direction as we wait for our turns in the line.

He looks away as Liv returns to my side. I give her a skeptical look as she winks at me and drops a black package on my basket. My eyes widen when I look down at the pack of condoms in my basket.

"What - What the fuck, Liv?" I gape at her.

"Please let me have my fun, Vio." She whispers as I quickly secure the pack before my turn comes, shoving it back on her palm.

"I don't need it." I start unloading my basket of various snack packets with some groceries on the side.

She clicks her tongue and whispers in a low voice. "Don't you want to exact Adrian's controlling ass? Give him some taste of his cockiness. It will be fun."

I follow her gaze and instantly realize what childish pranks are brewing in her head. For a moment, I think of refusing to partake in her mischief, then the idea of exacting Adrian's controlling ass seems like fun.

Maybe, I'll regret it later, but I don't think twice as I take the black package from Liv's hand and scan it on the machine, making sure that Adrian's eyes follow as I place it in the bagging area.

Adrian looks at the black package then his fiery green eyes are on my face. A thunderous scowl appears on his face, and his jaw turns rigid.

As I continue scanning the rest of the groceries in my basket, he never once shifts his eyes from me. His red ears and tight shoulders are evidence enough of his anger.

I leave Liv on the checkout and storm out of the shop, trying to avoid his burning gaze. Once I reach my car at the parking, only then do I relax. The idea of pissing Adrian off looked easy in my head. But it's way too intense to put it into practice. As I drop the groceries in the backseat and close the door, two strong arms come on both sides of my head.

I swallow a gasp as my back crashes against the car and the smell of Adrian's aftershave invades my senses. He breathes heavily, his face just an inch away from mine, and my eyes take in the tempting view of his strong neck.

"Why do you need these?" He asks, exasperated, reaching through into my shopping bag and pulling out the black package.

"Why do people need condoms, Adri?" I scoff at him, trying hard not to cower away.

His hands turn red with the pressure as he leans some more, clouding me, and for some weird reason, I like our closeness.

"I don't give a fuck about people. Why do you need these?" He asks coldly.

I fist my hands on my sides as his warm breath tickles my skin and spreads pleasurable tingles all over my body. It can't be happening. I shouldn't feel like this near him.

"I might need it now that I'm planning to date Liam." I glare at him, trying to push him away, but he catches my arm and places it on the side of my head.

"If he touches so much as a hair of you, I will-," Adrian grits, his voice a little growly.

"You will what, Adri?"

"You'll see." He releases my hand and backs away as fast as he crowded me. At some point, one of the straps of my spaghetti top fell off my shoulder, but I only notice it when he secures it back. Goosebumps appear on my skin due to the soft caresses of his fingertips.

As I stay plastered to the door of my car, he takes a few backward steps flashing me a scowly grin.

"Thanks for this, by the way," he holds up the black package and looks at it with a smirk. "Since you spent so generously on it, someone should use it. After all, it would be a waste if we don't."

I look at him in utter disbelief and feel like punching his face, but he doesn't give me a chance and walks away.

"You're an asshole, Adri!" I shout at his disappearing figure and kick the tire of my car, wincing afterward.


Author's Note: Finally, an update! This chapter is all about Adrian and Violet. I hope you're not disappointed.

Also, what are your thoughts about Olivia? Do you like her character?

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